Boehner tweets that ObamaCare works AND votes to repeal it

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Forward Progressives ? Boehner Tweets Link Showing Obamacare Works ? After Voting to Repeal It for the 40th Time

This is the link he tweeted:

Ohio insurance department claims Obamacare premium rates to rise 41 percent |

which states,

Ohio insurance regulators Thursday released rates for health insurance to be sold on the new state marketplace and said premiums for individuals will rise an average of 41 percent compared with 2013 rates.

But the average 2014 premium of $332.58 a month for individuals, unveiled by Ohio Lt. Gov. Mary Taylor, masks the fact that for many individuals, premiums and out-of-pocket medical expenses will go down. [my bold]

From the first link, above:

In fact, the article goes into some great detail on the many benefits of Obamacare. It claims about 80 to 90 percent of people who, according to the non-partisan CBO, use the state exchanges will qualify for federal subsidies to reduce or eliminate costs. [my bold] [That amount is far less than socialist EMTALA now costs us and would not pay for illegals health care, live births and abortions.]

The article also goes on to tell how the 41% figure was calculated, essentially saying that specific health care coverages and plans were picked to artificially create a much lower 2013 average premium expense. For example, the individuals they used for the 41% figure were taken from a much healthier pool of people than the average population. Which, of course, healthier people usually pay less for health care.

Now the article does allude to one group of people which might see their premiums increase—young, healthy individuals who buy their own coverage. But, that’s of course before you factor in subsidies that will offset some of the cost. Older, pre-Medicare individuals will most likely see lower premiums.

Never mind that Boehner is nothing but a chain smoking drunkard puppet for the radical right. What's more important is the GObP/R do not work for the United States of Americans.
I don't get it. Boehner tweets that Obamacare is bad bad bad for Ohioans. The site he quotes in his tweet then post the link to has literally 1 sentence about Obamacare costing Ohioans 41% more. Then it goes on to say how in 2014 that 41% goes down and we will be paying much less than what we are paying now. The site goes on and on about how great Obamacare will be for us here in Ohio.
Basically anyone who reads past that one line that Boehner quoted would read the exact opposite of the message he was trying to get across. And you say the OP is on dope? WOW!!!. Then again Boehner knows that you won't click the link and read the article and just take his word for it. After all that's what ignorant people do. He is hoping you stay true to form .

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