Bodycam Video Shows Four Girls Arrested After Physically Assaulting Officer

I saw that earlier and was thinkin' "Man, if that was my black friend, his mama woulda whooped that ass so bad and he

couldn't have come out the house after school for at least 2 weeks after something like that". Probably longer.

Ofc he wasn't stupid enough to mess with police like that. They'll kick the shit out of you here. They are equal opportunity shitkickers.

They don't care if you're a bank owner, they'll kick your ass.

Naw, things weren't like that in my day, not at all.

Get whooped at school? Well you get one or 2 more when you go home. That's how it was.

The problem is, now there's no whoopins. No limits set, no discipline.
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But mama said they'd good girls.

My parent's punishment would have been far more serious than any juvie court could dish out
Yeah, so there was some rare child abuse, but people were better in general.

Many probably thought it was child abuse, but were rebellious ass kids that needed some straightening.

2 friends of mine had an abusive father (brothers). One passed it on to his children and the other made sure he didn't.

We (the one that didn't and me) also made sure to tell the one that passed it on's oldest son all about it so he fully understood what was going on.

Hopefully he doesn't pass it on either.
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Little hood bitches. Soon to be rearing another brood of bastard baby criminals.
The problem is somebody like Obama created this environment to breed a disrespect for authority.

He was pretty good at laying landmines all over the place.

He reminds me of the guy that farts in the elevator and pushes all of the buttons and leaves on the next floor leaving everyone to deal with the smell.
Yeah, so there was some rare child abuse, but people were better in general.

Many probably thought it was child abuse, but were rebellious ass kids that needed some straightening.

2 friends of mine had an abusive father (brothers). One passed it on to his children and the other made sure he didn't.

We also made sure to tell one that passed it on's oldest son all about so he fully understood what was going on.

Hopefully he doesn't pass it on either.

My parents never abused me, in no way whatsoever. They made me understand actions have consequences. Of course these malcontents don't understand that...and the very last thing I'd ever want to do is disappoint my parents. Did it a few times....I felt horrible
My parents never abused me, in no way whatsoever. They made me understand actions have consequences. Of course these malcontents don't understand that...and the very last thing I'd ever want to do is disappoint my parents. Did it a few times....I felt horrible
That was the reason I stayed a virgin till I was 19 after I joined the military.

I didn't want to disappoint my parents.
Girls tended to learn faster than boys. :dunno:
Girls have different equipment.
Their junk doesn't get those penis twitches when you're sitting in Geography class in H.S.
I don't know if you can remember that uncomfortable situation.
Boys hit their peak at 17....women hit there's when they're 30.
If she'd just done something as simply as put the can in the trash, none of this would've happened. I will be surprised if the mom doesn't get paid.

There's a lot of these hood rats leaving Pine Bluff for a more white area of the state. Pine Bluff, which isn't that far away, has been deemed by most of us as lil chicago. Lot's of black racists, drugs & crime.
I have a customer there, a black preacher, I asked him "how come the black folks don't like white people up here." His reply was priceless, "Man, deeze folks up here don't like nobody."
Girls have different equipment.
Their junk doesn't get those penis twitches when you're sitting in Geography class in H.S.
I don't know if you can remember that uncomfortable situation.
Boys hit their peak at 17....women hit there's when they're 30.
Oy yoy yoy. Spanish class, my friend's little sister.

That was all kinds of a not happening situation, but she was hot.

She was a mud shark, and he would have killed me. :auiqs.jpg:

Purty girl. Yeah, I already knew, but Herman, that sumbitch ain't got no sense.

She's 3 feet away and smellin' mighty good. I think she mighta been having some hormone fluctuations or something.

I couldn't do it today even if she'd have me because I'd see him in her. Back then it was not like that.

Such is life.
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Girls tended to learn faster than boys. :dunno:
Course I knew this girl who was having boys over when I was in 7th grade.

She was screwing kids when she was 12......and the funny thing is I heard at the first class reunion she was a high-paid prostitute.

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