Bolshevism in Cali-Mexico--The Chickens come home to roost


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
California Supreme Court Set For Ruling That Could Cut Pensions For Public Workers | Zero Hedge

"For decades now public pensions have been guided by one universal rule which stipulates that current public employees can not be 'financially injured' by having their future benefits reduced. On the other hand, that 'universal rule' also necessarily stipulates that taxpayers can be absolutely steamrolled by whatever tax hikes are necessary to fulfill the bloated pension benefits that unions promise themselves."

The scam is well understood. Public Employee Unions provide vast Payola to Democrats and the Democrats kickback by giving the Public Employees massive pension benefits vastly more than the Citizens understand....and which the Democrats know will one day bankrupt the city or state they have corrupted....but they hope and expect it will be after they are long retired or dead.

The scam has to collapse one day...and it is collapsing in shit-holes like Cali-Mexico, Illinois, Baltimore....corrupt rotting Democratic/Bolshevik strongholds.

The Heartland should be aware that they---the responsible Americans---are ultimately going to be called on to Bail these corrupt Socialist shit-holes out.

The answer must be not only No---But Hell No.


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