Bombshell: Acerbic Amy Klobuchar has pattern of introducing legislation favored by corporate America

Yes. She is yet another corporate democrat. She’s republican light, just like Warren, Bloomberg, and Sniffy Joe.

The uniparty roles on.
She's supposed to be a card-carrying c*nt, but none of that will matter soon when she returns to obscurity and she's back to berating and brow-beating her little covey of minions.
She's a dreary and unimpressive woman, who'd still be filing papers in the Hennepin County D.A.'s office were it not for her last name.

Her father was a well known newspaper columnist...A drunkard and mercurial hothead.
Can we ban the word BOMBSHELL from this site please lol

Dumbasses don't know what it means.

A politician supporting the elite=/=bombshell

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