Blackburn wrenches admission from Sebelius

Somebody should be looking for another Job.
Fuck off. The woman has been accepting responsibility all along.

The only reason she has not been fired is because Obama knows that your nuts in the Senate will not confirm anyone he nominates to replace her. They will use it to hold up progress.

Fuck off. The woman has been accepting responsibility all along.

The only reason she has not been fired is because Obama knows that your nuts in the Senate will not confirm anyone he nominates to replace her. They will use it to hold up progress.


Did you watch the video....? Sebelius has been pointing fingers at just about anybody she can....following the example of her boss i guess....however Blackburn got her into a corner where she had to take responsibility or else look weaker than she already is...
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Sometimes you just gotta get rude:

C'mon, Republicans in the House and Senate. Get up off those fat asses and sashay yourself down to the National Mall and do a group victory lap around the Reflecting Pool to celebrate ensuring that the Obamacare enrollment effort was about as messy and disturbing as a clown orgy. Fuck, yeah. After all that time you spent working out at the congressional gyms that stayed open during the shutdown, you need to show off. High five, do an endzone dance, spike the motherfuckin' ball, something to show the United States just how proud you all are of your efforts.

After all, who was it who told Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to shove her repeated requests for more funding to implement the Affordable Care Act up her coochie? It was congressional Republicans. Even as late as April of this year, with the ACA a Supreme Court-approved law, Republicans were laughing at the idea that they would give more money to make sure that Obamacare was a success.

Let's let Sebelius herself explain why the Obama administration was asking for $1.5 billion to get the ACA exchanges going at the federal level. It's in answer to a question from Rep. Todd Young, an Indiana Republican, about the request for extra cash at a hearing on April 12, 2013: "When this bill was passed in 2010, the Congressional Budget Office estimate was a $10 billion administrative cost to full implementation of the law. And you are correct: In the law itself, there was $1 billion appropriated, a tenth of what the nonpartisan CBO recommended be the cost. I think we have done an extraordinary job, frankly, here in 2013 allocating and using judiciously the $1 billion that we had. We do have about $230 million of those dollars left. We will use those and some additional resources in 2013. And we have asked for additionally 1.5 billion (dollars) in 2014, and that's really to get the IT hub, the call center, the IT up and running." Then Young cut her off, of course.

You got that? Sebelius asked for more money to get "the IT up and running." It was still way less than was recommended, and that $10 billion was if all the states created exchanges. The Republicans in Congress told her to go fuck herself. She added at the hearing, "We are using every opportunity we have to look at my transfer authority within HHS, and dollars that we have." In other words, she was going to string together scraps of funding in order stretch the HHS budget and get it working. Sebelius also went to private companies to get them to contribute to efforts to get Americans to enroll in the exchanges, which also caused monkey rage on the right because...oh, fuck, do monkeys need a reason?

Let's bottom line this: Kathleen Sebelius and the Obama administration said they needed more money to get the website right. Congress said no. And now Kathleen Sebelius has to look these same motherfuckers in the face and answer their stupid ass questions about why the website has had so many failures. She should just hold up a goddamn mirror as her response to every question.

Bully to you, Republicans. You got the Obamacare you wanted, one that has people frustrated and angry. You've tried to defund it, challenged it in court (which you're still doing), stopped states from making their own functioning exchanges (which is one of the big reasons the cluster has been fucked) and not accepted expanded Medicaid, outright lied about shit, and were total assholes about encouraging people to sign up.

Please, don't pretend you care about making it all work better. Shit, that's like a terrorist saying that he's gonna help rebuild the embassy he just blew up instead of claiming responsibility and threatening to bomb more places. Own it. The fuck-ups are yours at least as much as they are the Obama administration's. Arguably, more so.

So take a fuckin' bow. You deserve it, you obstructionist twats. After all, we probably wouldn't even be talking website breakdowns if, instead of throwing the wrench into the machine, you had used it to tighten the bolts.

As you're taking that lap, just make sure that you give a thumbs-up to all the people who will be dicked over on their health care because you worked so hard to make sure they got dicked over.

The Rude Pundit - Why Not Take a Victory Lap on Obamacare, Republicans?
Sometimes you just gotta get rude:

C'mon, Republicans in the House and Senate. Get up off those fat asses and sashay yourself down to the National Mall and do a group victory lap around the Reflecting Pool to celebrate ensuring that the Obamacare enrollment effort was about as messy and disturbing as a clown orgy. Fuck, yeah. After all that time you spent working out at the congressional gyms that stayed open during the shutdown, you need to show off. High five, do an endzone dance, spike the motherfuckin' ball, something to show the United States just how proud you all are of your efforts.

After all, who was it who told Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to shove her repeated requests for more funding to implement the Affordable Care Act up her coochie? It was congressional Republicans. Even as late as April of this year, with the ACA a Supreme Court-approved law, Republicans were laughing at the idea that they would give more money to make sure that Obamacare was a success.

Let's let Sebelius herself explain why the Obama administration was asking for $1.5 billion to get the ACA exchanges going at the federal level. It's in answer to a question from Rep. Todd Young, an Indiana Republican, about the request for extra cash at a hearing on April 12, 2013: "When this bill was passed in 2010, the Congressional Budget Office estimate was a $10 billion administrative cost to full implementation of the law. And you are correct: In the law itself, there was $1 billion appropriated, a tenth of what the nonpartisan CBO recommended be the cost. I think we have done an extraordinary job, frankly, here in 2013 allocating and using judiciously the $1 billion that we had. We do have about $230 million of those dollars left. We will use those and some additional resources in 2013. And we have asked for additionally 1.5 billion (dollars) in 2014, and that's really to get the IT hub, the call center, the IT up and running." Then Young cut her off, of course.

You got that? Sebelius asked for more money to get "the IT up and running." It was still way less than was recommended, and that $10 billion was if all the states created exchanges. The Republicans in Congress told her to go fuck herself. She added at the hearing, "We are using every opportunity we have to look at my transfer authority within HHS, and dollars that we have." In other words, she was going to string together scraps of funding in order stretch the HHS budget and get it working. Sebelius also went to private companies to get them to contribute to efforts to get Americans to enroll in the exchanges, which also caused monkey rage on the right because...oh, fuck, do monkeys need a reason?

Let's bottom line this: Kathleen Sebelius and the Obama administration said they needed more money to get the website right. Congress said no. And now Kathleen Sebelius has to look these same motherfuckers in the face and answer their stupid ass questions about why the website has had so many failures. She should just hold up a goddamn mirror as her response to every question.

Bully to you, Republicans. You got the Obamacare you wanted, one that has people frustrated and angry. You've tried to defund it, challenged it in court (which you're still doing), stopped states from making their own functioning exchanges (which is one of the big reasons the cluster has been fucked) and not accepted expanded Medicaid, outright lied about shit, and were total assholes about encouraging people to sign up.

Please, don't pretend you care about making it all work better. Shit, that's like a terrorist saying that he's gonna help rebuild the embassy he just blew up instead of claiming responsibility and threatening to bomb more places. Own it. The fuck-ups are yours at least as much as they are the Obama administration's. Arguably, more so.

So take a fuckin' bow. You deserve it, you obstructionist twats. After all, we probably wouldn't even be talking website breakdowns if, instead of throwing the wrench into the machine, you had used it to tighten the bolts.

As you're taking that lap, just make sure that you give a thumbs-up to all the people who will be dicked over on their health care because you worked so hard to make sure they got dicked over.

The Rude Pundit - Why Not Take a Victory Lap on Obamacare, Republicans?

right, becasue thats better than crafting a real response becasue you don't have d**k. :rolleyes:
Fuck off. The woman has been accepting responsibility all along.

The only reason she has not been fired is because Obama knows that your nuts in the Senate will not confirm anyone he nominates to replace her. They will use it to hold up progress.


no, she actually has not....but, you're right about the confirmation, but the nuts would include dems it should:eusa_whistle:
Sometimes you just gotta get rude:

C'mon, Republicans in the House and Senate. Get up off those fat asses and sashay yourself down to the National Mall and do a group victory lap around the Reflecting Pool to celebrate ensuring that the Obamacare enrollment effort was about as messy and disturbing as a clown orgy. Fuck, yeah. After all that time you spent working out at the congressional gyms that stayed open during the shutdown, you need to show off. High five, do an endzone dance, spike the motherfuckin' ball, something to show the United States just how proud you all are of your efforts.

After all, who was it who told Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to shove her repeated requests for more funding to implement the Affordable Care Act up her coochie? It was congressional Republicans. Even as late as April of this year, with the ACA a Supreme Court-approved law, Republicans were laughing at the idea that they would give more money to make sure that Obamacare was a success.

Let's let Sebelius herself explain why the Obama administration was asking for $1.5 billion to get the ACA exchanges going at the federal level. It's in answer to a question from Rep. Todd Young, an Indiana Republican, about the request for extra cash at a hearing on April 12, 2013: "When this bill was passed in 2010, the Congressional Budget Office estimate was a $10 billion administrative cost to full implementation of the law. And you are correct: In the law itself, there was $1 billion appropriated, a tenth of what the nonpartisan CBO recommended be the cost. I think we have done an extraordinary job, frankly, here in 2013 allocating and using judiciously the $1 billion that we had. We do have about $230 million of those dollars left. We will use those and some additional resources in 2013. And we have asked for additionally 1.5 billion (dollars) in 2014, and that's really to get the IT hub, the call center, the IT up and running." Then Young cut her off, of course.

You got that? Sebelius asked for more money to get "the IT up and running." It was still way less than was recommended, and that $10 billion was if all the states created exchanges. The Republicans in Congress told her to go fuck herself. She added at the hearing, "We are using every opportunity we have to look at my transfer authority within HHS, and dollars that we have." In other words, she was going to string together scraps of funding in order stretch the HHS budget and get it working. Sebelius also went to private companies to get them to contribute to efforts to get Americans to enroll in the exchanges, which also caused monkey rage on the right because...oh, fuck, do monkeys need a reason?

Let's bottom line this: Kathleen Sebelius and the Obama administration said they needed more money to get the website right. Congress said no. And now Kathleen Sebelius has to look these same motherfuckers in the face and answer their stupid ass questions about why the website has had so many failures. She should just hold up a goddamn mirror as her response to every question.

Bully to you, Republicans. You got the Obamacare you wanted, one that has people frustrated and angry. You've tried to defund it, challenged it in court (which you're still doing), stopped states from making their own functioning exchanges (which is one of the big reasons the cluster has been fucked) and not accepted expanded Medicaid, outright lied about shit, and were total assholes about encouraging people to sign up.

Please, don't pretend you care about making it all work better. Shit, that's like a terrorist saying that he's gonna help rebuild the embassy he just blew up instead of claiming responsibility and threatening to bomb more places. Own it. The fuck-ups are yours at least as much as they are the Obama administration's. Arguably, more so.

So take a fuckin' bow. You deserve it, you obstructionist twats. After all, we probably wouldn't even be talking website breakdowns if, instead of throwing the wrench into the machine, you had used it to tighten the bolts.

As you're taking that lap, just make sure that you give a thumbs-up to all the people who will be dicked over on their health care because you worked so hard to make sure they got dicked over.

The Rude Pundit - Why Not Take a Victory Lap on Obamacare, Republicans?

right, becasue thats better than crafting a real response becasue you don't have d**k. :rolleyes:

Looks like the GOP bozos grilling Sebelius today had even less.
Fuck off. The woman has been accepting responsibility all along.

The only reason she has not been fired is because Obama knows that your nuts in the Senate will not confirm anyone he nominates to replace her. They will use it to hold up progress.


no, she actually has not....but, you're right about the confirmation, but the nuts would include dems it should:eusa_whistle:

And where does that assertion come from?
Fuck off. The woman has been accepting responsibility all along.

The only reason she has not been fired is because Obama knows that your nuts in the Senate will not confirm anyone he nominates to replace her. They will use it to hold up progress.


no, she actually has not....but, you're right about the confirmation, but the nuts would include dems it should:eusa_whistle:

And where does that assertion come from?

which one?
thats a matter of opinion, so, question- can she enroll in ACA?

yes, opinion...just like what I responded to.

What do you mean by "can"?

she was asked why she didn't join/enroll in the exchange.........I was wondering.....

I thought you were up on this?


Kathleen Sebelius Can Enroll In Obamacare - Business Insider

Ah ya got me there...

But just because a question is inane doesn't mean you're allowed to give a wrong answer to it. Sebelius did that twice, saying it would be illegal for her to shop in the exchange because she is offered health insurance through work.

That's wrong. As made clear on, you may enroll in coverage through the exchanges even if you are offered coverage through work. Your offer of work-based coverage may make you ineligible for a subsidy, but that doesn't stop you from enrolling.

In addition to her coverage through federal employment, Sebelius is enrolled in Medicare Part A, which covers inpatient care. Insurers may not sell exchange plans to Medicare participants. But Sebelius could make herself eligible for coverage by withdrawing her application for Medicare Part A. That would be a silly choice, but it would be legal.

Nevertheless, it's nice that the source you gave admitted this oft-asked question by just about every other con out there is inane.
Fuck off. The woman has been accepting responsibility all along.

The only reason she has not been fired is because Obama knows that your nuts in the Senate will not confirm anyone he nominates to replace her. They will use it to hold up progress.


Why would Barry fire her, Lone? She's willing to fall on her sword for him and accept responsibility for this debacle of a roll out. Trust me, he'll need her around to take the blame when it becomes obvious how much of a cluster fuck the REST of ObamaCare is. Why? Well it's obvious...the only person senior to Sebelius is Obama and HE'S not going to take the blame for anything. That's not what Barry DOES!
yes, opinion...just like what I responded to.

What do you mean by "can"?

she was asked why she didn't join/enroll in the exchange.........I was wondering.....

I thought you were up on this?


Kathleen Sebelius Can Enroll In Obamacare - Business Insider

Ah ya got me there...

But just because a question is inane doesn't mean you're allowed to give a wrong answer to it. Sebelius did that twice, saying it would be illegal for her to shop in the exchange because she is offered health insurance through work.

That's wrong. As made clear on, you may enroll in coverage through the exchanges even if you are offered coverage through work. Your offer of work-based coverage may make you ineligible for a subsidy, but that doesn't stop you from enrolling.

In addition to her coverage through federal employment, Sebelius is enrolled in Medicare Part A, which covers inpatient care. Insurers may not sell exchange plans to Medicare participants. But Sebelius could make herself eligible for coverage by withdrawing her application for Medicare Part A. That would be a silly choice, but it would be legal.

Nevertheless, it's nice that the source you gave admitted this oft-asked question by just about every other con out there is inane.

whats not nice is she could not provide the answer........'nevertheless' that like 'not withstanding'....the term obama decided no longer means what its meant for , well a long as lawyers and the law has been around, so as to make it legal for the OPM to give congresscritters and their staffs their shot to make the cake, and not have to eat it while we do?
she was asked why she didn't join/enroll in the exchange.........I was wondering.....

I thought you were up on this?


Kathleen Sebelius Can Enroll In Obamacare - Business Insider

Ah ya got me there...

But just because a question is inane doesn't mean you're allowed to give a wrong answer to it. Sebelius did that twice, saying it would be illegal for her to shop in the exchange because she is offered health insurance through work.

That's wrong. As made clear on, you may enroll in coverage through the exchanges even if you are offered coverage through work. Your offer of work-based coverage may make you ineligible for a subsidy, but that doesn't stop you from enrolling.

In addition to her coverage through federal employment, Sebelius is enrolled in Medicare Part A, which covers inpatient care. Insurers may not sell exchange plans to Medicare participants. But Sebelius could make herself eligible for coverage by withdrawing her application for Medicare Part A. That would be a silly choice, but it would be legal.

Nevertheless, it's nice that the source you gave admitted this oft-asked question by just about every other con out there is inane.

whats not nice is she could not provide the answer........'nevertheless' that like 'not withstanding'....the term obama decided no longer means what its meant for , well a long as lawyers and the law has been around, so as to make it legal for the OPM to give congresscritters and their staffs their shot to have their cake not have to eat it too?

I just read this three times and I still don't know WTH you're asking here.

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