Black youth steal 50 iPhones at an Oakland store, and nobody does anything about it.

Blacks are overrepresented big time when it comes to crimes

As said in another thread, white youth have a problem with mass school shootings. Any honest, white person can acknowledge that. Any honest American can acknowledge that we have problems in this country. So the left-wing and BLM supporters have to acknowledge a problem that a segment of black youth have.

See, this isn’t just a black youth problem. It’s an American problem. Because we have weak and an app politicians, who cannot call out these issues for what they are. And we have Hollywood and the media that is also extremely problematic toward these issues.

No doubt that the sense of entitlement, the BLM narrative and The false propaganda narrative that “America has an evil racist history” is influencing young black men to commit crimes because after all, if they think they’re living in a country with a racist evil history, then they are entitled to commit in crimes in their mind.

They have to go to work. Long hard days. Too tired, too busy to wreak havoc. Construction, driving trucks? Get off the bong. Picking crops if need be.
The descendancy of LBJ'S Great society has moved on from African Americans. South Americans are more plentiful, work their asses off and procreate like rabbits. The choice is a no brainier.

Meanwhile as the corporate tycoons crunch the population numbers going forward they realize that the customer base of white Americans is moving toward extinction and that having an uninterrupted sales flow is going to depend on massive importation of other populations.
Offer them an opportunity to run a business of their own.
They have that already. There are loans for new businesses, and if they do business with the government, they have an advantage over white competitors.

And didn’t Trump, in conjunction with Tim Scott, develop Opportunity Zones in black areas?
They have that already. There are loans for new businesses, and if they do business with the government, they have an advantage over white competitors.

And didn’t Trump, in conjunction with Tim Scott, develop Opportunity Zones in black areas?
Yes.....the fix is in I'm afraid. There is an entire generation of embittered blacks that have no interest in peace.
Wonder how many fanatical BLM supporters have no interest in reading the thread. And simply read a thread title, and just jump to a conclusion. That’s why we have problems in America. Often totalitarian left wingers have no interest in having a conversation and they have a way of shutting down free speech by just dismissing everyone they disagree with as a racist. It’s a strategy of theirs try and get as many left-wing fanatics as possible to call somebody a racist to silence or drown them out.

They don’t give a darn about the FBI data. They don’t care that blacks are over represented when it comes to committing crimes in this country. They just rant and rave about their false propaganda narrative that “American history is evil.” Or that somebody is a racist for pointing out the obvious problem that a segment of black youth have in this country when it comes to committing crimes.

So we need to figure out solutions to why we have this issue among black youth today.

Pro blm folk never talk about the fact that the Jew, the black, and the Indian, engaged in expansionist warfare, and the slave trade. It’s always the same lines from these people.
Why we have these problems with black youth is easy. They have been told this is their right.
They have to go to work. Long hard days. Too tired, too busy to wreak havoc. Construction, driving trucks? Get off the bong. Picking crops if need be.
No americans should be picking crops unless they're paid 30 per hour.
Smash and grabs were happening everywhere in Bay Area, but the OP only worries Black People doing it. The Apple Store was hit by a White Gang, nope not one word about that. A White Gang is a smash and grab at Macy's Union Square, nope he only bitches African-Americans.

Fucking racist.
I saw all them Repubs married to blacks, not, hell they wouldn't live with or near them
I'm a Republican and my next door neighbor is black. And there's a black family directly across the street.

You're so full of shit that you have to stay away from any sharp objects. One little pinprick and you would explode like a big shit balloon. The entire room would be splattered with high velocity shit.
Right here. Did church online this morning.
You call yourself a Christian?

Where does it say in the New Testament "Fuck Everyone Else".

Revelation 3:16

So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.

Ephesians 6:10-12

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.

James 4:17

So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.

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