Black youth steal 50 iPhones at an Oakland store, and nobody does anything about it.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
Blacks are overrepresented big time when it comes to crimes

As said in another thread, white youth have a problem with mass school shootings. Any honest, white person can acknowledge that. Any honest American can acknowledge that we have problems in this country. So the left-wing and BLM supporters have to acknowledge a problem that a segment of black youth have.

See, this isn’t just a black youth problem. It’s an American problem. Because we have weak and an app politicians, who cannot call out these issues for what they are. And we have Hollywood and the media that is also extremely problematic toward these issues.

No doubt that the sense of entitlement, the BLM narrative and The false propaganda narrative that “America has an evil racist history” is influencing young black men to commit crimes because after all, if they think they’re living in a country with a racist evil history, then they are entitled to commit in crimes in their mind.
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Blacks are overrepresented big time in prison. As said, in another thread, white youth, have a problem with mass school shootings. Any honest, white person can acknowledge that. Any honest American can acknowledge that we have problems in this country. So the left-wing and BLM supporters have to acknowledge a problem that a segment of black youth have.

No doubt, that the sense of entitlement, the BLM narrative. The false propaganda narrative that America has an evil racist history is influencing young black men to commit crimes because after all, if they think they’re living in a country with a racist evil history, then they are entitled to commit in crimes in their mind.

Your hatred of black people is well documented
Wonder how many fanatical BLM supporters have no interest in reading the thread. And simply read a thread title, and just jump to a conclusion. That’s why we have problems in America. Often totalitarian left wingers have no interest in having a conversation and they have a way of shutting down free speech by just dismissing everyone they disagree with as a racist. It’s a strategy of theirs try and get as many left-wing fanatics as possible to call somebody a racist to silence or drown them out.

They don’t give a darn about the FBI data. They don’t care that blacks are over represented when it comes to committing crimes in this country. They just rant and rave about their false propaganda narrative that “American history is evil.” Or that somebody is a racist for pointing out the obvious problem that a segment of black youth have in this country when it comes to committing crimes.

So we need to figure out solutions to why we have this issue among black youth today.

Pro blm folk never talk about the fact that the Jew, the black, and the Indian, engaged in expansionist warfare, and the slave trade. It’s always the same lines from these people.
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Let’s figure out some solutions as to why a segment of the black youth have criminal issues.

There are many areas of the world that are impoverished, but do not have criminal issues like we have in America. This type of looting we see in the video in the original post that type of crime is almost nonexistent in some countries in the eastern parts of the world. So this is an American problem. It’s on our society to confront this issue, and do so in logical way.

Hollywood + the media need to do a better job portraying American history as one of greatness and glory something to be proud of. We need to instill the fact and truth into the minds of young Black people that America has a beautiful country and that it is incumbent upon them to be good citizens, and be proud of this country.

The left-wing BLM politics is very poisonous. And it needs to be confronted.
More solutions to the issue about black youth crimes. crimes committed by black youth. We need to have more two parent households. An emphasis on how beautiful American history is.

Inner cities across America are filled with broken homes in young black boys growing up with one parent households or no parents around. Maybe their parents are addicted to crack or one of them is in jail. They are more likely to go from the school to prison pipeline. So society at large and the media and Hollywood need to focus on Ways to confront these issues. Because now they’re doing a horrible job with their feminist, BLM narrative that is harmful to the country

Left wing blm supporters who call everyone racist in these topics are a drag on society…. they offer zero solutions to the blatantly obvious issue of criminal activities among the black youth. These are also white people living in the suburbs who waived the BLM flags. When they are confronted with the facts, somebody says we have the data from the FBI that blacks commit more crimes. They scream racist at them. And so they are a dragons society they offer zero solutions. Those types of people don’t deserve to be involved in the conversation. And they certainly should not hold any power in any parts of American society.

We should have people who are against racism, we should have responsible adults in positions of power in the government who are doing something to confront these issues among black youth.
More solutions to the issue about black youth crimes. crimes committed by black youth. We need to have more two parent households. An emphasis on how beautiful American history is.

Inner cities across America are filled with broken homes in young black boys growing up with one parent households or no parents around. Maybe their parents are addicted to crack or one of them is in jail. They are more likely to go from the school to prison pipeline. So society at large and the media and Hollywood need to focus on Ways to confront these issues. Because now they’re doing a horrible job with their feminist, BLM narrative that is harmful to the country

Left wing blm supporters who call everyone racist in these topics are a drag on society…. they offer zero solutions to the blatantly obvious issue of criminal activities among the black youth. These are also white people living in the suburbs who waived the BLM flags. When they are confronted with the facts, somebody says we have the data from the FBI that blacks commit more crimes. They scream racist at them. And so they are a dragons society they offer zero solutions. Those types of people don’t deserve to be involved in the conversation. And they certainly should not hold any power in any parts of American society.

We should have people who are against racism, we should have responsible adults in positions of power in the government who are doing something to confront these issues among black youth.

Yes, we know you are a racist. No need to keep proving it.
Yes, agreed. But what about the rehabilitation part. That is a critical issue and I am a Christian and I do believe in rehabilitation. We have a lot of weak mayors and government officials across America.

Once in prison, some of these black youth are told by people how evil and racist America is this in that and they directed to join a gang after they get out of prison. So we gotta figure something out there.

We also have single parent households in the inter cities. That’s a societal issue, figuring out a way to have more strength among families. Because it’s easier for a kid in a single parent household to go from school to prison.
The inner cities are more dangerous and tougher to live in compared to the suburbs. And so we need to figure out a way to resolve that issue. Not one Biden BLM supporter in this thread or perhaps any threads ever addresses these issues. They never offer up solutions. They troll or call people racists

Give us some solutions left wingers

Hellbilly IM2 Superbadbrutha
The inner cities are more dangerous and tougher to live in compared to the suburbs.
No shit genius, why is that?

Is it because there are more opportunities in the suburbs, better education opportunities in the suburbs, better employment opportunities in the suburbs, better access to medical care in the suburbs and the damn list goes on.
And so we need to figure out a way to resolve that issue. Not one Biden BLM supporter in this thread or perhaps any threads ever addresses these issues. They never offer up solutions. They troll or call people racists

Give us some solutions left wingers

Hellbilly IM2 Superbadbrutha
GTFO here Franklin, you don't come with any solutions just the same old regurgitated bullshit you are always posting. Hell you don't want any solutions, your ilk wants things to stay just the way they are.
I think it’s obvious as to what’s going on here. Left-wing activists feel like it’s the good thing to just dismiss reality.

Superbadbrutha Curried Goats Hellbilly don’t take things personally. Don’t use foul language or personal attacks, because none of that type of language is being used by me toward you folks.

One way to look at this issue is to notice the fact that the white majority suburbs are safer and cleaner compared to black majority inner cities. And that is really a shame, and a disgrace. …. the fact that even black folks are afraid to go into the inner cities. In certain neighborhoods In black majority places you’re way more likely to have your rims stolen to even Have your car stolen or to be robbed in some way.

Not a single left winger or BLM supporter has offered up a solution so far. And I can tell not even reading their post they simply offer up three words or one line. It’s obviously an insult. Let’s hear some paragraphs and well thought out posts from Biden supporters as to why we have these problems.

Why are black majority in cities dumps today? Places filled with crime and graffiti and vandalism. Why aren’t there Nice restaurants in these areas? This is coming from somebody who cares about all of my fellow Americans whether they are white or black.
It's in California. Did you expect it to be normal ?

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Blacks are overrepresented big time when it comes to crimes

black people were overrepresented among persons arrested for nonfatal violent crimes (33%) and for serious nonfatal violent crimes (36%) relative to their representation in the U.S. population (13%) (table 1).1 White people were underrepresented.

As said in another thread, white youth have a problem with mass school shootings. Any honest, white person can acknowledge that. Any honest American can acknowledge that we have problems in this country. So the left-wing and BLM supporters have to acknowledge a problem that a segment of black youth have.

See, this isn’t just a black youth problem. It’s an American problem. Because we have weak and an app politicians, who cannot call out these issues for what they are. And we have Hollywood and the media that is also extremely problematic toward these issues.

No doubt that the sense of entitlement, the BLM narrative and The false propaganda narrative that “America has an evil racist history” is influencing young black men to commit crimes because after all, if they think they’re living in a country with a racist evil history, then they are entitled to commit in crimes in their mind.

The Negro's name is Tyler Mims. The Dumb Assed ****** (DAN) stole 50 bricks and walked out right between two Emeryville police cars that were parked in front of the store. The police are certainly not a deterrent to crime in Emeryville California.

Of course DAN was busted soon thereafter because iPhones are tracking devices. :lol:

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