blm to get nobel prize?

its a stupied decission. its honoring terrorisum.
Yes, they probably will, eventually. Since the rise of BLM, we have finally seen some real change happening. Cops actually testifying against other cops, advances in the discussion of body cameras and the saved footage, changes in police departments and our criminal justice system, etc. It has been a very consequential movement overall, and that will become more clear over time.
Yes, they probably will, eventually. Since the rise of BLM, we have finally seen some real change happening. Cops actually testifying against other cops, advances in the discussion of body cameras and the saved footage, changes in police departments and our criminal justice system, etc. It has been a very consequential movement overall, and that will become more clear over time.
honoring terrorists is all it is doing.
And the KKK will get the congressional Medal of Honor.

I'd take the kkk over antifa or BLM any day of the week honestly.

Yeah they did some heinous shit. But atleast most of them were hard working Americans that did what they did in the belief that they were doing the country good and trying to keep America strong.

BLM and antifa folks set fires, attack police and civilians, don't work, cause everyone headaches, loot, kill people not even involved, occupy entire city blocks, march around disrupting people's lives and they are almost all worthless fucks that don't contribute anything to society.

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