Blackburn wrenches admission from Sebelius

Ah ya got me there...

Nevertheless, it's nice that the source you gave admitted this oft-asked question by just about every other con out there is inane.

whats not nice is she could not provide the answer........'nevertheless' that like 'not withstanding'....the term obama decided no longer means what its meant for , well a long as lawyers and the law has been around, so as to make it legal for the OPM to give congresscritters and their staffs their shot to have their cake not have to eat it too?

I just read this three times and I still don't know WTH you're asking here.

humm, I thought you were up on this. :eusa_eh:

opm office of personnel management, obama told them to ignore the Grassley amendment wording as in 'Notwithstanding' previous bills, plans etc. so as to insure congress and staff would have to join the exchanges, like the rest of us.

Instead, they got to make the cake, and they don't have to eat it.....just us peons.
whats not nice is she could not provide the answer........'nevertheless' that like 'not withstanding'....the term obama decided no longer means what its meant for , well a long as lawyers and the law has been around, so as to make it legal for the OPM to give congresscritters and their staffs their shot to have their cake not have to eat it too?

I just read this three times and I still don't know WTH you're asking here.

humm, I thought you were up on this. :eusa_eh:

opm office of personnel management, obama told them to ignore the Grassley amendment wording as in 'Notwithstanding' previous bills, plans etc. so as to insure congress and staff would have to join the exchanges, like the rest of us.

Instead, they got to make the cake, and they don't have to eat it.....just us peons.

I think I see what you're getting at. My answer would be to shrug my shoulders. You can make an argument that the Prez shouldn't be making such an instruction, but at the same time, the Grassley amendment is crap in the first place.

Congresscritters and staff already have employer-based insurance, just like I and a good many other Americans do...IOW, it isn't "just us peons". No reason for them to have to go on exchanges under a law where the exchanges have been set up to help people who are uninsured or underinsured get the coverage they need.
I just read this three times and I still don't know WTH you're asking here.

humm, I thought you were up on this. :eusa_eh:

opm office of personnel management, obama told them to ignore the Grassley amendment wording as in 'Notwithstanding' previous bills, plans etc. so as to insure congress and staff would have to join the exchanges, like the rest of us.

Instead, they got to make the cake, and they don't have to eat it.....just us peons.

I think I see what you're getting at. My answer would be to shrug my shoulders. You can make an argument that the Prez shouldn't be making such an instruction, but at the same time, the Grassley amendment is crap in the first place.

Congresscritters and staff already have employer-based insurance, just like I and a good many other Americans do...IOW, it isn't "just us peons". No reason for them to have to go on exchanges under a law where the exchanges have been set up to help people who are uninsured or underinsured get the coverage they need.

What's telling, Erik is the person who is in charge of this debacle doesn't seem to know very much ABOUT it. If you watched the hearings as I did, you couldn't help but be struck by how many questions were asked of Sebelius that she simply didn't know the answer to. She's been working on the ObamaCare roll-out for four years would think that she would be an authority on it.
Of course the other answer to that is Sebelious DOES know the answers to those questions but felt it was better to dodge them then give the American people an honest answer.
I just read this three times and I still don't know WTH you're asking here.

humm, I thought you were up on this. :eusa_eh:

opm office of personnel management, obama told them to ignore the Grassley amendment wording as in 'Notwithstanding' previous bills, plans etc. so as to insure congress and staff would have to join the exchanges, like the rest of us.

Instead, they got to make the cake, and they don't have to eat it.....just us peons.

I think I see what you're getting at. My answer would be to shrug my shoulders. You can make an argument that the Prez shouldn't be making such an instruction, but at the same time, the Grassley amendment is crap in the first place.

Congresscritters and staff already have employer-based insurance, just like I and a good many other Americans do...IOW, it isn't "just us peons". No reason for them to have to go on exchanges under a law where the exchanges have been set up to help people who are uninsured or underinsured get the coverage they need.

shrug? :eek:

no sorry, don't try that. whats that term that was thrown around during the shutdown " its the law of the land", last I checked that amendment was....the LAW. Your explanation doesn't wash. The LAW says subsidies are for ...state exchanges only btw.Thye are going out to the exchanges BUT they get to keep their subsidies......sorry, thats not what the law delineates. Period.

so the opm continuing to provide them with very generous subsidies so they don't have to feel or experience what the public does passes a sniff test to you? wow......
humm, I thought you were up on this. :eusa_eh:

opm office of personnel management, obama told them to ignore the Grassley amendment wording as in 'Notwithstanding' previous bills, plans etc. so as to insure congress and staff would have to join the exchanges, like the rest of us.

Instead, they got to make the cake, and they don't have to eat it.....just us peons.

I think I see what you're getting at. My answer would be to shrug my shoulders. You can make an argument that the Prez shouldn't be making such an instruction, but at the same time, the Grassley amendment is crap in the first place.

Congresscritters and staff already have employer-based insurance, just like I and a good many other Americans do...IOW, it isn't "just us peons". No reason for them to have to go on exchanges under a law where the exchanges have been set up to help people who are uninsured or underinsured get the coverage they need.

shrug? :eek:

no sorry, don't try that. whats that term that was thrown around during the shutdown " its the law of the land", last I checked that amendment was....the LAW. Your explanation doesn't wash. The LAW says subsidies are for ...state exchanges only btw.Thye are going out to the exchanges BUT they get to keep their subsidies......sorry, thats not what the law delineates. Period.

so the opm continuing to provide them with very generous subsidies so they don't have to feel or experience what the public does passes a sniff test to you? wow......

I'm gonna have to concede that this is another part of this I wasn't as up on as I thought. I'll just leave you with this:

Originally we declared Vitter’s assertion to be wrong since any company can decide to help pay for policies that its workers purchase on the exchange so allowing representatives and staff to do so would not be an “exemption.” That notion has been challenged by conservative critics of Obamacare who argue that under existing federal statutes Congress had to specifically pass legislation authorizing the premium subsidies for any insurance program other than FEHBP. Since congress did not do this, the administration, at the behest of Congressional Democrats, and, according to Politico, Speaker John Boehner, unilaterally extended premium contributions. By doing this, the critics argue, the administration “exempted” Congress from the law.

The administration takes issue with this, asserting that another provision in existing federal law gives the Office of Personnel Management the power to contribute to health insurance for federal “employees” and the ACA did not remove lawmakers and Congressional staff from the statutory definition of federal “employee.”

This sounds like something the courts will have to sort out. So, rather than declaring Vitter’s assertion to be false, prudence suggests that we label it, “in dispute.”

Fact Check: Did President Obama exempt members of Congress from Obamacare? ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs
As for the OP...

“Access to has been a miserably frustrating experience for way too many Americans,” she said in her opening statement. “So let me say directly to these Americans: You deserve better. I apologize. I’m accountable to you for fixing these problems. And I’m committed to earning your confidence back by fixing the site.”
This was a sneaky and dastardly thing for her to do: sneaky, because it wasn’t in the advance testimony she gave the committee, and dastardly, because in today’s Washington, any acceptance of responsibility is so rare that the Republicans — who were counting on her evading and deflecting — were caught off-guard.

Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) seemed not to have heard the secretary’s apology. “You’re now blaming it on the contractors and saying it’s Verizon’s fault,” she said.

“Let me be clear. I’m not pointing fingers at Verizon,” Sebelius said. “We own the site.”

Dana Milbank: In Kathleen Sebelius hearings on Obamacare, a GOP without a brain - The Washington Post

Just how the hell did wingnut Blackburn "wrench" an admission from her when it was the first thing she said?
I'm curious, you REALLY believe that outrage over Benghanzi is "feigned"? Do you REALLY believe that outrage over our spending three plus years and a hundred million dollars on a web site that doesn't work is "feigned"?
I'm curious, you REALLY believe that outrage over Benghanzi is "feigned"? Do you REALLY believe that outrage over our spending three plus years and a hundred million dollars on a web site that doesn't work is "feigned"?


Ultimately, it's all about sticking it to the President.
I think I see what you're getting at. My answer would be to shrug my shoulders. You can make an argument that the Prez shouldn't be making such an instruction, but at the same time, the Grassley amendment is crap in the first place.

Congresscritters and staff already have employer-based insurance, just like I and a good many other Americans do...IOW, it isn't "just us peons". No reason for them to have to go on exchanges under a law where the exchanges have been set up to help people who are uninsured or underinsured get the coverage they need.

shrug? :eek:

no sorry, don't try that. whats that term that was thrown around during the shutdown " its the law of the land", last I checked that amendment was....the LAW. Your explanation doesn't wash. The LAW says subsidies are for ...state exchanges only btw.Thye are going out to the exchanges BUT they get to keep their subsidies......sorry, thats not what the law delineates. Period.

so the opm continuing to provide them with very generous subsidies so they don't have to feel or experience what the public does passes a sniff test to you? wow......

I'm gonna have to concede that this is another part of this I wasn't as up on as I thought. I'll just leave you with this:

Originally we declared Vitter’s assertion to be wrong since any company can decide to help pay for policies that its workers purchase on the exchange so allowing representatives and staff to do so would not be an “exemption.” That notion has been challenged by conservative critics of Obamacare who argue that under existing federal statutes Congress had to specifically pass legislation authorizing the premium subsidies for any insurance program other than FEHBP. Since congress did not do this, the administration, at the behest of Congressional Democrats, and, according to Politico, Speaker John Boehner, unilaterally extended premium contributions. By doing this, the critics argue, the administration “exempted” Congress from the law.

The administration takes issue with this, asserting that another provision in existing federal law gives the Office of Personnel Management the power to contribute to health insurance for federal “employees” and the ACA did not remove lawmakers and Congressional staff from the statutory definition of federal “employee.”

This sounds like something the courts will have to sort out. So, rather than declaring Vitter’s assertion to be false, prudence suggests that we label it, “in dispute.”

Fact Check: Did President Obama exempt members of Congress from Obamacare? ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

so, here is the best explanation a-z I have seen so far-

Here- Grassley amend. 1312

and here-

Currently, members of Congress and their staff receive health care coverage through the Federal Employee Health Benefits Plan (FEHBP). The FEHBP allows individuals to choose from a set of options to pick the health plan that is right for them. As with any employer-based health plan, the federal government (the employer) can contribute to the health care premium of the employee and the contributions are not included in taxes.

However, Section 1312 of Obamacare requires that all members of Congress and congressional staff must either get their health care coverage from a health plan created by Obamacare or through an Obamacare exchange. Obamacare exchanges do not allow tax-exempt employer contributions to health care premiums. The only subsidies available to individuals on Obamacare are the premium tax credits for individuals who are under 400 percent of the federal poverty line (about $46,000 per year). The idea was, if Congress is going to write a law that forces tens of thousands of Americans on Obamacare through the individual mandate, Congress should be prepared to share in that experience.

But now the administration is defeating the purpose of that idea by allowing special treatment for members of Congress and their staff. Instead of going on Obamacare and abiding by the same laws and requirements as everyone else in it, members of Congress can now receive tax-exempt contributions from their employer (the federal government) to their health care premiums on the Obamacare exchange. This will create one set of rules for the American people and a different set of rules for Congress.

more at-
No congressional Obamacare exemptions | TheHill

right now, congress is deciding who has to do what amongst themselves and staff, here-

Hill aides can quietly stay off health exchanges - Burgess Everett and Jake Sherman -

its simple- thats the amendment, it is part of obamcare and, the 'law of the land' cannot get a little pregnant.
I'm curious, you REALLY believe that outrage over Benghanzi is "feigned"? Do you REALLY believe that outrage over our spending three plus years and a hundred million dollars on a web site that doesn't work is "feigned"?


Ultimately, it's all about sticking it to the President.

so, finding out why someone stuck it to Cindy Sheehans son, somehow trumps or trumped finding out why someone stuck it to Patricia Smiths son? seriously?

are you being selective?

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