blm is responsable for more black on black crime

Black lives matter is an innocent attempt to impress the fact on America's white people. The statement is universal to black people and so to condemn it is racist.

And your name is already associated with far too much supporting racism. Do you want to accept it or do you want to argue against you being a racist?

Fwiw, and to make my personal position clear: It's my opinion that those who parrot 'all lives matter', are racists.

It needs to be said so that people can disagree and there can then be a discussion.

I'm always open to a good argument against my opinion.

It wasn't innocent, it was based on the lie that police are murdering young black was then exploited by the democrat party. They used the lie to unleash their blm/antifa brownshirts to burn, loot and murder for 7 months before the election to hurt Trump.......and they sent their blm/antifa brownshirts to burn, loot and murder in primarily black neighborhoods......
It wasn't innocent, it was based on the lie that police are murdering young black was then exploited by the democrat party. They used the lie to unleash their blm/antifa brownshirts to burn, loot and murder for 7 months before the election to hurt Trump.......and they sent their blm/antifa brownshirts to burn, loot and murder in primarily black neighborhoods......
you tell himn
The motive is clear when you diminish their slogan in that way.

Of course but without your need to diminish the meaning of their slogan, the statement wouldn't mean anything more than it always has meant. I'm a Canadian and I have no purpose in playing the word games you've invented for the purpose of hate against black people. I know the 'code'.

You mistake my meaning. I MEAN to diminish their slogan. It's hypocritical. It's communist propaganda.

You don't understand. You've been hoodwinked. You think BLM is about black lives. And I respect that. Black lives do matter. But the ORGANIZATION that appropriated that name is run by three self declared Marxists (you can look them up on Google), and THEY do not give a rat's ass about black lives.

Want to know how I know?

I'll tell you. The first rule of politics is "follow the money". So the first time I heard their name, I did exactly that. Guess where their initial funding came from? Susan Rosenberg.

Through an organization called Thousand Currents, you can look that up too. They pulled her picture off the web site from the Board of Directors page, six hours after I discovered it was there. (But arxiv still has pictures of it).

Just a few short years before George Floyd, Susan Rosenberg was considered so dangerous that Obama, Schumer, Nadler, and even Pelosi argued against her parole.

THIS is the force behind BLM - "the organization". Communists. From top to bottom.

The whole thing means something different to the average person on the street (apparently including yourself). They think it's about black lives. But it's not. It"s about sowing racial division and civil unrest.

No - one of the three founders of the BLM organization stole 6 million dollars of donated money, and another one bought a luxury mansion in Los Angeles and then told the IRS it was because it had a recording studio and she might need one someday.

Hello? Do you know how many recording studios there are in Los Angeles? The best ones are only about 2400 a day, and for that you get engineers and assistants

That's only the beginning, I could go on forever about these people. They shouldn't be identified as black (even though some of them are, to varying degrees - only some, though) - they should be identified as COMMUNIST, which is what they are. Marxist communist. The thief said so herself. "I'm a trained Marxist", she said.

So ... you can take it from there, if you're so inclined.

BLM has done more to DAMAGE black lives, than it has to help. It's unfortunate that so many well meaning people fell for the media's totally biased reporting of it
It wasn't innocent, it was based on the lie that police are murdering young black was then exploited by the democrat party. They used the lie to unleash their blm/antifa brownshirts to burn, loot and murder for 7 months before the election to hurt Trump.......and they sent their blm/antifa brownshirts to burn, loot and murder in primarily black neighborhoods......
black people die mostly by black people. fact.

You mistake my meaning. I MEAN to diminish their slogan. It's hypocritical. It's communist propaganda.

You don't understand. You've been hoodwinked. You think BLM is about black lives. And I respect that. Black lives do matter. But the ORGANIZATION that appropriated that name is run by three self declared Marxists (you can look them up on Google), and THEY do not give a rat's ass about black lives.

Want to know how I know?

I'll tell you. The first rule of politics is "follow the money". So the first time I heard their name, I did exactly that. Guess where their initial funding came from? Susan Rosenberg.

Through an organization called Thousand Currents, you can look that up too. They pulled her picture off the web site from the Board of Directors page, six hours after I discovered it was there. (But arxiv still has pictures of it).

Just a few short years before George Floyd, Susan Rosenberg was considered so dangerous that Obama, Schumer, Nadler, and even Pelosi argued against her parole.

THIS is the force behind BLM - "the organization". Communists. From top to bottom.

The whole thing means something different to the average person on the street (apparently including yourself). They think it's about black lives. But it's not. It"s about sowing racial division and civil unrest.

No - one of the three founders of the BLM organization stole 6 million dollars of donated money, and another one bought a luxury mansion in Los Angeles and then told the IRS it was because it had a recording studio and she might need one someday.

Hello? Do you know how many recording studios there are in Los Angeles? The best ones are only about 2400 a day, and for that you get engineers and assistants

That's only the beginning, I could go on forever about these people. They shouldn't be identified as black (even though some of them are, to varying degrees - only some, though) - they should be identified as COMMUNIST, which is what they are. Marxist communist. The thief said so herself. "I'm a trained Marxist", she said.

So ... you can take it from there, if you're so inclined.

BLM has done more to DAMAGE black lives, than it has to help. It's unfortunate that so many well meaning people fell for the media's totally biased reporting of it
Whatever your imagined reasons for America's racism and race problem, the fact exists that it's a huge problem that white people have no will to fix. Heads are full of promoting more police violence against blacks. The police mindset is constant and determined, but not steady. It's getting worse and worse every day. And the people support and demand it.

I'll talk about solutions with you, but not just more placing of blame on blacks. Nobody who has an interest in solutions should be debating who's to blame anyway. Ir'all redundant.
Whatever your imagined reasons for America's racism and race problem, the fact exists that it's a huge problem that white people have no will to fix. Heads are full of promoting more police violence against blacks. The police mindset is constant and determined, but not steady. It's getting worse and worse every day. And the people support and demand it.

I'll talk about solutions with you, but not just more placing of blame on blacks. Nobody who has an interest in solutions should be debating who's to blame anyway. It's all redundant.
Whatever your imagined reasons for America's racism and race problem, the fact exists that it's a huge problem that white people have no will to fix. Heads are full of promoting more police violence against blacks. The police mindset is constant and determined, but not steady. It's getting worse and worse every day. And the people support and demand it.

I'll talk about solutions with you, but not just more placing of blame on blacks. Nobody who has an interest in solutions should be debating who's to blame anyway. Ir'all redundant.
all in your imagination . keepo joing the blacks in denial mode there in. you can not get help til you amit you have a problems and blacks can not either,
Haven't you guys realized that Horseshitting is just a racist, mumble mouth hag. She has started more anti-black threads than anybody in the history of this forum.
Whatever your imagined reasons for America's racism and race problem, the fact exists that it's a huge problem that white people have no will to fix.


That's bullshit racist prattle.

Shame on you. You're exposing yourself as a racist.

You don't speak for "white people". And you have no idea what "white people" are willing or not willing to do.

Heads are full of promoting more police violence against blacks.

You're a racist leftard.

WHOSE heads? Who the fuck are you talking about? NO ONE "promotes" police violence, that's just stupid leftist agitprop.

I'll talk about solutions with you, but not just more placing of blame on blacks. Nobody who has an interest in solutions should be debating who's to blame anyway. Ir'all redundant.
I didn't blame "blacks", you racist fucktard.

Not here, not now, not ever.

You're being a total mudslinging leftist prick. And fuck you for that.

Now - do you have anything INTELLIGENT to say on this topic?

That's bullshit racist prattle.

Shame on you. You're exposing yourself as a racist.

You don't speak for "white people". And you have no idea what "white people" are willing or not willing to do.

You're a racist leftard.

WHOSE heads? Who the fuck are you talking about? NO ONE "promotes" police violence, that's just stupid leftist agitprop.

I didn't blame "blacks", you racist fucktard.

Not here, not now, not ever.

You're being a total mudslinging leftist prick. And fuck you for that.

Now - do you have anything INTELLIGENT to say on this topic?
you go get him lol

this letter writer is so write.
I have to deal with these folks at work and you cannot IMAGINE how dangerous it is. OMG.
Whatever your imagined reasons for America's racism and race problem, the fact exists that it's a huge problem that white people have no will to fix. Heads are full of promoting more police violence against blacks. The police mindset is constant and determined, but not steady. It's getting worse and worse every day. And the people support and demand it.

I'll talk about solutions with you, but not just more placing of blame on blacks. Nobody who has an interest in solutions should be debating who's to blame anyway. Ir'all redundant.

Moron.....the problem in the black community isn't white is the democrat party and fatherless homes.......
you go get him lol
I tire of the leftist bullshit.

"White people have no desire to fix".

Yeah, right. Another goddamn Kreskin.

Who gets to define "fix"? Who said any of it could be "fixed" in the first place?

Sounds to me like he wants "white people" to bend over for lefties. Which is a racist concept from the git-go.

The left is so full of utter and complete bullshit these days, it isn't even funny anymore.
How is it the most racist folks in America know all the problems and solutions for black folks.
Those who have reacted so violently haven't are still at the stage of acknowledging the problem. They're screaming it loud and clear and it sounds like their anger is about to boil over.

None of them have even started to think or talk about solutions. As I suggested, they're still thinking that lethal force is going to work.

As soon as one of them indicates that there needs to be a better solution, the discussion can at least begin.
How is it the most racist folks in America know all the problems and solutions for black folks.

Ask the democrats........they are the party of racism that has done the most damage to blacks in America...
I tire of the leftist bullshit.

"White people have no desire to fix".

Yeah, right. Another goddamn Kreskin.

Who gets to define "fix"? Who said any of it could be "fixed" in the first place?

Sounds to me like he wants "white people" to bend over for lefties. Which is a racist concept from the git-go.

The left is so full of utter and complete bullshit these days, it isn't even funny anymore.
if black people want help they got admit they have a problem. simple as that.

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