It's Troubling that So Many Liberals Still Believe the Lockdowns Were the Right Response to COVID

I'm glad things worked out for you, sir.
I do disagree with your assessment, but I wish you well. :salute:
I am sorry you disagree, simply because that means you cannot critically assess the evidence.

I do appreciate your wishing me well. I have recovered about 95% or so, and only have a minor issue with my bile ducts! Quack! Quack! July is when I should be 100%.
I was a math teacher. You receive a grade of "F" for your efforts to explain away inflation. The inflation has only occurred since 2021, and that's only 3.5 years.

There was nothing wrong with the math itself, this is a question of economic analysis, so take your grade and shove it you know where.

Inflation in 2021 had a lot to do with depressed economy in 2020, so it makes sense to average it out and look at the overall 5 year trend.

But even if you do consider only 3.5 years, the rest of my point stands - there is no reason to think that dining out well represents overall inflation, let alone balances it vs income growth.
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The "vaccine" worked to limit the impact of the virus on people. If it did not, I would be dead. My doctors told me in January 2020 when I was screened for my liver transplant, that if I got COVID, I could just make funeral arrangements because I would have a 100% chance of dying. Then I took the vaccine when it became available. 4 months later, I tested positive for COVID and had a slight cough. My doctor gave me the infusion treatment and I recovered the next day.

That's pretty good for someone who had a 0% chance at survival before the vaccine. Wouldn't you agree?
Oh for fk sake old man. Go the fk away you compromised fkwad. There was no virus old man
Oh for fk sake old man. Go the fk away you compromised fkwad. There was no virus old man
Then what killed my friends? Catch a clue! Something did!

What caused my wife to get sick three times, once from me and twice from her visiting funerals? Swamp gas?
Witch Doctors on a Witch Hunt

Nature-worship is the opposite of science. "Pollution" is a dishonest term taken from a pagan superstition. Minor-league scientists are jealous of creative industrial science, so they seek to defame what they never could have invented themselves.

Pollution kills the coronavirus huh? I mean, what next? Flat Earth? Trump caring for his supporters? The Earth is the center of the universe?

Dude, don't bring childish bullshit to me, I don't want to talk about your fantasies.
I believe you are correct and also immunity is an individual issue. My daughter had COVID 4 times, my wife had it three time, but I only had it once and I had a compromised immune system. If you can explain that scenario, we will have our answer.
How do you know she had it four times? Use the government issue swabs? Hahaha haha
COVID vaccines were not widely available in late 2020 and early 2021 and were restricted by age group. I received my vaccine at the earliest possible date because of my health and that was in May 2021. Not just anyone had access to the vaccine.

But they were still available and being used in 2020.

That is fact.
"The research also found that if interventions in the country could have been conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks earlier, cases could have been reduced by 66 percent, 86 percent and 95 percent respectively – significantly limiting the geographical spread of the disease. However, if NPIs were conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks later than they were, the number of cases may have shown a 3-fold, 7-fold, or 18-fold increase, respectively."

In March 2020 all we had was NPI's.
go ahead and be troubled, mike. quarantines would have been the proper response to covid IF ANY QUARANTINES HAD BEEN DECLARED.

none were.

all "lock downs" were voluntary and if i remember correctly none of you complied anyway.
Voluntary? WTF, how about you look up the word. People got arrested going to Church, but not ANTIFA odd?
"The research also found that if interventions in the country could have been conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks earlier, cases could have been reduced by 66 percent, 86 percent and 95 percent respectively – significantly limiting the geographical spread of the disease. However, if NPIs were conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks later than they were, the number of cases may have shown a 3-fold, 7-fold, or 18-fold increase, respectively."

In March 2020 all we had was NPI's.
what a bunch of whooie
Pollution kills the coronavirus huh? I mean, what next? Trump caring for his supporters?
I Believe in Common Sense, Not Commie Science

You have nothing to stand on except what you're told to believe by weak-minded nerd scientists who think that "clean" air is the healthiest atmosphere. All history proves how toxic it is.

Therefore, it is perfectly logical if not politically correct to believe that returning to the deadly primitive atmosphere because of Environmentalist superstitions, and reinforcing the removal of obstacles to spreading microbes by the Lethal Lockdown, produced the kind of air that viruses are genetically designed to thrive in.

Why do you think viruses aren't affected by a modern atmosphere when they haven't dealt with anything like today's auto emissions for millions of years previously? For humans, it's like driving on a bumpy road. For the lowest life-forms, it's like driving on a road with people on the sidewalk shooting these killers with machine guns.
I Believe in Common Sense, Not Commie Science

You have nothing to stand on except what you're told to believe by weak-minded nerd scientists who think that "clean" air is the healthiest atmosphere. All history proves how toxic it is.

Therefore, it is perfectly logical if not politically correct to believe that returning to the deadly primitive atmosphere because of Environmentalist superstitions, and reinforcing the removal of obstacles to spreading microbes by the Lethal Lockdown, produced the kind of air that viruses are genetically designed to thrive in.

Why do you think viruses aren't affected by a modern atmosphere when they haven't dealt with anything like today's auto emissions for millions of years previously? For humans, it's like driving on a bumpy road. For the lowest life-forms, it's like driving on a road with people on the sidewalk shooting these killers with machine guns.

I'm not having this conversation with you. There's no point. You're clearly not going to take what I say seriously, so it's a waste of my time.

Yeah, no. You have zero evidence. Someone told you. Remember, ivermectin was horse medicine!!! Fk off loser. Compliant fool
Someone told me? WTF does that mean? They got COVID. They died. Could it be any clearer?

Ivermectin is a horse medicine. You can't change that. It may work on COVID. I don't know and apparently neither do a lot of knowledgeable doctors.
I am arguing the facts. He is not.
You are arguing a point about there being available, but it depends on available to who? In December 2020, I could not get it and most likely you could not get it. In 2021, I was required as an employee of the US Government to get the vaccine., but not until I was eligible to get it in May. My daughter was an EMT at the time and she did not get hers until about the same time as I did. After she had the vaccine, she had COVID 4 times, one of which left her with lasting symptoms. There are some facts for you to argue.
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You are arguing a point about there being available, but it depends on available to who? In December 2020, I could not get it and most likely you could not get it. In 2021, I was required as an employee of the US Government to get the vaccine., but not until I was eligible to get it in May 2020. My daughter was an EMT at the time and she did not get hers until about the same time as I did. After she had the vaccine, she had COVID 4 times, one of which left her with lasting symptoms. There are some facts for you to argue.
There was a time most citizens believed our system. You cannot believe what lies to you constantly. Covid was a purposely released biological agent designed to affect certain people. The shutdown of governments in our nation and around the world had its desired effect. The wicked and/or powerful are the architects of this.

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