Steve King dons the white hood again

graduation rates
The Condition of Education - Elementary and Secondary Education - Student Effort, Persistence and Progress - Public High School Graduation Rates - Indicator April (2017)
this is not counting private schools which are mostly white and have a higher graduation rate than public

Oh I see - you managed to link ONE of your contentions.

white extremists have murdered a whopping 77 people -since 1995
blacks murder over 3000 blacks every YEAR
blacks commit more hate crime per capita
blacks commit more crime per capita
blacks graduate at the lowest levels
blacks are more of a threat to civilized people everywhere, more than any racists whites/etc

There are many environmental factors that contribute to lower black graduation rates. Wonder if you'd have completed high school had you grown up poor in the inner city and been asked to parent your younger siblings after your deadbeat Dad flew the coup?

Keep working' on it Skippy
Well if liberals didn't want backs uneducated and on welfare for life. All for a vote. They could do better. The black family was a strong one before welfare.
graduation rates
The Condition of Education - Elementary and Secondary Education - Student Effort, Persistence and Progress - Public High School Graduation Rates - Indicator April (2017)
this is not counting private schools which are mostly white and have a higher graduation rate than public

Oh I see - you managed to link ONE of your contentions.

white extremists have murdered a whopping 77 people -since 1995
blacks murder over 3000 blacks every YEAR
blacks commit more hate crime per capita
blacks commit more crime per capita
blacks graduate at the lowest levels
blacks are more of a threat to civilized people everywhere, more than any racists whites/etc

There are many environmental factors that contribute to lower black graduation rates. Wonder if you'd have completed high school had you grown up poor in the inner city and been asked to parent your younger siblings after your deadbeat Dad flew the coup?

Keep working' on it Skippy
???? what???
I've linked these a million times before--why do it for the 1,000,001 time???
WS murders
The Long List of Killings Committed by White Extremists Since the Oklahoma City Bombing
black hate crimes
keep being a dumbass and making yourself look like a dumbass
I feel that the best policy is for every American to do one's best to accept the inevitable changes in our country.

One has a choice, in my opinion: Either do one's best under the new circumstances or leave the country.

If one decides to stay here, one will have to choose a city/state where one feels the most comfortable.

If one is relatively young, one will probably have to move several times as circumstances change.


Representative King, I feel, is misleading people if he implies that what Hungary is doing can be repeated in our country.
The changes in this country are not natural. They are forced. Force is met with an equal and opposite force. We are told fictions. Diversity does not make a people stronger. Cultures do not really mix. These lies will have a price to pay.
Yep - he actually tweeted THIS - Whadda dick :cuckoo:

Diversity is not our strength. Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban, “Mixing cultures will not lead to a higher quality of life but a lower one.”

Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) took to Twitter on Friday to rail against the scourge of multiculturalism:

King's ideological alignment with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban on the topic of immigration is hardly a surprise, given Orban's desire to build Hungary into "an illiberal state based on national foundations." For his part, King claimed in 2013 that illegal immigrants crossing the border had "calves the size of cantaloupes because they've been hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert." In a 2016 appearance on MSNBC, King asked the gathered panel if they could name a single "subgroup" of people who had contributed more to civilization than white people.

This isn't the first time King has tweeted in support of Orban, either. Last month, Orban's statement that "a nation which expects its biological survival from immigrants won't survive" was highlighted by the white nationalist group Defend Europa on Twitter — and subsequently retweeted by King, who called Orban's statement "an axiom of history and of humanity."

In 2013, King said, "There isn't anyone that can fairly characterize me as anti-immigrant." Kelly O'Meara Morales

GOP Rep. Steve King really doesn't like diversity


Diversity has never been our strength. We are a nation founded by European, white, Christians. Our biggest mistake was allowing Democrats to import African slaves. Today our biggest mistake is allowing millions of Latinos to enter our country illegally.

There is no such thing as a multicultural society, there is always one dominant culture. Does anyone really want to live in a Latino dominated culture? Or how about a Muslim culture?
graduation rates
The Condition of Education - Elementary and Secondary Education - Student Effort, Persistence and Progress - Public High School Graduation Rates - Indicator April (2017)
this is not counting private schools which are mostly white and have a higher graduation rate than public

Oh I see - you managed to link ONE of your contentions.

white extremists have murdered a whopping 77 people -since 1995
blacks murder over 3000 blacks every YEAR
blacks commit more hate crime per capita
blacks commit more crime per capita
blacks graduate at the lowest levels
blacks are more of a threat to civilized people everywhere, more than any racists whites/etc

There are many environmental factors that contribute to lower black graduation rates. Wonder if you'd have completed high school had you grown up poor in the inner city and been asked to parent your younger siblings after your deadbeat Dad flew the coup?

Keep working' on it Skippy
???? what???
I've linked these a million times before--why do it for the 1,000,001 time???
WS murders
The Long List of Killings Committed by White Extremists Since the Oklahoma City Bombing
black hate crimes
keep being a dumbass and making yourself look like a dumbass
Quoting Slate which was quoting the Southern poverty law Center. Who's the dumbass??
Diversity has never been our strength. We are a nation founded by European, white, Christians. Our biggest mistake was allowing Democrats to import African slaves. Today our biggest mistake is allowing millions of Latinos to enter our country illegally.
There is no such thing as a multicultural society, there is always one dominant culture. Does anyone really want to live in a Latino dominated culture? Or how about a Muslim culture?
President Lincoln wanted to deport the blacks after slavery was outlawed. We should grant Lincoln his last wish.
Yep - he actually tweeted THIS - Whadda dick :cuckoo:

Diversity is not our strength. Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban, “Mixing cultures will not lead to a higher quality of life but a lower one.”

Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) took to Twitter on Friday to rail against the scourge of multiculturalism:

King's ideological alignment with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban on the topic of immigration is hardly a surprise, given Orban's desire to build Hungary into "an illiberal state based on national foundations." For his part, King claimed in 2013 that illegal immigrants crossing the border had "calves the size of cantaloupes because they've been hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert." In a 2016 appearance on MSNBC, King asked the gathered panel if they could name a single "subgroup" of people who had contributed more to civilization than white people.

This isn't the first time King has tweeted in support of Orban, either. Last month, Orban's statement that "a nation which expects its biological survival from immigrants won't survive" was highlighted by the white nationalist group Defend Europa on Twitter — and subsequently retweeted by King, who called Orban's statement "an axiom of history and of humanity."

In 2013, King said, "There isn't anyone that can fairly characterize me as anti-immigrant." Kelly O'Meara Morales

GOP Rep. Steve King really doesn't like diversity

A racist bigoted far rightwinger is, as a racist bigoted far rightwinger does.
Yep - he actually tweeted THIS - Whadda dick :cuckoo:

Diversity is not our strength. Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban, “Mixing cultures will not lead to a higher quality of life but a lower one.”

Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) took to Twitter on Friday to rail against the scourge of multiculturalism:

King's ideological alignment with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban on the topic of immigration is hardly a surprise, given Orban's desire to build Hungary into "an illiberal state based on national foundations." For his part, King claimed in 2013 that illegal immigrants crossing the border had "calves the size of cantaloupes because they've been hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert." In a 2016 appearance on MSNBC, King asked the gathered panel if they could name a single "subgroup" of people who had contributed more to civilization than white people.

This isn't the first time King has tweeted in support of Orban, either. Last month, Orban's statement that "a nation which expects its biological survival from immigrants won't survive" was highlighted by the white nationalist group Defend Europa on Twitter — and subsequently retweeted by King, who called Orban's statement "an axiom of history and of humanity."

In 2013, King said, "There isn't anyone that can fairly characterize me as anti-immigrant." Kelly O'Meara Morales

GOP Rep. Steve King really doesn't like diversity

He is correct.
Yep - he actually tweeted THIS - Whadda dick :cuckoo:

Diversity is not our strength. Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban, “Mixing cultures will not lead to a higher quality of life but a lower one.”

Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) took to Twitter on Friday to rail against the scourge of multiculturalism:

King's ideological alignment with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban on the topic of immigration is hardly a surprise, given Orban's desire to build Hungary into "an illiberal state based on national foundations." For his part, King claimed in 2013 that illegal immigrants crossing the border had "calves the size of cantaloupes because they've been hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert." In a 2016 appearance on MSNBC, King asked the gathered panel if they could name a single "subgroup" of people who had contributed more to civilization than white people.

This isn't the first time King has tweeted in support of Orban, either. Last month, Orban's statement that "a nation which expects its biological survival from immigrants won't survive" was highlighted by the white nationalist group Defend Europa on Twitter — and subsequently retweeted by King, who called Orban's statement "an axiom of history and of humanity."

In 2013, King said, "There isn't anyone that can fairly characterize me as anti-immigrant." Kelly O'Meara Morales

GOP Rep. Steve King really doesn't like diversity

A racist bigoted far rightwinger is, as a racist bigoted far rightwinger does.
Diversity is democrat for segregation.
Challenge that statement.
Why Republicans are singling out Steve King and serving him up as a sacrifice is a complete mystery to me.
Democrats are the one bashing Steve King.
Steve King appears to be a patriotic American representing real Americans. We are proud to be represented by Steve King and Donald Trump.
Yep - he actually tweeted THIS - Whadda dick :cuckoo:

Diversity is not our strength. Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban, “Mixing cultures will not lead to a higher quality of life but a lower one.”

Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) took to Twitter on Friday to rail against the scourge of multiculturalism:

King's ideological alignment with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban on the topic of immigration is hardly a surprise, given Orban's desire to build Hungary into "an illiberal state based on national foundations." For his part, King claimed in 2013 that illegal immigrants crossing the border had "calves the size of cantaloupes because they've been hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert." In a 2016 appearance on MSNBC, King asked the gathered panel if they could name a single "subgroup" of people who had contributed more to civilization than white people.

This isn't the first time King has tweeted in support of Orban, either. Last month, Orban's statement that "a nation which expects its biological survival from immigrants won't survive" was highlighted by the white nationalist group Defend Europa on Twitter — and subsequently retweeted by King, who called Orban's statement "an axiom of history and of humanity."

In 2013, King said, "There isn't anyone that can fairly characterize me as anti-immigrant." Kelly O'Meara Morales

GOP Rep. Steve King really doesn't like diversity

A racist bigoted far rightwinger is, as a racist bigoted far rightwinger does.
Diversity is democrat for segregation.
So you lack the intellectual skill to challenge that statement.
You’re either a troll or just not very bright. Or both.

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