Black youth steal 50 iPhones at an Oakland store, and nobody does anything about it.

Blacks are overrepresented big time when it comes to crimes

As said in another thread, white youth have a problem with mass school shootings. Any honest, white person can acknowledge that. Any honest American can acknowledge that we have problems in this country. So the left-wing and BLM supporters have to acknowledge a problem that a segment of black youth have.

See, this isn’t just a black youth problem. It’s an American problem. Because we have weak and an app politicians, who cannot call out these issues for what they are. And we have Hollywood and the media that is also extremely problematic toward these issues.

No doubt that the sense of entitlement, the BLM narrative and The false propaganda narrative that “America has an evil racist history” is influencing young black men to commit crimes because after all, if they think they’re living in a country with a racist evil history, then they are entitled to commit in crimes in their mind.

And the LibTards think that EVERY American should enjoy "diversity" (code word for "law of the jungle").
No shit genius, why is that?

Is it because there are more opportunities in the suburbs, better education opportunities in the suburbs, better employment opportunities in the suburbs, better access to medical care in the suburbs and the damn list goes on.

GTFO here Franklin, you don't come with any solutions just the same old regurgitated bullshit you are always posting. Hell you don't want any solutions, your ilk wants things to stay just the way they are.

Trump had the lowest Negro unemployment in the history of the US but you TDS afflicted assholes had to get him out of office by stealing the election. If you really are so stupid as to think the Negroes don't have opportunities in this stupid DEI world then you are an idiot.

These goddamn Negro thugs steal, loot and murder because they live in a ghetto culture of violence and the filthy ass Democrats let them get away with it.

Start taking responsibility for your own failures instead of blaming somebody else.

"Mababydindunuffin" is nothing more than Negro filth running away from responsibility. "Give me more welfare or I will steal from you" is the kind of ghetto culture of violence mentality we hear from you assholes all the time and it is despicable.
No shit genius, why is that?

Is it because there are more opportunities in the suburbs, better education opportunities in the suburbs, better employment opportunities in the suburbs, better access to medical care in the suburbs and the damn list goes on.

Not in the DC area. I accepted two jobs (at different times) in downtown DC because that’s where the better jobs were - and paid more too. I have two medical conditions which require a specialist, and the best are downtown as well (so I schlep down there.) Plus, great museums and strong universities.

Stop making excuses.
GTFO here Franklin, you don't come with any solutions just the same old regurgitated bullshit you are always posting. Hell you don't want any solutions, your ilk wants things to stay just the way they are.

You’ve been told the solution. You can have the black underclass move out to suburban home ownership in a decade by:

1) Staying in school
2) No babies until marriage
3) Pell grants for a two-year A.A. to acquire career skills
Blacks are overrepresented big time when it comes to crimes

As said in another thread, white youth have a problem with mass school shootings. Any honest, white person can acknowledge that. Any honest American can acknowledge that we have problems in this country. So the left-wing and BLM supporters have to acknowledge a problem that a segment of black youth have.

See, this isn’t just a black youth problem. It’s an American problem. Because we have weak and an app politicians, who cannot call out these issues for what they are. And we have Hollywood and the media that is also extremely problematic toward these issues.

No doubt that the sense of entitlement, the BLM narrative and The false propaganda narrative that “America has an evil racist history” is influencing young black men to commit crimes because after all, if they think they’re living in a country with a racist evil history, then they are entitled to commit in crimes in their mind.

Left wing blm supporters who call everyone racist in these topics are a drag on society…. they offer zero solutions to the blatantly obvious issue of criminal activities among the black youth.

A drag on society BLM
is blatantly ignoring the crime problem or even outright justifying it. Remember the BLM lead in Chicago calling Looting a form of reparations?
Never stole anything in my life....yet some how...I just cannot care. Pfffft.
That’s too bad. Our country is going downhill because people don’t care about criminal behavior.

If someone breaks into your garage tonight and steals your new car, would you care then? It’s about the same cost. (Fifty IPhones at $800 each totals $40,000.)
Why don't you put a sign on your property "I got $5000 cash in my bedroom".

See how concerned you become.
Lol lol. Laughing hysterically. You should keep looking for stories like this. Stay up all night worrying about this garbage. I frankly couldn't care less. Not one iota. Not anything. I have to wash my thinning hair.
Lol lol. Laughing hysterically. You should keep looking for stories like this. Stay up all night worrying about this garbage. I frankly couldn't care less. Not one iota. Not anything. I have to wash my thinning hair.
Yep.....typical lib.....fuck everyone else. You gotta wash your bald spot and brush your fangs.

When's Bill Maher coming on?
It’s a brazen business hour attack, apparently w/o fear of arrest or punishment. A one-person Flash mob. Taunting the “system”. I’m black, you owe me. Get near me I’ll kill you right here. No one can stop me/us anymore. Soros DA said it time to go up a level

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