Bold Prediction: Justin Trudeau est FINIS!

You fucking idiots.

Trudeau did what most benefits him politically, what the polling told him to do: shut down the ignorant, Nazi, racist, undemocratic inbred fucktards that were protesting having to follow rules put into place by a democratically-elected government to safeguard public health. You think it hurts him politically? Of course you do. You live in fantasy conspiracy land!
Remain in Colorado.
You want to dish it out, but can't take it.

Fuck off, Colon.
That comment is exactly what I'm saying about you childish hate filled dickheads.
When challenged you resort to to crap like that because you are caught telling lies and don't like it.
I'll pick you off again within days.
You call me "Trump asslicker", I call you Colon.

Suck on it, Colon.
I must hurt when you realise your a loser. What intrigues me is how you repeat it nearly every day.
It's a lifetime ambition to be a typical trump loser it appears. You can't seem to grasp it.
Fascinating. When Trudeau talks, he uses the exact same wording, language and debative tactics as do the radicalized fascist democrats here. It is as if they both read from the same book.
Not so. It's the facts and you don't like it.
Suck eggs buddy. Trudeau has stared them down and had them removed. They are broken arsed losers.

Of course wanting to destroy the nation and wanting tyranny installed isn't fascism. No siree.
You dumb idiots.
Trudeau did what most benefits him politically
You think this will BENEFIT Trudeau? Better think again.

shut down the ignorant, Nazi, racist, undemocratic inbred fucktards
Gee. I thought they were just a bunch of Canadian truckers trying to do their jobs. BTW, Canadian law ALLOWS peaceful protests.

that were protesting having to follow rules
Parliament hasn't OKed the use of the Emergency Act so it is Trudeau not following the rules. But I guess if someone passes a law again saying you have to sit in the back of the bus or drink from different fountains, you'd be OK with it.
Very much unlike Murica, the Canadian left still has a reasonable number of those who are genuinely concerned over civil liberties and State overreach.

There isn't a shadow of doubt in my mind that today's crackdown on and arrests of the protesters was deliberately planned, on the day that the parliament was to debate and, probably disapprove of, Trudy's fascistic power grab.

When parliament reconvenes, I predict a no confidence vote in advance of his ultimate ouster.

Mark it down.
We can always hope anyways...
Please keep your feet on the floor.

I think a few tokes of helium might serve him well.

Colorado native, shithead. I lived in Cali when I was stationed at Camp Pendleton after swearing to defend the Constitution from traitors like you and your traitor president.

Suuuuuuure you did.

We can always hope anyways...
Well, I'll admit to some projection.

Were it me expecting the leader of my party to come and present his case for taking the "emergency actions", then acted in a manner that obviated that debate and/or as though my assent was a given, I'd be pissed off.....Especially so knowing that mine is a minority party overall.

Castreau is destroying his party every bit as much as the unipaty hacks McTurtle and Peloski are.

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