UCLA Med School Requires Students To Attend Lecture Where Speaker Demands Prayer for ‘Mama Earth,’ Leads Chants of ‘Free Palestine.’

I instantly recognized this as my Daniel moment.

No, I am not bending down to worship the Earth.

Do what you need to do.
At least half of the assembled students complied, two students said. Gray-Garcia, a local activist who had been invited to speak about "Housing (In)Justice," proceeded to thank native tribes for preserving "what the settlers call L.A.," according to audio obtained by the Free Beacon, and to remind students of the city’s "herstory."

This white woman was homeless and she may have mental issues as well. But these rich kids attending UCLA's medical school may have learned something about being poor from the lecture.

What’s a Daniel moment?

Daniel was told to stop praying to God, and continued and trusted God to protect him. In another point in the Book of Daniel, he and his friends were commanded to worship Nebekenezer, but would not. On pain of death.
The rich antisemitic Arabs have bought off most liberal universities - and now they’re starting in with med schools.

This only makes sense if you see it in terms of the demonic.

These same people were crying about "me too" just a few years ago...if some guy stared at their butt. Now, we have Jewish children raped, and their pregnant mothers. But hey, no big deal right? PALESTINE (that's all sarcasm from demonic people, lest anyone attempt to quote me)
This only makes sense if you see it in terms of the demonic.

These same people were crying about "me too" just a few years ago...if some guy stared at their butt. Now, we have Jewish children raped, and their pregnant mothers. But hey, no big deal right? PALESTINE (that's all sarcasm from demonic people, lest anyone attempt to quote me)
Actually, what has happened over the last years is that Qatar - the rich Arab country that is the headquarters of HAMAS and extremely antisemitic - has been giving billions of dollars to liberal universities in exchange for them to indoctrinate students against Israel and Jewish people.

When, Gd-willing, Trump overcomes the cheating by Dems and wins the election, I think he should forbid foreign donations to colleges, and reinstitute his EO that withheld federal funds from colleges that allowed antisemitism to fester. (The Dems were opposed to it because they said it was unfair to the [Jew-hating] Muslims.)
Everything is totally based on politic to you, I see. I have seen radical nut balls on both sides of the aisle, and slobbering mad dog nut balls are on both sides of the aisle. That is why people that pick who they support by the party, are totally full of crap. Are your eyes brown, by any chance?
Its clear which party pushes this crap in Cali. And all the other Woke ass BS the push.

It sure as fuck aint us.
Everything is totally based on politic to you, I see. I have seen radical nut balls on both sides of the aisle, and slobbering mad dog nut balls are on both sides of the aisle. That is why people that pick who they support by the party, are totally full of crap. Are your eyes brown, by any chance?
Of course it’s political. The Dems (about half of them) are on the side of the Muslim antisemites and against Israel, and the leftist Universities want to brainwash their students to hate Isrsel as well.
No, this isn't the Bee.

Yes, it really happened at UCLA Med School.

So, let in blithering idiots based on race to be Doctors, then inculcate them in non-medicine on top of that.

In a mandatory course on "structural racism" for first-year medical students at the University of California Los Angeles, a guest speaker who has praised Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack on Israel led students in chants of "Free, Free Palestine" and demanded that they bow down to "mama earth," according to students in the class and audio obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.
Lisa "Tiny" Gray-Garcia, who has referred to the Oct. 7 terrorist attacks as "justice," began the March 27 class by leading students in what she described as a "non-secular prayer" to "the ancestors," instructing everyone to get on their knees and touch the floor—"mama earth," as she described it—with their fists.
At least half of the assembled students complied, two students said. Gray-Garcia, a local activist who had been invited to speak about "Housing (In)Justice," proceeded to thank native tribes for preserving "what the settlers call L.A.," according to audio obtained by the Free Beacon, and to remind students of the city’s "herstory."
The prayer also included a benediction for "black," "brown," and "houseless people" who die because of the "crapatalist lie" of "private property."
"Mama earth," Gray-Garcia told the kneeling students, "was never meant to be bought, sold, pimped, or played."
So began a long and looney lecture that shocked some students at the elite medical school and has led to calls for an investigation. Wearing a keffiyeh that covered her entire face, Gray-Garcia, a self-described "poverty scholar," led the class in chants of "Free, Free Palestine" as faculty and staff looked on in silence, according to people in the course and contemporaneous text messages reviewed by the Free Beacon.

I wish that "poverty scholar" could be forced to live in Palestine.

After one month (or week) there, she would be screaming to return to the United States.

And when she returned, she should be forced to live in "certain" parts of Chicago. She would flee Chicago screaming for her life.
Its clear which party pushes this crap in Cali. And all the other Woke ass BS the push.

It sure as fuck aint us.
You are undoubtedly correct about California. I envision normal everyday conservatives (whether democrat, republic or independent) that feel they cannot leave for one reason or another, feeling like trapped behind enemy lines. I am glad I do not life there, and don't even want to visit.
Actually, what has happened over the last years is that Qatar - the rich Arab country that is the headquarters of HAMAS and extremely antisemitic - has been giving billions of dollars to liberal universities in exchange for them to indoctrinate students against Israel and Jewish people.

When, Gd-willing, Trump overcomes the cheating by Dems and wins the election, I think he should forbid foreign donations to colleges, and reinstitute his EO that withheld federal funds from colleges that allowed antisemitism to fester. (The Dems were opposed to it because they said it was unfair to the [Jew-hating] Muslims.)

I did not know that about Qatar giving to colleges but it tracks. Sadly. I think it's disgusting.

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