Zone1 Why is there fear of Black people?

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They apparently know nothing about a concept called subsets. Like the subset of people who are crminal offenders.
And, according to figures YOU have posted, the sub-set of blacks commit a far higher percentage of crimes than the sub-set of whites, even when Latinos are factored into the white sub-set. The more you try to play with the numbers, the worse things look.
We know the White Supremacists in our community, and the police take no lip or bad behavior from them.

Couple of bumps on the forehead and some bruised knuckles are very unexpensive therapy for these brutes.

That does not mean knuckle head blacks or Injuns get a free pass.
What are you saying? They copied it from others? That doesn't make it any better because whether they came up with the original idea or not they established the United States of America on white supremacists beliefs and then created laws, policies, treatises, court cases, etc. which supported and upheld these white supremacists laws. Have you never heard of the Black Codes or of Jim Crow?

This is akin to telling a woman that she should be grateful to her husband and thank him for his decision to stop beating her.

Was that really what you were trying to do?
Whites created the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Ireland, Scotland, France, Italy, Portugal and many other countries. Of course the laws were set up to benefit whites. Blacks created Somalia, Kenya, Mozambique, and many other countries, so of course, the laws there benefit blacks. South Africa and Zimbabwe have converted to black rule so now, of course, the laws benefit blacks. Law always benefits the major racial or religious group in a country.
What are you saying? They copied it from others? That doesn't make it any better because whether they came up with the original idea or not they established the United States of America on white supremacists beliefs and then created laws, policies, treatises, court cases, etc. which supported and upheld these white supremacists laws. Have you never heard of the Black Codes or of Jim Crow?

This is akin to telling a woman that she should be grateful to her husband and thank him for his decision to stop beating her.

Was that really what you were trying to do?
No, a more accurate idea would be for the woman to be grateful to the neighbor who forced her husband to stop beating her.
coyote calls this post fake news, yet she has not said blacks are in fact, as a group, more dangerous than any other group in America.
And when I reported on that terrifying incident where the five black youths were closing in on me, she got angry because she said I was feeding the “sterotype” that blacks are more violent than whites.

I asked her why she wasn’t angry at the black youths for assaulting a white woman, and thus feeding the “sterotype”? She‘s more angry at the white who tells of it than the blacks who commited it!
Who wouldn't stop and help three pregnant people?
A lot of people. The days when social responsibility was common are long gone. Most people don't want to get involved, or in this case assumed she had roadside assistance and had already called for help. I always stop for people in trouble, at least to be sure they have called for assistance, and I always offer to stay with a woman until help arrives. Some accept, some decline, a few get hostile for some reason. Of course I'm six foot two and used to be built like a linebacker so there might be some unintended intimidation there.
Now you are just trolling. This couple was killed unfortunately, by criminal gang members who successfully staged a coup and ran the president of the country out.

It's very disingenuous of you to try to use this to make a case against Black people.
Haiti hasn't had a functional government as long as I can remember. It's always been either a tyranny or anarchy as it is today. That couple may have had kind hearts, but they were terminally stupid.
The USA will need establishment blacks, Jews, Latinos, etc., to show we are evolving, but white supremacists need not apply. You are not served here anymore.
There are very few white supremacists, and they are on the fringe. I am more concerned that we have Arab antisemites who have bought such influence at the college level that their presidents are afraid to condemn calls to genocide the Jews.

I once was in Ocean City, MD the same week that a big Neo-Nazi rally was planned for the south end of the boardwalk. The police begged everyone to stay away, which I gladly did, and the cops were out in force. The next morning, I learned that 5 Nazis showed up.
Haiti dusmantled slavery long before America did. Systemic racism has not been dismantled and bragging about fixing your fuck ups is really very stupid.
Haiti did dismantle slavery before America. That is a fact. Stryker once again shows how litte he or she knows.
Not a single time. Nor have I had to break out my spare tire, pull the pin on one of the fire extinguishers, or use one of the Combat Application Tourniquets I keep in the medical bag in the car.

I haven't used any of those over the last 12 years, should I throw them away?
That's like I had over a hundred dollars of lifesaving gear attached to my lifejacket when I raced sailboats ranging from a waterproof vhf radio to a laser to a dye marker packet. Never needed any of it, but having it was peace of mind and if I ever needed any of it, I would need it very badly. Money spent for equipment intended for safety is never money badly spent. In a race one boat lost a crew member overboard, despite two helicopters, two Coast Guard boats, one Ventura County Sheriff's boat and several sailboats from the race looking, the guy was spotted several hours later by a crewman on an oil rig. He had drifted several miles out to sea and his next stop was China. That's why I carried all the gear I did. That guy was very lucky, a person's head in the water is smaller than one gallon milk jug.
A comment was made that today are worse than the gangs of yesterday. They aren’t.
Coyote ... I'm not saying this to be a smart aleck, but I believe a word was accidently deleted from this comment...and while I can extrapolate your meaning, I'd rather a clarification.

Attitude and situational awareness also helps. I don't dress and carry myself like an easy mark or a "victim."
I have always projected the attitude of "don't screw with me" when in bad neighborhoods or when I was in a vulnerable situation. Criminals look for victims, not people ready and willing to defend themselves. Several times I bluffed my way out of situations with gangbangers that would have ended very badly for me of they had played out.
I have always projected the attitude of "don't screw with me" when in bad neighborhoods or when I was in a vulnerable situation. Criminals look for victims, not people ready and willing to defend themselves. Several times I bluffed my way out of situations with gangbangers that would have ended very badly for me of they had played out.
Well, you two are guys, and it sounds like you present yourselves as formidable opponents. When you’re a petite woman, it’s harder to do. That’s what a gun is for.
Haiti did dismantle slavery before America. That is a fact. Stryker once again shows how litte he or she knows.
Haiti didn't "dismantle slavery" it revolted against the French who were in a war with the UK at the time and couldn't spare the forces to take it back. Then Haiti paid the French danegeld for over a hundred years to keep from being reconquered. Under its first leaders the slaves were put back onto the plantations to generate revenue to pay the French. While they weren't called slaves it was a distinction without a difference.
Well, you two are guys, and it sounds like you present yourselves as formidable opponents. When you’re a petite woman, it’s harder to do. That’s what a gun is for.
I agree, what is the old saying? "God made man, Sam Colt made man equal". By the way I always go armed. I have a CCW permit and carry when I go places that I think are dangerous, but I ALWAYS carry a knife in my pocket.
Young black men are 7% of the population but commit over 50% of all murder……,

While majority of all murders are committed against one’s own racial group inter racial murder has more white and Hispanics murdered by young black men.

Asians across the country, women in democrat controlled cities have been targeted by young black men for random punching attacks…….

The flash mobs of young teenagers storming various malls and stores are made up of young black teenagers….,

The blm/antifs riots that raged for a full year were composed of young black people, burning, looting and murdering people….

The vast majority of shootings in this country are not mass public shootings…they are gang shootings committed vy young black men…..dittos car jacking sand robberies….

Off the top of my head, those would be some of the reasons that people fear young black males…
Murder is not the only crime and only 2 percent of the country are criminal offenders. So your use of math and statistics are in error. In math there is something called a subset. In your argument you are talking about a subset of people who commit crimes. In the subset of criminal offenders, whites are the majority. That includes violent crime.

The George Floyd protests didn't last for a year and they were not just composed of young black people. More whites protested than did blacks. The majority of violence was done by white counterprotesters who were mostly members of white paramilitary groups, white supremacists, accelerationists, and in some cases police who were in support of white supremacist groups.


When you don't study this stuff, you don't know the facts. Before you post this stuff, it would serve you best to do some deep research, because if and when you don't, I will make certain to drop the knowledge you don't have.

Whites have been the most criminal and violent group here. We have more to fear from whites than vice versa. And whites do their shit in many ways. Physical. psychological, financial and by law, just to name a few. This year more than 300,000 blacks will die from hypertension caused by the stress of having to hold in anger because of white racism. Racism is violence, and whites continue committing this act of violence then trying to tell us how violent we are. It's time the lying stop white ---.
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