Blue Privilege! Cop essentially rapes woman gets 6 months to serve WHEN HE WANTS TO!

To me, his badge should be taken from him and never given back if that isn't going to be done to him.

God bless you and his victim(s) always!!!

Just take his badge away? For rape? You can't be serious.
Why should he be allowed to keep it when he is guilty of something as serious as rape?

God bless you and his victim(s) always!!!


He should lose the badge.

What troubles me is he used that badge in the commission of a crime.

The courts should have made an example of him as a deterrent to others who use authority for their own gratification.

I don't think "making an example" of people works real well. Evidence suggests that if you over penalize one individual, the result is that more people end up willing to cover for violations to avoid "being made an example of".

We need just one flat penalty, that is given to everyone for that particular crime.

Agree. It was an opinion and under the color of authority he should be punished accordingly.

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