Blacks' dreams will come true. Then what?

Then make him a role model for your kids.

I have no problem with his good family life, his education, or his intelligence. All good and admirable things .. but my children have been raised to think beyond themselves, to stand on principle, and never forget who they are or where they came from.

Good family and the value of education and intelligence they learn at home.

Hey, I hope my comments didn't come off as racist. I just think guys like Jackson & Sharpton can be devisive.

I don't even think about black and white when I see Obama.

But that's all I think about or hear about with the other two.

Plus Jesse spit in white people's food when he was young. I don't blame him, but damn!!!:lol:
Then make him a role model for your kids.

I have no problem with his good family life, his education, or his intelligence. All good and admirable things .. but my children have been raised to think beyond themselves, to stand on principle, and never forget who they are or where they came from.

Good family and the value of education and intelligence they learn at home.

Fair enough, but your kids will make that choice, they may not have the same views as you do but at the same time they love you and you are their dad. I think everyone agrees parents should be the role model but if they did look to Obama for inspiration then I wouldnt have a problem with that because he does things the right way IMO.
He thinks Obama is a sellout. He doesn't realize the Democratic party wouldn't have picked Obama if he went rogue.

He's right, but he's also wrong too. He doesn't realize his 3rd party will sell out too the minute they get in a position to compete.

But I respect the guy.

And I think he knows Obama is a great role model for everyone, not just black people.

I don't want this to come off as racist, but maybe black kids will see how they need to speak and carry themselves. In other words, not Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton.

But I don't speak for BAC.

You do a good job of speaking for me my brother.

But you need to really understand this .. black children do not need Obama. There are indeed admirable qulities about him, but the challenges black children face is not going to be resolved by symbolism .. which is Obama.

Support him if you must, but don't think he's the coming of the messiah.

Obama isn't going to do a damn thing for black people but look good as president.
You do a good job of speaking for me my brother.

But you need to really understand this .. black children do not need Obama. There are indeed admirable qulities about him, but the challenges black children face is not going to be resolved by symbolism .. which is Obama.

Support him if you must, but don't think he's the coming of the messiah.

Obama isn't going to do a damn thing for black people but look good as president.

BET! I bet inner city schools get better. I bet more Federal dollars go to inner city schools under Obama.

Then it's their job to do what they can with what they are given.

Yes they do need to realize they are not second class citizens.

There will always be racists. But maybe we can take their power away!!!!:eusa_pray:
You do a good job of speaking for me my brother.

But you need to really understand this .. black children do not need Obama. There are indeed admirable qulities about him, but the challenges black children face is not going to be resolved by symbolism .. which is Obama.

Support him if you must, but don't think he's the coming of the messiah.

Obama isn't going to do a damn thing for black people but look good as president.

Alright. I think now, if it's good for you, is a good time for you to sell me on your third party candidate.

I'll look to see if you were able to reply when I get home.

Is that Green party woman the messiah?
Hey, I hope my comments didn't come off as racist. I just think guys like Jackson & Sharpton can be devisive.

I don't even think about black and white when I see Obama.

But that's all I think about or hear about with the other two.

Plus Jesse spit in white people's food when he was young. I don't blame him, but damn!!!:lol:

You don't have to worry about "coming off as racist" to me my brother .. and I'd defend you if anyone else thought you were.

Both Jackson and Sharpton hav been fighting the issue of race for a long time .. and Jesse Jackson blazed the trail Obama now walks AND Jesse is the one who made it possible for him to win the nomination because he brought proportional representation to the Democratic Party.

There is no such thing as a colorblind society my brother, nor should there ever be. I shouldn't have to pretend blindness to understand the value of real diversity, not tolerance. I don't want to be "tolerated"

Obama makes great speeches, but there is a history full of African-Americans who have made the ultimate sacrifice for the improvement of their people.

Support him if you believe, but he is not the coming of the messiah. He comes with lots of warts.
Fair enough, but your kids will make that choice, they may not have the same views as you do but at the same time they love you and you are their dad. I think everyone agrees parents should be the role model but if they did look to Obama for inspiration then I wouldnt have a problem with that because he does things the right way IMO.

I don't disagree with you good brother ,, but I like a bit more backbone in my role models .. hopefully, so will my children .. and grandchildren.
Oh you would hate to see the racial barriers that keep black people down go away.

You'd hate to see inner city schools be as well funded as your white school.

You'd hate to have a black boss.

You'd hate to realize that a lot of black people are smarter and more capable than you, given the same chance.

Really. Are you actually calling me a racist? Is it because I'm a Republican. Maybe its because I went to school in Alabama? I posted an article that posed a legitimate question. If you can't handle it, then don't respond. Put the race card back in your purse.
BET! I bet inner city schools get better. I bet more Federal dollars go to inner city schools under Obama.

Then it's their job to do what they can with what they are given.

Yes they do need to realize they are not second class citizens.

There will always be racists. But maybe we can take their power away!!!!:eusa_pray:

I hope I'm wrong about Obama, but I doubt it.

I hope I'm wrong about the Democratic Party, but I doubt it.

Your first clue will be the Cabinet he picks.
Interesting take on the current "Clusterfuck to the White House."

No more Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton being able to say the man is keeping them down when the man is half African American? :eusa_whistle:

If it's two Democrats I can't stand, it's those two racists.
No more Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton being able to say the man is keeping them down when the man is half African American? :eusa_whistle:

If it's two Democrats I can't stand, it's those two racists.

I'm white and if Obama is elected, I am going to say...

"I'm sick and tired of being hassled by The Man!"
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Blacks' dreams will come true. Then what?

Then their dreams will be dashed on the rocks of political reality, just as has been happening to White folks for most of my lifetime.
Now every black child in the country will now have a hero to look up to that is not a sports star or a rapper.

This will change American culture forever.
When Carter II policies cause economic followed by military disaster they will live life in shame.

Then their dreams will be dashed on the rocks of political reality, just as has been happening to White folks for most of my lifetime.

Absolutely .. and I welcome the maturing that comes after.
Absolutely .. and I welcome the maturing that comes after.

You have far greater faith in the people's abilities to see reality for what it is than I do, BAC.

I fully expect the average Black man to not get it just as most White men, don't get it.

Can't blame them really.

We live in a world carefully crafted by our master class to confuse us.
You have far greater faith in the people's abilities to see reality for what it is than I do, BAC.

I fully expect the average Black man to not get it just as most White men, don't get it.

Can't blame them really.

We live in a world carefully crafted by our master class to confuse us.

I do not disagree with you at all, and well said as is usual for you my brother.

However, my optimism is based on some people getting it. The masses will always be sheep, but some will be awakened by the total failure of our politics. In the African-American comnmunity, we've put more stock in politics than we have in economics .. a serious recipe for failure.

All I hope for and expect is that a new kind of leadership will arise that will speak to a course that is not dependent on favor.
You don't have to worry about "coming off as racist" to me my brother .. and I'd defend you if anyone else thought you were.

The very fact that we even have to discuss this issue leads me to think that there's no way in hell any American can avoid being racist.

We can, at best, try not to let the background radiation of the racist world we live in effect us too much. But sadly for everyone concerned, as long as we notice such unimportant things as skin color, we are programmed to think in terms of race.

Both Jackson and Sharpton hav been fighting the issue of race for a long time .. and Jesse Jackson blazed the trail Obama now walks AND Jesse is the one who made it possible for him to win the nomination because he brought proportional representation to the Democratic Party.

Sadly power corrupts Black men no less than White ones. We ALL want to be heros, but the path to power takes us down dark alleys we'd rather not go.

The only way to be a completely honest man, one completely devoid of the the corrupting power of power, is to have no power whatever.

There is no such thing as a colorblind society my brother, nor should there ever be. I shouldn't have to pretend blindness to understand the value of real diversity, not tolerance. I don't want to be "tolerated"

True enough. If you're Black (or White for that matter) do not worry about being tolerated. You won't be.

Obama makes great speeches, but there is a history full of African-Americans who have made the ultimate sacrifice for the improvement of their people.

Heros, even tin plated ones, serve a purpose. I expect Obama to do what he can, given what he's working with.

Support him if you believe, but he is not the coming of the messiah. He comes with lots of warts.

Nobody who is truly awake expects him to walk on water.
When Carter II policies cause economic followed by military disaster they will live life in shame.

This doesn't make any sense. Why should african americans live their lives in shame, if Obama becomes a bad president?

You voted for Bush twice, Bush is white, Bush is the worst president in modern history, are you going to live your life in shame?
Now every black child in the country will now have a hero to look up to that is not a sports star or a rapper.

This will change American culture forever.

It will for the short term. For the long term, we will need to wait. If Obama becomes the second coming of Jimmy Carter, Blacks may wish Obama had never existed.
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