Boehner Spends Like a Drunken Republican Leader.. Wait...

Plenty of people spend that much money at country clubs all over the USA. This is not really a scandal. Come back when you catch him with $90,000 cash in his freezer, or something like that.

No thanks, I'll stick around and call him a hypocrite some more so if it hurts you to hear it, maybe you should go start your own thread.

Because hypocrisy is the last American sin.
Never mind the Dums ran on eliminating earmarks in 06 and their latest budget buster is filled with them. Never mind that Obama has blown every campaign pledge he ever made. Never mind that the biggest scandals are coming from Dums.
The Left makes me want to puke.
Oh yeah, well I find your necktie avies dumb.. :lol:

Frankly, I'd glad he's pissing away his donors' money. Less to spend in tough races in 2010.

He's a shoe in, Republicans love the guy.

He feels their pain. :lol:

"The fact is, this country's going broke....We're spending money we don't have and passing it onto our kids, and at some point somebody's got to say, 'Enough is enough'"

John Boehner

Where was this jackass when the halfwit from Crawford, Texas was spending the United States into a bankruptcy so paralyzing there is no precedent for it in all recorded human history? Where was his outrage when when the Bush Mob plundered the nation's treasure by making war on a country (Iraq - just in case it slipped your mind) that was a threat to absolutely no one? Is he really serious? That's the really funny thing - he is.

John Boehner is as crooked as they come. Since the departure of Tom Delay he has become the corrupt politician's corrupt politician. He is the new face of organized political sleaze. Someday we'll all realize this. As hard as he may try, he'll never be able to escape the wrath of history. The fact that he has always been (I'll be polite) "ethically challenged" should not surprise anyone who's paid even scant attention to his career these past twenty years.

In June 1995, at a time when Congress was deliberating tobacco subsidies, he was busted handing out checks (bribes - let's be honest) from the cigarette industry to various members in a naked attempt to influence their votes. This incident occurred in plain view right on the floor of the House of Representatives. Is this a great country or what?

Tom Degan

And it happens on both sides. Doesn't make it right, because it's not. Nevertheless, It's both parties that are full of corrupt carpetbaggers. ~BH

OF course they are, but it's only the Republicans who act all holier-than-thou, until they get caught with their pants down or their hands in the cookie jar. This whole thread is about that kind of blatant hypocrisy, in case you missed the point.
Sorry but libs are no longer qualified to bleat about spending.... as if they ever were. :lol:

No, but we sure can bring utter hypocrisy to the table. Don't like that? Tough.

As for spending, dems have historically been called the "Tax-and-Spend" party. But Republicans are now known as the "Don't-Tax-But-Spend-Anyway" party. Thank you, Cons, for paving the way to our possible demise.

That has to be one the biggest pieces of crap you could have come up with for this thread. Thanks to CONS for paving the way to our possible demise? Are you kidding me? Were you sleeping for the last few years or what? Democrats have been in control of spending since 2006. NOT Republicans and sure as hell not CONSERVATIVES. And NOW Democrats don't even need a single Republican vote to ram down our throats whatever they want, which is exactly what they have been doing -and why their rate of spending took a massive jump UP. They don't need any Republican votes so they have no one arguing to put on the brakes to their spending. And conservatives and Republicans are NOT necessarily one and the same thing in case you didn't know that. I don't even need two hands to count the number of conservatives in Congress, sorry.

You don't like the fact our government is spending and wasting way too much money that we don't have and seems incapable of putting the brakes on it and that this rate of spending took a MASSIVE out-of-control increase just in the first six months of this year that is 4-6 times as much as each of the previous few years and is STILL GOING ON -then make sure you even know what you are talking about and then try to avoid parroting stupid propaganda. That way you can make sure you accuse those who actually DID IT and not those who didn't. Accusing others of their own wrongdoing is a typical Democrat and liberal thing. In fact it is a page right out of the play book of left wing extremist Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals that says you must accuse the opposition of one's own misdeeds in order to deceive voters, the public and confuse the issue in the hopes that both sides get painted with what was actually just the wrongdoing of the left. But just because you read the book and have jumped on board with the idea of deliberately deceiving others by accusing the other side of the left's own misdeeds or are just plain ignorant to the truth which makes you just a useful idiot of the left (and really you should read what the left really believes about cultivating those useful idiots -not flattering in the least to their ability to think for themselves) - sure doesn't mean everyone else is.

I wasn't happy about the spending Republicans were doing under Bush when they started acting like Democrats and I really do NOT think either party has totally clean hands when it comes to budget excesses. But let's GET REAL, ok? How much Republicans spent STILL pales in comparison to the massive increases in spending that occurred once Democrats took control. And THAT is reality. Deal with it.

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