It's Troubling that So Many Liberals Still Believe the Lockdowns Were the Right Response to COVID

When MAGA made it political Death came knocking,
Every one made mistakes trying to knock it down.
both sides of the isle. Could have been medically driven.
But even science made mistakes, HUGE lack of honesty due to political moves,
HONESTY should have been policy from the start.
The game was fixed. April Ryan and Jim Acosta just two of thousands and thousands who have blood on their hands. The Prog adherents to their globalists masters are softening up a little. We will see. Progs get people killed and many suffer.
True on the statistics. but are you saying no one died of an adverse reaction to the shots in 2020?

When they were given in December, to which you still can't say you were wrong when you said there were no shots in 2020.

Om nom nom nom.
I'm saying that shots could not possibly cause excessive deaths during 2020, because weren't given in 2020, except in the last two weeks.

Pandemic began in March 2020, people started dying excessively in March 2020 - the cause and effect relationship here is not complicated.
I'm saying that shots could not possibly cause excessive deaths during 2020, because weren't given in 2020, except in the last two weeks.

Pandemic began in March 2020, people started dying excessively in March 2020 - the cause and effect relationship here is not complicated.

They could have caused excessive deaths in those last two weeks.

Of course they did, a novel virus will do that.

The problem is the reaction to COVID, i.e. the lockdowns, could have also contributed to those excessive deaths, via alcoholism, suicide, or ignoring other medical issues. That's the problem with excessive deaths as a tool, because it is indiscriminate to cause.

Plus what you really need to see is excessive deaths by age category as well as morbidities.

Do that, and most of the population was just a blip on the excessive deaths charts.
Quick question regarding natural immunity. How did people get it twice if natural immunity would see them through?
I think that immunity develops over period of time and not necessarily to one who had it before having a better chance of being immune right then.
I think that immunity develops over period of time and not necessarily to one who had it before having a better chance of being immune right then.
because people were using swabs provided by the government that would show bullshit. I know of one family who each used two swabs and got two different sets of results in the same batch!!!!!
Also Long Covid’s is a ruse for adverse shot reaction
I did not have “”long” Covid for 2.5 years. I did not stay sick for 2.5 years. I had adverse shot reaction where wounds would not heal and colds and stomach distress were nearly constant. Two months ago food tasted better and appetite returned and weight loss discontinued. Every eye problem almost gone. 3 weeks ago I cut myself pretty good pruning roses , for several years that was an infection for sure and 2-3 months to heal. It’s already healed and other are also
This was an hideous experiment forced upon Americans in a bums rush to control and hamper Trump.
What the fuck?
Witch Doctors on a Witch Hunt

Nature-worship is the opposite of science. "Pollution" is a dishonest term taken from a pagan superstition. Minor-league scientists are jealous of creative industrial science, so they seek to defame what they never could have invented themselves.
Sure, it did. :rolleyes:
It's good to see you admit that the potion was/is experimental.
The sad part is that you accept the new Orwellian redefinition of what a VACCINE is.
Godspeed, sir.
So, if I admit that it was not a true vaccine, will you admit that it prevented the virus from progressing to the point of causing death in most cases?
What exactly makes you think that your dining is representative of general national inflation...or even your own spending?

You don't actually discuss prior prices, but lets say that dinner cost went up by 20% ($30) from 2019 and dining out makes up 10% of your annual food spending. Thats 0.2% increase over 5 years...not much to go on.

Generally it's kinda funny watching people that have never done any serious financial analisys think they have a better handle on national statistics than professional economists.

I was a math teacher. You receive a grade of "F" for your efforts to explain away inflation. The inflation has only occurred since 2021, and that's only 3.5 years.
You were wrong on your statement. your statement didn't include any context about your previous discussion, and your blanket statement was what I was responding to.

You were WRONG. not technically wrong, not generally right, WRONG.

That you can't admit to that just shows what a narcissistic twat you are.
COVID vaccines were not widely available in late 2020 and early 2021 and were restricted by age group. I received my vaccine at the earliest possible date because of my health and that was in May 2021. Not just anyone had access to the vaccine.
are you saying no vaccines were distributed in 2020? Want to go there? Psst, the internet will not be nice to you if you do.
Who was eligible to receive the vaccines? Remember, they were in limited supply so they were given by age group until well into the second half of 2021. My wife and are in our 60s and got our vaccines in May 2021.
Got an interesting take on your discussion! You are BOTH wrong and arguing minutiae.

Late in the evening on Dec. 11, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized the first COVID-19 vaccine for use in the country. The emergency use authorization means that doses of the vaccine—made by Pfizer/BioNTech—can be shipped at any time; certain Americans could be vaccinated as soon as next week.

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