Zone1 Black People Take Notes From This YouTuber

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
Beautiful message. Why can't more people be like this individual? It took real guts to stand up to their (I think it's a she but I'm not one hundred percent sure but the voice leads me to believe that it is.) own community.

Clearly not raised in the inner city. Note the ability to speak English.
Yet another example that there is absolutely no intellectual difference between whites/blacks.
All of the differences are cultural.
MODs, this thread is a literal call out against the Black posters on this site.

Imagine a thread by Yours Truly saying something similar directly to the white posters on this forum.

Do your damn jobs!

Umm it's a call-out by asking people to treat us better and by saying how nice the individual in the video seemed? You're nuts. 🙄 (Even Meister knows we have racists on this board btw. I just happen to have them on ignore myself.)
Umm it's a call-out by asking people to treat us better and by saying how nice the individual in the video seemed? You're nuts. 🙄 (Even Meister knows we have racists on this board btw. I just happen to have them on ignore myself.)
How are you being mistreated?
How are you being mistreated?

How many threads on here have been attacking white people? I've personally lost track, but when it comes to threads attacking black people I can't think of any.
Umm it's a call-out by asking people to treat us better and by saying how nice the individual in the video seemed? You're nuts. 🙄 (Even Meister knows we have racists on this board btw. I just happen to have them on ignore myself.)
Wait..... then how are you seeing MarcATL's threads?
How many threads on here have been attacking white people? I've personally lost track, but when it comes to threads attacking black people I can't think of any.
It won't take anything for this person because the black community is not the one with the problem. There are several thousand anti black hate threads here. Including this one. If someone black started a thread like this, it would be closed in a matter of hours. We do not have to accept white racism, nor do we have to ignore it in order to please anyone. The person in that OP is no one I have to be like. I have friends of all races who respect me for who I am and what I stand for. I know many whites who show great disdain for whites like the OP and many members here.

White people, take notes from non racist white members of this forum:

“The problem with white supremacists although their intention is to stand up for whites and make things better for whites they actually do the opposite and make things much worse for whites in America. White supremacists instead of uniting us they divide us and by their ignorant actions just intensify hatred and divisions between whites, blacks, and Latinos. I hear the complaints of many of my friends who are black and Hispanic and even from my own wife who is half American Indian and part Mexican.

Thank you so much ignorant white supremacists, you make living in this country as a white man a lot harder due to your own stupidity.”

“Why would I waste my time? Your allegiance seems to be elsewhere than the U.S.A. and its people. It seems to be with white straight males who play identity politics, race cards, gender cards, and the rest of us Americans be damned. You rely on laws passed by a group of white men hundreds of years ago who first made sure that no others were included in the deliberative body that passed them. Pure identity politics. How many women and minorities deliberated, voted for, and signed the Constitution? Why did women of all backgrounds and non-white men have to fight to get to vote and participate in democracy?”

“The spectacle of members of a racial demographic that comprises 75% of the nation’s populace and dominates both the political and economic spheres whining that they are oppressed is pathetic.”

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