Black Slavers

Do you have a link for that vote? amd here's a link for you...Jim Crow Laws - Facts & Summary -

How do you know your ancestors weren't slave owners in America or Africa, mine were in Ireland picking potatoes or in England making a profit from it?

Bottom line, I showed up in America in the 60's, I'm a Republican conservative and I'm completely innocent of your vile race baiting meanderings.

Where's your apology..?

A Short History of Democrats, Republicans, and Racism << also read this

I don't care when you showed up racism is still going and whites like you are doing it.

My ancestors did not own slaves anywhere. I was born in 1961 and had relatives born in the 1800's who told me about my family. My grandmother on my moms side was born in 1880 and died in 1970. Her parents were slaves owned by a white man. I know you whites here would like to re create history to make it where blacks owned all he slaves but that's just not what happened.

Republicans are in red.

Plessy v. Ferguson
Plessy v. Ferguson, 163 US 537 (1896)

Chief Justice
Melville Fuller

Associate Justices
Stephen J. Field
John M. Harlan (dissented)
Horace Gray
David J. Brewer (did not participate)
Henry Brown
George Shiras, Jr.

Edward D. White
Rufus W. Peckham

Vote 7-1, Justice Harlan had the sole dissenting opinion; Justice Brewer didn't participate.

There were 4 democrats and 5 republicans on the court at that time. Harlan was the only dissenting vote and he was a republican. So republicans helped make segregation legal. Don't need to read your propaganda. I already know. So if you got here in 1960 why are you asking for links about 1896?
Do you have a link for that vote? amd here's a link for you...Jim Crow Laws - Facts & Summary -

How do you know your ancestors weren't slave owners in America or Africa, mine were in Ireland picking potatoes or in England making a profit from it?

Bottom line, I showed up in America in the 60's, I'm a Republican conservative and I'm completely innocent of your vile race baiting meanderings.

Where's your apology..?

A Short History of Democrats, Republicans, and Racism << also read this

I don't care when you showed up racism is still going and whites like you are doing it.

My ancestors did not own slaves anywhere. I was born in 1961 and had relatives born in the 1800's who told me about my family. My grandmother on my moms side was born in 1880 and died in 1970. Her parents were slaves owned by a white man. I know you whites here would like to re create history to make it where blacks owned all he slaves but that's just not what happened.

Republicans are in red.

Plessy v. Ferguson
Plessy v. Ferguson, 163 US 537 (1896)

Chief Justice
Melville Fuller

Associate Justices
Stephen J. Field
John M. Harlan (dissented)
Horace Gray
David J. Brewer (did not participate)
Henry Brown
George Shiras, Jr.

Edward D. White
Rufus W. Peckham

Vote 7-1, Justice Harlan had the sole dissenting opinion; Justice Brewer didn't participate.

There were 4 democrats and 5 republicans on the court at that time. Harlan was the only dissenting vote and he was a republican. So republicans helped make segregation legal. Don't need to read your propaganda. I already know. So if you got here in 1960 why are you asking for links about 1896?

According to you none of this happened and Democrats always voted in the best interest of the Black race..

Democrats’ Black History Month Amnesia -- Democratic Party Oppresses Blacks | National Review

You still living in the past? Barack Obama was not republican

:lol: ... how ironic

... and Obama was an epic Presidential failure, so yeah, not a Republican .. :wink_2:

View attachment 213163

The fail was done by republicans.

Thank God Republicans took over the House and Senate..
I share IM2 abhorance of the slave trade. I wish with all my heart that we had never imported a single African slave into this country.

Modern Day Slavery Statistics

So I'm kicking your ass because this is the OP.

According to a fact checker that generally sucks liberal butt, this meme is pretty well (semantics) True

mmm. Where's the black quilt and historically Democrats have always been supported by like minded oppressive Black leadership. Race baiting charlatans are a dime a dozen in the Democratic Party/Fake News media these days.



No mention of modern day slavery. Talk about diversion…. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
:lol: ... how ironic

... and Obama was an epic Presidential failure, so yeah, not a Republican .. :wink_2:
I suspect Trump has done more for blacks in his short time in office, than BO did in eight years.


Trump has done nothing for blacks.

I wish he could do something about your mental deficiencies and extreme racist ideology... but hey, why waste the effort..

Gaslighting will get you nowhere.
WTF! You have been gaslighted by the D Party all your life and you have the gall to post this shit.

I'm afraid not. Look, I'm in here with a bunch of republican racists and you guys are trying to tell me how the democratic party is racist. Are you fucking crazy?
:lol: ... how ironic

... and Obama was an epic Presidential failure, so yeah, not a Republican .. :wink_2:
I suspect Trump has done more for blacks in his short time in office, than BO did in eight years.


Trump has done nothing for blacks.
Did you miss the very low black unemployment rate?

Stop being a racist for once, and mow my lawn.

I didn't miss it. But you missed who did it.


LOL. I guess in your world 5.9% is higher than 7.8%.

In my world a 9 point drop is larger than a 1 point drop.
I don't care when you showed up racism is still going and whites like you are doing it.

My ancestors did not own slaves anywhere. I was born in 1961 and had relatives born in the 1800's who told me about my family. My grandmother on my moms side was born in 1880 and died in 1970. Her parents were slaves owned by a white man. I know you whites here would like to re create history to make it where blacks owned all he slaves but that's just not what happened.

Republicans are in red.

Plessy v. Ferguson
Plessy v. Ferguson, 163 US 537 (1896)

Chief Justice
Melville Fuller

Associate Justices
Stephen J. Field
John M. Harlan (dissented)
Horace Gray
David J. Brewer (did not participate)
Henry Brown
George Shiras, Jr.

Edward D. White
Rufus W. Peckham

Vote 7-1, Justice Harlan had the sole dissenting opinion; Justice Brewer didn't participate.

There were 4 democrats and 5 republicans on the court at that time. Harlan was the only dissenting vote and he was a republican. So republicans helped make segregation legal. Don't need to read your propaganda. I already know. So if you got here in 1960 why are you asking for links about 1896?
I don't care when you showed up racism is still going and whites like you are doing it.

My ancestors did not own slaves anywhere. I was born in 1961 and had relatives born in the 1800's who told me about my family. My grandmother on my moms side was born in 1880 and died in 1970. Her parents were slaves owned by a white man. I know you whites here would like to re create history to make it where blacks owned all he slaves but that's just not what happened.

Republicans are in red.

Plessy v. Ferguson
Plessy v. Ferguson, 163 US 537 (1896)

Chief Justice
Melville Fuller

Associate Justices
Stephen J. Field
John M. Harlan (dissented)
Horace Gray
David J. Brewer (did not participate)
Henry Brown
George Shiras, Jr.

Edward D. White
Rufus W. Peckham

Vote 7-1, Justice Harlan had the sole dissenting opinion; Justice Brewer didn't participate.

There were 4 democrats and 5 republicans on the court at that time. Harlan was the only dissenting vote and he was a republican. So republicans helped make segregation legal. Don't need to read your propaganda. I already know. So if you got here in 1960 why are you asking for links about 1896?

According to you none of this happened and Democrats always voted in the best interest of the Black race..

Democrats’ Black History Month Amnesia -- Democratic Party Oppresses Blacks | National Review

You still living in the past? Barack Obama was not republican

:lol: ... how ironic

... and Obama was an epic Presidential failure, so yeah, not a Republican .. :wink_2:

View attachment 213163

The fail was done by republicans.

Thank God Republicans took over the House and Senate..

The republicans created the recession.
The parts that are true are irrelevant. White people may have ended slavery in the USA, but white people started it, and the conservative white people wanted to keep it going.

And you conservatives still almost all think those conservative slavers are heroes.

Tell you what. I'll give you conservatives a chance to show you think slavery was bad. Just condemn the Confederate States of America for being slavers and fighting to continue slavery, and admit that the Union was the morally upright side. If you're not a slavery-lover, that should be a gimmee.
most whites did not own slaves
I share IM2 abhorance of the slave trade. I wish with all my heart that we had never imported a single African slave into this country.

Modern Day Slavery Statistics

So I'm kicking your ass because this is the OP.

According to a fact checker that generally sucks liberal butt, this meme is pretty well (semantics) True

mmm. Where's the black quilt and historically Democrats have always been supported by like minded oppressive Black leadership. Race baiting charlatans are a dime a dozen in the Democratic Party/Fake News media these days.



No mention of modern day slavery. Talk about diversion…. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

DOTR seemed to need a perspective jolt.. feeling any guilt over long past history is foolishness

..and eh, tough shit-ski
According to you none of this happened and Democrats always voted in the best interest of the Black race..

Democrats’ Black History Month Amnesia -- Democratic Party Oppresses Blacks | National Review

You still living in the past? Barack Obama was not republican

:lol: ... how ironic

... and Obama was an epic Presidential failure, so yeah, not a Republican .. :wink_2:

View attachment 213163

The fail was done by republicans.

Thank God Republicans took over the House and Senate..

The republicans created the recession.

Wrong, the world banking cartel and big government did.

It had nothing to do with partisans and everything to do with interest groups. It wasn't one party or the other, it was government fiddling with the economy.
According to you none of this happened and Democrats always voted in the best interest of the Black race..

Democrats’ Black History Month Amnesia -- Democratic Party Oppresses Blacks | National Review

You still living in the past? Barack Obama was not republican

:lol: ... how ironic

... and Obama was an epic Presidential failure, so yeah, not a Republican .. :wink_2:

View attachment 213163

The fail was done by republicans.

Thank God Republicans took over the House and Senate..

The republicans created the recession.

.. only in your, we never take responsibility land
I suspect Trump has done more for blacks in his short time in office, than BO did in eight years.


Trump has done nothing for blacks.
Did you miss the very low black unemployment rate?

Stop being a racist for once, and mow my lawn.

I didn't miss it. But you missed who did it.


LOL. I guess in your world 5.9% is higher than 7.8%.

In my world a 9 point drop is larger than a 1 point drop.
Is eight years more than 1.5?
Not only was it white people who ended slavery, but it was Republicans.


Nothern and northern states are now what, say it , say it, Democratic. Why in the world would Kennedy put Johnson on his ticket, he needed a southerner.

Trump has done nothing for blacks.
Did you miss the very low black unemployment rate?

Stop being a racist for once, and mow my lawn.

I didn't miss it. But you missed who did it.


LOL. I guess in your world 5.9% is higher than 7.8%.

In my world a 9 point drop is larger than a 1 point drop.
Is eight years more than 1.5?

The beat goes on, but only for so long.
All American ghettos were created and are politically and oppressively maintained by the Democratic Party.

How can you help poor and oppressed citizens that embrace their oppressors.

I'm thinking Trump is doing the best he can and Democrats can only offer up resistance, negativity and zero solutions.
All American ghettos were created and are politically and oppressively maintained by the Democratic Party.

How can you help poor and oppressed citizens that embrace their oppressors.

I'm thinking Trump is doing the best he can and Democrats can only offer up resistance, negativity and zero solutions.

And it use to be the GOP strongholds until the wealthy moved out of the urban areas and put their factories on the outskirts of city limits, after they polluted the lands. Who in the hell worked at those factories that were located in the major cities, which most are located on water for shipping?

So now the Democrats need to try and clean up the mess from the GOP and Republicans.
The parts that are true are irrelevant. White people may have ended slavery in the USA, but white people started it, and the conservative white people wanted to keep it going.

And you conservatives still almost all think those conservative slavers are heroes.

Tell you what. I'll give you conservatives a chance to show you think slavery was bad. Just condemn the Confederate States of America for being slavers and fighting to continue slavery, and admit that the Union was the morally upright side. If you're not a slavery-lover, that should be a gimmee.

As you view history through your partisan rose color glasses...

Did you know Slavery continues today?

Sure it is outlawed but Sex Slavery along with other forms of Slavery still exist throughout the world, so let stop pretending it is no longer part of our lives and it is just a Conservative thingy or white thingy.

I know you will just laugh and deny this but North Korea is one of the biggest Slave States in the World and slavery has no color to it.

As for the Confederate States, it was about the Federal Government telling the States what it can or can not do and those like Lee fought to perserve the Southern States rights and lost.

To look at the past in today mindset is a mistake and you have to realize those people back then saw ot differently than you or I.

Will I condemn them?

Nope, because that was their thinking of the day but if someone believe it is morally right in today time then yes they wrong.
All American ghettos were created and are politically and oppressively maintained by the Democratic Party.

How can you help poor and oppressed citizens that embrace their oppressors.

I'm thinking Trump is doing the best he can and Democrats can only offer up resistance, negativity and zero solutions.

And it use to be the GOP strongholds until the wealthy moved out of the urban areas and put their factories on the outskirts of city limits, after they polluted the lands. Who in the hell worked at those factories that were located in the major cities, which most are located on water for shipping?

So now the Democrats need to try and clean up the mess from the GOP and Republicans.

You mean like the mess that Obama EPA caused in Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona when they blew a cap that allowed poison into a river that polluted three States?
All American ghettos were created and are politically and oppressively maintained by the Democratic Party.

How can you help poor and oppressed citizens that embrace their oppressors.

I'm thinking Trump is doing the best he can and Democrats can only offer up resistance, negativity and zero solutions.

And it use to be the GOP strongholds until the wealthy moved out of the urban areas and put their factories on the outskirts of city limits, after they polluted the lands. Who in the hell worked at those factories that were located in the major cities, which most are located on water for shipping?

So now the Democrats need to try and clean up the mess from the GOP and Republicans.

Sorry, standard blah blah for avoiding the responsibility and the repercussions of Democratic Party policies... Overtaxed and over regulated, the smart ones leave for greener pastures, it's the logical conclusion.
Last edited:
Isn't that what the GOP are doing, work for insurance, food, and also right to work states. Seems they care more about the corps than people. How about the GOP, want to be agricultural secretary who employed that illegal who killed that girl??
Nothing ever happens to the companies that hire illegals to pay them less and work them many hours a day with no recourse.

Slavery has existed in different forms since ancient times. Despite being outlawed in most countries and the abolitionist movement in the 1800s, the crime persists in ways more pervasive and complex than ever.

Modern slavery refers to situations where one person has taken away another person’s freedom – their freedom to control their body, their freedom to choose to refuse certain work or to stop working – so that they can be exploited. Freedom is taken away by threats, violence, coercion, abuse of power and deception.

Modern slavery is a plain English term. It is not a legal definition.

Different countries use different legal terminologies, but “modern slavery” includes the crimes of human trafficking, slavery and slavery like practices such as servitude, forced labour, forced or servile marriage, the sale and exploitation of children, and debt bondage.

Understanding Modern Slavery - Walk Free Foundation #EndSlavery
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You own link says your claims are false. Rather dishonest of you to leave that out.

But then, you're trying to excuse your own side's racism and love of slavery with a mealymouthed "But the blacks and Democrats and liberals did it too!" big lie.

Got any other fake news you'd like to push to defend your side's racism? Not every conservative is open with their racism, but they all willingly run cover for racists.
You didn't read the link. Snopes is about as full of shit as a Christmas goose. There are one or two mistakes but everything is generally true.. -
As you view history through your partisan rose color glasses...

You couldn't bring yourself to condemn the Confederacy. Not a single conservative on this thread would do so, or will ever do so. Almost all conservatives are totally cool with Confederate slavers, with most praising them as heroes.

Conservatives adore slavers. The Republicans are the party of slavery. It is that simple.

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