Black voters: "Joe Abandoned us." We are voting Red. We want Trump!

I am not thrilled about Elder

Unless he has changed in the last few years, he is rather pro-abortion

no way

Tim Scott..
Greg Abbott, governor of TX

Abbott has proven himself to be a true blue American by protecting &/or attempting to protect Americans from

God knows whom... terrorists... criminals... border-crashers... drug pushers...

Not big on Abbott.
That's a bunch of BS

Many people join the R party because they see, have seen for years, how AWFUL abortion is.. and even though some may still think early abortions are no big deal, they are sickened by the dim party accepting abortion up to birth


Enough with the Nazism!

All life is sacred or NO LIFE IS

Where we should have swept the MidTerms, we got our asses handed to us by dimocrap scum because of our stance on abortion. It's a loser. Deal with it.

About the only thing dimocrap scum have to campaign on anymore is Genitalia. Women's rights, dimocraps' rights to be whatever sex they choose, abortion, etc, etc.

We need to stand firm on the mutilation of children. Other than that, who cares what consenting adults do? They want to murder their babies? More power to them. One less person to be dependent on the State, in jail, on Welfare or homeless on the street. If they can't take care of the child, it's just going to be a burden to society anyway. Like most dimocrap scum, a Ward of The State. And who supports the State financially? Take a wild-assed guess.

I am against abortion. Except for dimocrap scum. They should be congratulated wthen they abort their children. Maybe even rewarded.

Life is cruel. Deal with it.

Oh, nice bumper sticker. But it's bullshit
STFU white trash. Abbott sent people into those cities without coordinating with those cities. You guys are using this issue to race pimp because 39 white countries can enter into this country without a visa. So is illegal immigration really a problem?
So you think Biden coordinated with the cities he dumped the illegals on? About time the stupid Biden voters feel the consequence of their votes.
You folks are silly. You see the coming election as a single binary choice, Trump or Biden. There are in fact four choices, Trump, Biden, someone else, or stay home. Three of those choices hurt Biden. That's the price of taking a whole demographic for granted. You folks simply assume blacks will just vote Biden because you tell them to.
Only because they always do.

Republicans want to get excited about getting 80% of the Black Vote?? Gimme a fucking break
You folks are silly. You see the coming election as a single binary choice, Trump or Biden. There are in fact four choices, Trump, Biden, someone else, or stay home. Three of those choices hurt Biden. That's the price of taking a whole demographic for granted. You folks simply assume blacks will just vote Biden because you tell them to.
Why are you whites posting aboput how we will vote. You talk about Biden taking us for granted while your party is banning books by blacks, making schools teach there was benefits to slavery, and oppose anything that provides equal opportunity.
Where we should have swept the MidTerms, we got our asses handed to us by dimocrap scum because of our stance on abortion. It's a loser. Deal with it.

About the only thing dimocrap scum have to campaign on anymore is Genitalia. Women's rights, dimocraps' rights to be whatever sex they choose, abortion, etc, etc.

We need to stand firm on the mutilation of children. Other than that, who cares what consenting adults do? They want to murder their babies? More power to them. One less person to be dependent on the State, in jail, on Welfare or homeless on the street. If they can't take care of the child, it's just going to be a burden to society anyway. Like most dimocrap scum, a Ward of The State. And who supports the State financially? Take a wild-assed guess.

I am against abortion. Except for dimocrap scum. They should be congratulated wthen they abort their children. Maybe even rewarded.

Life is cruel. Deal with it.

Oh, nice bumper sticker. But it's bullshit
This is pure idiocy.
Only because they always do.

Republicans want to get excited about getting 80% of the Black Vote?? Gimme a fucking break
We always do because we were Republicans for 100 years and all we got was Jim Crow.
Well except for the $138 BILLION Biden gifted white college student loan borrowers. I'm sorry, did Biden gift poor blacks $138 billion? I don't think so.
He gifted all college students.

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