Blacks at 73 colleges demand whites give free tuition to black students!!


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
More brazen racism from blacks. "Take money from whitey and give it to me".

Over 70 Black Campus Groups Plan More Protests

dec 5 2015 Organizing members of the Black Liberation Collective from Harvard University to the University of Missouri have released a list of demands they want met at predominately white colleges as well as historical black universities.
Campus groups from each individual school have their own specific demands to end “racial discrimination” on their respective campuses.

Collectively, the 73 schools all want the following:

1) WE DEMAND at the minimum, Black students and Black faculty to be reflected by the national percentage of Black folk in the country

2) WE DEMAND free tuition for Black and indigenous students

3) WE DEMAND a divestment from prisons and an investment in communities
Oh, they want to give me free tuition ? Just because I'm a white American who earns more money than 90% of Americans??

No thanks. We have things called libraries.
More brazen racism from blacks. "Take money from whitey and give it to me".

Over 70 Black Campus Groups Plan More Protests

dec 5 2015 Organizing members of the Black Liberation Collective from Harvard University to the University of Missouri have released a list of demands they want met at predominately white colleges as well as historical black universities.
Campus groups from each individual school have their own specific demands to end “racial discrimination” on their respective campuses.

Collectively, the 73 schools all want the following:

1) WE DEMAND at the minimum, Black students and Black faculty to be reflected by the national percentage of Black folk in the country

2) WE DEMAND free tuition for Black and indigenous students

3) WE DEMAND a divestment from prisons and an investment in communities

How about we give the BLC this: :fu:
white people are growing very weary of the perpetually aggrieved negroes and their "demands" against whites...
the more they push, the worse the pushback will eventually be...
Demand it from the Democrats, who backed slavery, and lynched uppity blacks by using their terrorist arm, the KKK...
white people are growing very weary of the perpetually aggrieved negroes and their "demands" against whites...
the more they push, the worse the pushback will eventually be...

They've been doing if forever and stupid whites go along with it. Whites need to stop feeling guilty about slavery. I guarantee if blacks had enslaved whites they wouldn't apologize for it. They'd say "proves you're inferior".
white people are growing very weary of the perpetually aggrieved negroes and their "demands" against whites...
the more they push, the worse the pushback will eventually be...

They've been doing if forever and stupid whites go along with it. Whites need to stop feeling guilty about slavery. I guarantee if blacks had enslaved whites they wouldn't apologize for it. They'd say "proves you're inferior".

I never owned slaves, my ancestors didn't either. I feel zero guilt.
My Irish ancestors got the short end of the stick when they came, but they've overcome that obstacle. Why can't blacks?

I'm not certain, but I'm pretty sure this is racist....somehow...

Racist? I think it's a good question. Another good question is why can chinese and koreans and vietnamese come here and do fine even though they don't know the language, while blacks, who have been here their whole life cannot?

Blacks are mentally inferior and everyone knows it. Why can't we say it?
My Irish ancestors got the short end of the stick when they came, but they've overcome that obstacle. Why can't blacks?

I'm not certain, but I'm pretty sure this is racist....somehow...

Racist? I think it's a good question. Another good question is why can chinese and koreans and vietnamese come here and do fine even though they don't know the language, while blacks, who have been here their whole life cannot?

Blacks are mentally inferior and everyone knows it. Why can't we say it?

Not sure I could have made that comment sound anymore sarcastic...
I tried,I really did.....
I find it funny that their top demand is to get rid of historical black universities by making their percentage of black students and faculty reflective of overall society:

Organizing members of the Black Liberation Collective from Harvard University to the University of Missouri have released a list of demands they want met at predominately white colleges as well as historical black universities.

1) WE DEMAND at the minimum, Black students and Black faculty to be reflected by the national percentage of Black folk in the country
Not sure I could have made that comment sound anymore sarcastic...
I tried,I really did.....

HAHAHA. You libs are all alike. I pointed out the absurdity of your post and then you say "i was just kidding". Man up and admit you made a stupid comment.
I find it funny that their top demand is to get rid of historical black universities by making their percentage of black students and faculty reflective of overall society:

Organizing members of the Black Liberation Collective from Harvard University to the University of Missouri have released a list of demands they want met at predominately white colleges as well as historical black universities.

1) WE DEMAND at the minimum, Black students and Black faculty to be reflected by the national percentage of Black folk in the country

That's a good point. Yes - their demand will end HBCUs. All colleges will have to be 13% black. Bet they didn't think of that.
Not sure I could have made that comment sound anymore sarcastic...
I tried,I really did.....

HAHAHA. You libs are all alike. I pointed out the absurdity of your post and then you say "i was just kidding". Man up and admit you made a stupid comment.

You calling me a liberal?:lmao:
WOW!! After all these years of posting and you dont have the wherewithal to have a pretty good idea of my politics.
Come on man....thats liberal stupid right there.

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