Zone1 Why is there fear of Black people?

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Are you even aware that there are middle class Black people as well as affluent and very affluent Black people living in beautiful communities?
In my opinion and from my own experience in life there are more middle class and affluent blacks than Ghetto dwellers. That's why I don't judge people by the color of their skins. I learned as a young kid that there are good and bad in all races. That's the amusing thing about IM2 always calling me a racist, in my neighborhood racists didn't survive to grow up, they killed each other off.
Good luck.
While Cobras are deadly, they aren't all that dangerous. They can't strike very far, they more fall forward than launch a strike like a rattlesnake or Water Moccasin. None-the -less, as a city boy, I go by the attitude of one of my basic Training DIs: "there are four kinds of snake I don't like, little ones, big ones, live ones and dead ones. If it slithers on the ground, I give it a wide berth.
Well, you two are guys, and it sounds like you present yourselves as formidable opponents. When you’re a petite woman, it’s harder to do. That’s what a gun is for.

Even at 180 pounds, I'm not going to stand there and be a punching bag for some idiot. The real world isn't like old reruns of Bonanza, where everyone punches the crap out of each other then makes up and becomes friends afterward. In the real world, you can be seriously injured or killed by a single blow to the head
While Cobras are deadly, they aren't all that dangerous. They can't strike very far, they more fall forward than launch a strike like a rattlesnake or Water Moccasin. None-the -less, as a city boy, I go by the attitude of one of my basic Training DIs: "there are four kinds of snake I don't like, little ones, big ones, live ones and dead ones. If it slithers on the ground, I give it a wide berth.

Fuck snakes. Having lived most of my life in the South, I hate the little bastards.

We don't have moccasins, copperheads, coral snakes, up here in Wisconsin, but there have been rattlers found around here before.
Fuck snakes. Having lived most of my life in the South, I hate the little bastards.

We don't have moccasins, copperheads, coral snakes, up here in Wisconsin, but there have been rattlers found around here before.
Oddly enough from what I learned in the Army, Coral Snakes, while deadly, aren't that dangerous to an adult human. Their mouths are too small to get enough of a bite anywhere except the webbing of fingers or toes to inject venom.

I believe Rattlers are in all parts of North America.
Coyote ... I'm not saying this to be a smart aleck, but I believe a word was accidently deleted from this comment...and while I can extrapolate your meaning, I'd rather a clarification.

Yes, it should have been: A comment was made that gangs today are worse than the gangs of yesterday. They aren’t.

My ipad has a tendency to skip over words and autocorrect incorrectly :)
Well, you two are guys, and it sounds like you present yourselves as formidable opponents. When you’re a petite woman, it’s harder to do. That’s what a gun is for.
Or a good dog. My dog has gotten me out of several potentially bad situations.
Did we constantly have roving gangs just attacking innocent people for the fun of it? Don’t think so.
Yes, by and large we did. There have always been people for whom gratuitous violence is a way of life. Most gangs have a purpose for what they do: teach a lesson, prove you are tough enough, shooting into a crowd to get one target, get rid of competition or snitches etc.
Yes, it should have been: A comment was made that gangs today are worse than the gangs of yesterday. They aren’t.

My ipad has a tendency to skip over words and autocorrect incorrectly :)
I've got that problem too.

I use swipe to type and it's always saying it's own thing.
I have learned that people like you are merely cowards looking for an excuse. I have more than a few students in my classes who would make the likes of you hike up your skirts and run away at a glance but are in fact thoughtful, intelligent, kind individuals.

(PM for a personal anecdote since I've called you a coward several times now and owe you that much).

More lies.

No cobras, so don't need any. Why are you dodging around the point?

Because he ALWAYS does. He will deflect, didge, tap-dance, insult, flame, filibuster, and spam threads. But he'll never actually answer a question.

We know the White Supremacists in our community, and the police take no lip or bad behavior from them.

Couple of bumps on the forehead and some bruised knuckles are very unexpensive therapy for these brutes.

That does not mean knuckle head blacks or Injuns get a free pass.

You're so full of shit it is bubbling out your ears.
And, according to figures YOU have posted, the sub-set of blacks commit a far higher percentage of crimes than the sub-set of whites, even when Latinos are factored into the white sub-set. The more you try to play with the numbers, the worse things look.

I keep saying it, todays FBI numbers tables are messed up by race (mixed, other, decline to state, unknown or gender indeterminate) hold many offenders.

This is where they bury actual Black & Brown numbers. It started in earnest under the purple-lipped jug-eared muslim. Now its common FBI practice.

Forget finding the truth. Google burys it too. Deep State won’t tell you any truth.

#neverforget. 1/2 Black suburb mixed Obama is Black enough when he needs to be, but not if he commits a felony assault he has no placeholder.
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Because EVERYONE in the country who is not a part of the gang is at risk of harm or murder, not just this white couple nor presumably only because they are white.
But not everyone is at the same level of risk. Just like tornadoes and many other things.
Well you just proved my previous comment. I'm asking you because you are citing FBI arrest "counts" not "statistics" yet you can't explain what these numbers represent and I'm telling you they don't mean what you all keep insisting they mean.

You stated that 12.1 percent of the population is responsible for more than 50% of the violent crime or something like that, I don't have your previous comment up on my screen, but nonetheless you are using these incorrect figures to bash and denigrate Black people.

This is a part of the systemic racism we face, being wrongly tagged as criminals, as a group, based on bogus numbers.

And for the record Black people do NOT commit MORE crime than anyone else. White privilege shields whites from many of the pains and disadvantages that Black people in society have been saddled with including all of the negative stereotypes that we accompany that baggage:
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You post a homemade chart on "white supremacy" and you think you're qualified to tell anyone what FBI numbers mean? Oh, that's rich. :laughing0301:
You don't find it disturbing that all any of you can do is cite numbers but you can't explain anything about them?

What numbers are you using and what do those numbers actually represent because I can guarantee you, Black people, as a group, a race, do not commit more crime than white people.
They certainly do commit much more violent crime, as a group. How are you helping black people by denying the obvious? About 12% of the population commits more than 50% of violent crime.

This can be traced, in large part, to single motherhood - which is associated with higher levels of poverty, which in turn in correlated to higher rates of crime.

Plus, that 72% out of wedlock rate is actually deceiving. If you factor out the middle- and upper-middle class blacks who graduated from college and are now successful professionals, the out of wedlock rate in the poor, inner-city rate probably is closer to 90%. With numbers like that, it’s practically a recipe for failure.
I am sure you can back that up with numbers. Especially the toothless thing. :laugh2:
Also, the blacktivists on this forum, and their leftist enablers, always bring up the poor whites in Appalachia. The difference is that poor whites aren’t blaming “racism” for their struggles, the way the blacktivists are.

The easy path out of poverty and a life of crime is:

1) Finish high school without having a baby
2) Then, at the minimum, take Pell Grants to acquire vocational or career training, STILL without a baby

That’s it. It doesn‘t mean you’ll live a life of leisure, but you will not be living in government-subsidized, drug-infested projects and never move beyond it.
Also, the blacktivists on this forum, and their leftist enablers, always bring up the poor whites in Appalachia. The difference is that poor whites aren’t blaming “racism” for their struggles, the way the blacktivists are.

The easy path out of poverty and a life of crime is:

1) Finish high school without having a baby
2) Then, at the minimum, take Pell Grants to acquire vocational or career training, STILL without a baby

That’s it. It doesn‘t mean you’ll live a life of leisure, but you will not be living in government-subsidized, drug-infested projects and never move beyond it.
That is interesting. So all these blacktivists on this forum are citing Appalachia? I find it funny that there are even a few black activists on this board, let alone them citing Appalachia. Hmmm
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