Zone1 Black People Know what we face, and Why it happens. It's Time Some Others Started Doing more Listening than Lecturing


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Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
"bullshit-------------Oprah, Serena Williams, Ben Carson, Barack Obozo, Densel Washington, MIchael Jordan, just to name a few. There are very many very wealthy blacks in this country. And most of them worked for what they have."

Out of about 20,000 black households only 400,000 have a net worth of 1 million. There are just 10 black billionaires in this country. Their collective worth is just over 31 billion dollars. Contrast that to Elon Musk who is worth over 200 billion dollars by himself. An article was written in 2014, that said that 400 white billionaires have wealth that is equal to the weath of all black households in America. Quite frankly its time for some whites to shut up and listen instead of trying to argue about how wrong we are about what we live thrugh based on what they really have not seen.

Emily Moss, Kriston McIntosh, Wendy Edelberg, and Kristen Broady, The
Black-white wealth gap left Black households more vulnerable, December
8, 2020,

Antonio Moore and Matt Bruenig, Without the Family Car Black
Wealth Barely Exists, September 30, 2017 – People's Policy Project

Chisom Michael, Meet America’s richest black billionaires of 2024, January
22, 2024,

Bob Lord, Dr. King’s Nightmare,

Let me show you another example of just how little some whites have seen.

Yes, you can say that. We need to support this and protect your freedom of speech, with arms if necessary. Nevertheless, I have the same right and might reply that not all whites are racists. Few in fact.

(No one has saisd all whites are racists. Generally only whites who are racists think people talking about what whites have done think this way. According to an Ipsos Poll done after Charlottesvile 31 percent of the whites polled believed this:

“Thirty-one percent of Americans polled strongly or somewhat agreed that ‘America must protect and preserve its White European heritage.”

These are the views held by racists. That's potentially about 1 out of 3 whites in America)

Sarah Ruiz-Grossman, Most Americans Oppose White Supremacists, But Many Share Their Views: Poll, Sep. 15, 2017/ Updated Sep 16, 2017,

And my assumption is not based on my racism but on yours.

(What this person called black racism is not racism. It is the response to the racism blacks face.)

And your complains of people that do not shy away from pointing at blacks looting stores ect, consider that your self-imposed victimhood is what they use to justify their deeds. All what happened in the past didn´t happen to you. Its over. The late consequences are still there and the government needs to fight for equity but not with quotas and minority-coddling but with providing conditions for minorities that allow them to compete on the labor market. It ultimately would end black communities and white communities.

(Whites loot stores. I was born during Jim Crow, so that did happen to me. And Jim Crow didn't stop in 1964, in fact it goes on now covertly. Quotas do not exist and never did, so what needs to stop happening is codding whites. We have fought for the conditions mentioned, and each time we have tried, there has been a white backlash. What we see today, amd these comments show it, is the result of 60 years of whites whining avout the civl rights movement, or another white backlash.)

  • End gang crime with all force available, otherwise the ghettos will remain ghettos and the inhabitants remain unprivileged
( Between 1980 to 2008, a majority (53.3 percent) of gang-related murders were committed by whites, the majority of the victims were white.)

( “FBI clearance and arrest tabulations now indicate black youths under age 18 account for just 2% of the nation’s homicides.”Why the Gigantic, Decades-Long Drop in Black Youth Crime Threatens Major Interests by Mike Males, Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice, August 15, 2013 )

( From 2010 through 2020, whites averaged sixty-nine percent of all arrests in America while blacks averaged twenty-eight percent.)
  • End treatment based on skin color, gender and anything. Total equity is the only way.
(And how is the inequity created by 248 years of white preference giing to be solved by doing this? Without solving that problem the inequity will remain and equity will never be achieved. It is time whites on the right stopped pretending that the nearly 200 year head start they got has been equalized in 60, especially when whites have continued resisting equal opportunity policies since they were implemented.)

  • Tell people if their major identity is not American but something else, equity cannot be achieved.

(So does this mean that Irish Americans, Italian Americans, German Americans, etc, must stop identifying that way,, and the Italian American Hall of Fame gets closed? Or is this the standrd white blindness their identifying themseves with the ands of their orignial Ancestry in ordee to try instructing blacks about how we are to identify purseves?)
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It's Time Some others started doing more lisyening (sic) than lecturing​

Followed by the customary finger wagging lecture. :icon_rolleyes:

"bullshit-------------Oprah, Serena Williams, Ben Carson, Barack Obozo, Densel Washington, MIchael Jordan, just to name a few. There are very many very wealthy blacks in this country. And most of them worked for what they have."

Out of about 20,000 black households only 400,000 have a net wirth of 1 million. There are just 10 black billionaires in this country. Their collective worth is just over 31 billion dollars. Contrast that to Elon Musk who is worth over 200 billion dollars by himself. An article was written in 2014, that said that 400 white billionaires have wealth that is equal to the weath of all black households in America. Quite frankly its time for some whites to shut up and listen instead of trying to argue about how wrong we are about what we live thrugh based on what they really have not seen.

Emily Moss, Kriston McIntosh, Wendy Edelberg, and Kristen Broady, The
Black-white wealth gap left Black households more vulnerable, December
8, 2020,

Antonio Moore and Matt Bruenig, Without the Family Car Black
Wealth Barely Exists, September 30, 2017 – People's Policy Project

Chisom Michael, Meet America’s richest black billionaires of 2024, January
22, 2024,

Bob Lord, Dr. King’s Nightmare,

Let me show you another example of just how little some whites have seen.

Yes, you can say that. We need to support this and protect your freedom of speech, with arms if necessary. Nevertheless, I have the same right and might reply that not all whites are racists. Few in fact.

(No one has saisd all whites are racists. Generally on;lly whites who are racists think people talking about what whites have done think this way. According to an Ipsos oll done agfter Charlottesvile 31 percent of the whites polled believed this:

“Thirty-one percent of Americans polled strongly or somewhat agreed that ‘America must protect and preserve its White European heritage.”

These are the views held by racists. That's potentially about 1 out of 3 whites in America)
Sarah Ruiz-Grossman, Most Americans Oppose White Supremacists, But Many Share Their Views: Poll, Sep. 15, 2017/ Updated Sep 16, 2017,

And my assumption is not based on my racism but on yours.

(What this person called black racism is not racism. It is the rrsponse to the racism blacks face.)

And your complains of people that do not shy away from pointing at blacks looting stores ect, consider that your self-imposed victimhood is what they use to justify their deeds. All what happened in the past didn´t happen to you. Its over. The late consequences are still there and the government needs to fight for equity but not with quotas and minority-coddling but with providing conditions for minorities that allow them to compete on the labor market. It ultimately would end black communities and white communities.

(Whites loot stores. I was born during Jim Crow, so that did happen to me. And Jim Crow didn't stop in 1964, in fact it goes on now covertly. Quotas do not exist and never did, so what needs to stop happening is codding whites. We have fought for the conditions mentioned, and each time we have tried, there has been a white backlash. What we see today, amd these comments show it, is the result of 60 years of whites whining avout the civl rights movement, or another white backlash.)

  • End gang crime with all force available, otherwise the ghettos will remain ghettos and the inhabitants remain unprivileged
( Between 1980 to 2008, a majority (53.3 percent) of gang-related murders were committed by whites, the majority of the victims were white.)

( “FBI clearance and arrest tabulations now indicate black youths under age 18 account for just 2% of the nation’s homicides.”Why the Gigantic, Decades-Long Drop in Black Youth Crime Threatens Major Interests by Mike Males, Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice, August 15, 2013 )

( From 2010 through 2020, whites averaged sixty-nine percent of all arrests in America while blacks averaged twenty-eight percent.)
  • End treatment based on skin color, gender and anything. Total equity is the only way.
(And how is the inequity created by 248 years of white preference giing to be solved by doing this? Without solving that problem the inequity will remain and equity will never be achieved. It is time whites on the right stopped pretending that the nearly 200 year head start they got has been equalized in 60, especially when whites have continued resisting equal opportunity policies since they were implemented.)

  • Tell people if their major identity is not American but something else, equity cannot be achieved.

(So does this mean that Irish Americans, Italian Americans, German Americans, etc, must stop identifying that way,, and the Italian American Hall of Fame gets closed? Or is this the standrd white blindness their identifying themseves with the ands of their orignial Ancestry in ordee to try instructing blacks about how we are to identify purseves?)

Blacks before Obama: A mind is a terrible thing to waste
"Blacks" (Mostly white Liberals pretending to be black on the Internet) after Obama: math is racist
"bullshit-------------Oprah, Serena Williams, Ben Carson, Barack Obozo, Densel Washington, MIchael Jordan, just to name a few. There are very many very wealthy blacks in this country. And most of them worked for what they have."

Out of about 20,000 black households only 400,000 have a net wirth of 1 million. There are just 10 black billionaires in this country. Their collective worth is just over 31 billion dollars. Contrast that to Elon Musk who is worth over 200 billion dollars by himself. An article was written in 2014, that said that 400 white billionaires have wealth that is equal to the weath of all black households in America. Quite frankly its time for some whites to shut up and listen instead of trying to argue about how wrong we are about what we live thrugh based on what they really have not seen.

Emily Moss, Kriston McIntosh, Wendy Edelberg, and Kristen Broady, The
Black-white wealth gap left Black households more vulnerable, December
8, 2020,

Antonio Moore and Matt Bruenig, Without the Family Car Black
Wealth Barely Exists, September 30, 2017 – People's Policy Project

Chisom Michael, Meet America’s richest black billionaires of 2024, January
22, 2024,

Bob Lord, Dr. King’s Nightmare,

Let me show you another example of just how little some whites have seen.

Yes, you can say that. We need to support this and protect your freedom of speech, with arms if necessary. Nevertheless, I have the same right and might reply that not all whites are racists. Few in fact.

(No one has saisd all whites are racists. Generally on;lly whites who are racists think people talking about what whites have done think this way. According to an Ipsos oll done agfter Charlottesvile 31 percent of the whites polled believed this:

“Thirty-one percent of Americans polled strongly or somewhat agreed that ‘America must protect and preserve its White European heritage.”

These are the views held by racists. That's potentially about 1 out of 3 whites in America)
Sarah Ruiz-Grossman, Most Americans Oppose White Supremacists, But Many Share Their Views: Poll, Sep. 15, 2017/ Updated Sep 16, 2017,

And my assumption is not based on my racism but on yours.

(What this person called black racism is not racism. It is the rrsponse to the racism blacks face.)

And your complains of people that do not shy away from pointing at blacks looting stores ect, consider that your self-imposed victimhood is what they use to justify their deeds. All what happened in the past didn´t happen to you. Its over. The late consequences are still there and the government needs to fight for equity but not with quotas and minority-coddling but with providing conditions for minorities that allow them to compete on the labor market. It ultimately would end black communities and white communities.

(Whites loot stores. I was born during Jim Crow, so that did happen to me. And Jim Crow didn't stop in 1964, in fact it goes on now covertly. Quotas do not exist and never did, so what needs to stop happening is codding whites. We have fought for the conditions mentioned, and each time we have tried, there has been a white backlash. What we see today, amd these comments show it, is the result of 60 years of whites whining avout the civl rights movement, or another white backlash.)

  • End gang crime with all force available, otherwise the ghettos will remain ghettos and the inhabitants remain unprivileged
( Between 1980 to 2008, a majority (53.3 percent) of gang-related murders were committed by whites, the majority of the victims were white.)

( “FBI clearance and arrest tabulations now indicate black youths under age 18 account for just 2% of the nation’s homicides.”Why the Gigantic, Decades-Long Drop in Black Youth Crime Threatens Major Interests by Mike Males, Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice, August 15, 2013 )

( From 2010 through 2020, whites averaged sixty-nine percent of all arrests in America while blacks averaged twenty-eight percent.)
  • End treatment based on skin color, gender and anything. Total equity is the only way.
(And how is the inequity created by 248 years of white preference giing to be solved by doing this? Without solving that problem the inequity will remain and equity will never be achieved. It is time whites on the right stopped pretending that the nearly 200 year head start they got has been equalized in 60, especially when whites have continued resisting equal opportunity policies since they were implemented.)

  • Tell people if their major identity is not American but something else, equity cannot be achieved.

(So does this mean that Irish Americans, Italian Americans, German Americans, etc, must stop identifying that way,, and the Italian American Hall of Fame gets closed? Or is this the standrd white blindness their identifying themseves with the ands of their orignial Ancestry in ordee to try instructing blacks about how we are to identify purseves?)


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