Boehner Calls King's Statements "hateful and ignorant'

If King had come out in favor of background checks or global warming measures, he would be driven from he party

But let King insult Hispanics and he warrants a mild rebuke

1. Background checks are good.
2. Global warming is true
3. BUT some Hispanics do bring drugs into this country.

As do some white, black, and yellow folks.

and if they were moving across the border ala the denizens of central amercia and Mexico you might have a point:rolleyes:
It 't not like hispanics are going to vote republican anyway. Why not tell the truth?

so all young hispanics are drug runners :eusa_eh: You're a mirror image :up: of King (R)

King has been to the border. I have been to the border. For every illegal brought here by their parents 100 or more hauled in drugs for some coyote. Do you really think the young people from dirt poor mexico can afford a coyote? They work their way across as mules.
One day they hate the Republican House Speaker and the next day the radical left quotes him as if his words were written in stone. What would the radical left do without Media Matters to feed them spin every day?
Odd how Republicans just get all flustered when they are labeled as racists.

They shouldn't hide their true feelings.

They'll get agita .....


Odd how moron children toss around words like "racist" ......clear projection come over on a slave ship?

Did you follow the route that sharks still swim to this day?
Puh leeze

And in the back room, you can bet Boehner is giving him a "high five".

Telemundo used this story for their lead in. They won't forget it soon.

What Hispanics think of when they know someone is a Republican:


“I will never submit to fight beneath that banner with a Negro by my side. Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds." -- Democrat Senate Majority Leader Robert Byrd
Puh leeze

And in the back room, you can bet Boehner is giving him a "high five".

Telemundo used this story for their lead in. They won't forget it soon.

What Hispanics think of when they know someone is a Republican:


“I will never submit to fight beneath that banner with a Negro by my side. Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds." -- Democrat Senate Majority Leader Robert Byrd

Robert KKK lauded by the Democrats as was The Swimmer (Lyin' Of the Senate, Teddy Kennedy).

Reprobates BOTH.
So, the cowardly lion, the crybaby John Boehner attacks another Republican, yet remains completely silent about 10 to 12 illegal alien pedophiles repeatedly raping a 13 year old girl. As far as I am concerned, John Boehner can eat the corn and peanuts out of my shit. Boehner is an America-hating Marxist who should be tried for treason.
John Boehner reminded me of Sally Field.....

"You LIKE me, you REALLY like me."
So, the cowardly lion, the crybaby John Boehner attacks another Republican, yet remains completely silent about 10 to 12 illegal alien pedophiles repeatedly raping a 13 year old girl. As far as I am concerned, John Boehner can eat the corn and peanuts out of my shit. Boehner is an America-hating Marxist who should be tried for treason.
Boehner is a Statist loser. He pays lip service to the Repubes...BOWS at the alter of the 'New World Order' Bushes and Karl Rove.
It 't not like hispanics are going to vote republican anyway. Why not tell the truth?

so all young hispanics are drug runners :eusa_eh: You're a mirror image :up: of King (R)

King has been to the border. I have been to the border. For every illegal brought here by their parents 100 or more hauled in drugs for some coyote. Do you really think the young people from dirt poor mexico can afford a coyote? They work their way across as mules.

anecdotal *cough* "evidence" like that & $1.83 will get you a cup of coffee. :clap2: You said you were an attorney too? :eusa_liar: :rofl:
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So, the cowardly lion, the crybaby John Boehner attacks another Republican, yet remains completely silent about 10 to 12 illegal alien pedophiles repeatedly raping a 13 year old girl. As far as I am concerned, John Boehner can eat the corn and peanuts out of my shit. Boehner is an America-hating Marxist who should be tried for treason.
Boehner is a Statist loser. He pays lip service to the Repubes...BOWS at the alter of the 'New World Order' Bushes and Karl Rove.

You almost gotta laugh. The freaking new world order is up and running and the ignorant left wing radicals are still complaining about Karl Rove.
So, the cowardly lion, the crybaby John Boehner attacks another Republican, yet remains completely silent about 10 to 12 illegal alien pedophiles repeatedly raping a 13 year old girl. As far as I am concerned, John Boehner can eat the corn and peanuts out of my shit. Boehner is an America-hating Marxist who should be tried for treason.
Boehner is a Statist loser. He pays lip service to the Repubes...BOWS at the alter of the 'New World Order' Bushes and Karl Rove.

You almost gotta laugh. The freaking new world order is up and running and the ignorant left wing radicals are still complaining about Karl Rove.

Indeed...ROVE is one of them I wonder how they feel about that? :lol:
If King had come out in favor of background checks or global warming measures, he would be driven from he party

But let King insult Hispanics and he warrants a mild rebuke

meanwhile we've got the prez. peddling "phony scandals" a rebuke for that?

They are phony. We know that Republicans altered emails to frame the Obama administration over Benghazi. Why isn't that being investigated?

Republicans never investigate other Republicans. Remember when Bush sent 9 BILLION in cash to Iraq and when it disappeared, there was no investigation? 9 BILLION? Could you imagine Democrats doing that?
If King had come out in favor of background checks or global warming measures, he would be driven from he party

But let King insult Hispanics and he warrants a mild rebuke

meanwhile we've got the prez. peddling "phony scandals" a rebuke for that?

They are phony. We know that Republicans altered emails to frame the Obama administration over Benghazi. Why isn't that being investigated?

Republicans never investigate other Republicans. Remember when Bush sent 9 BILLION in cash to Iraq and when it disappeared, there was no investigation? 9 BILLION? Could you imagine Democrats doing that?

LMAO dumbfuck....YOUR side should investigate;)

Yoah creepy ass cracka President is up to his eyeballs in shit.

The nigga is the most corrupt modern Prez.....
A muddy foot in the mouth ...

"There's no place in this debate for hateful or ignorant comments from elected officials," Boehner said. "We can disagree without being disagreeable."

King explained to the American people: "For everyone who's a valedictorian, there's another 100 out there that weigh 130 pounds and they've got calves the size of cantaloupes because they're hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert," King told Newsmax. "Those people would be legalized with the same act."

Boehner, King trade jabs over immigration comments - CBS News
Wow, it's been awhile since I last saw a republican say something normal.

Kudo's John! That was very liberal of you.
Congressman Steve King: My Cantaloupe Comments Were Off By Ten Pounds

The Iowa Congressman said Saturday on Fox News a anonymous border patrol agent said his controversial comments were maybe off by ten pounds. King also said privately many of his Republican colleagues said he was correct.

Congressman Steve King: My Cantaloupe Comments Were Off By Ten Pounds

Republicans don't need to keep their ignorance and racism "private" - we get it Stevo!


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