Bombshell study concludes there is no evidence for anthropogenic climate change...

Do you have something meaningful to actually debate here? A number of studies have examined the consensus and all have found that the AGW theory has enjoyed widespread and growing acceptance among active climate scientists. If you choose to use the terms "extremists" and "propagandists" I'd like to see some actual supporting evidence of such charges. Otherwise, based on the evidence contained in your posts to date, I'd have to assume you're a bit of an ignorant dick. ; - )

Consensus positions is the WEAKEST way to justify a belief try Reproducible research instead but that would be too much for you and other pathetic gooks who ignore the solid evidence to the contrary.

There have been so many consensus errors to count yet YOU wet you pants over the bullshit heavily.

Per the last James Powell study: James Lawrence Powell reported in 2017 that using rejection as the criterion of consensus, five surveys of the peer-reviewed literature from 1991 to 2015, including several of those above, combine to 54,195 articles with an average consensus of 99.94%.[152

So, as of five years ago, 99.94% of 54,195 (54,162) published articles on climate accept AGW. And, last time I checked, 54,162 >>> 12.
that isn't a count of the scientists, that's the number of articles peer reviewed. You avoided the answer. First, you need to know the number of actual scientists and then the number that was included for the 54,195 articles. Your stat was that 99% of the scientists agreed. We're still waiting for those figures.
The question should be how can we not be contributing to global warming?
so you think think you control wind? Jet streams? wow. what is it you do to control them? When do you decide where to drop water and how much then?
Do you have something meaningful to actually debate here? A number of studies have examined the consensus and all have found that the AGW theory has enjoyed widespread and growing acceptance among active climate scientists. If you choose to use the terms "extremists" and "propagandists" I'd like to see some actual supporting evidence of such charges. Otherwise, based on the evidence contained in your posts to date, I'd have to assume you're a bit of an ignorant dick. ; - )
I feel sorry for you.
Do you have something meaningful to actually debate here? A number of studies have examined the consensus and all have found that the AGW theory has enjoyed widespread and growing acceptance among active climate scientists. If you choose to use the terms "extremists" and "propagandists" I'd like to see some actual supporting evidence of such charges. Otherwise, based on the evidence contained in your posts to date, I'd have to assume you're a bit of an ignorant dick. ; - )
But you disparaged me.
But you disparaged me.
I'm terribly sorry. I had absolutely no intention to do such a thing. I didn't say what I actually thought of you, I just pointed out the opinion towards which your posts were pushing me. ; - )

PS, note the text emoji thing ( ; - ) ) It is a winky face. Winking. Get it?
so you think think you control wind? Jet streams? wow. what is it you do to control them? When do you decide where to drop water and how much then?
I think we return to a more pastoral lifestyle and see what happens. I was raking the yard the other day wearing a black T-shirt, and was roasting in the sun. I changed to a white one and remained cool and comfy.

Black T-shirt: Global warming, not good.
White T-shirt: Cool, comfy, good.

Metaphors of course.
I think we return to a more pastoral lifestyle and see what happens. I was raking the yard the other day wearing a black T-shirt, and was roasting in the sun. I changed to a white one and remained cool and comfy.

Black T-shirt: Global warming, not good.
White T-shirt: Cool, comfy, good.

Metaphors of course.
so you're saying that we never had wind or rain before when?
so you're saying that we never had wind or rain before when?
If we can fill the air with smoke, smog, and volatile chemicals, denude the landscape, and pollute the waters, I'm sure we can alter the climate. We are very 'creative'. :omg:

Most don't realize that the region of the atmosphere where "climate" occurs is pretty thin, and close to the earth.
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The question is, how much does human activity cause or influence climate change. The answer is that we don't fucking know. People can point to various phenomena that coincides with the industrial age over the last couple hundred years, but we have to remember that in the last few million or billion years that time frame is quite insignificant. It's like taking the state of your health over the past 10 seconds and making assumptions over your health for the rest of your life. We don't fucking know.

Which doesn't mean we shouldn't take reasonable steps to improve the quality of the air we breath and our water. But let's not be dumbshit stupid about it. There's no rush. There's no proven time frame for when the climate changes enough to be catastrophic for humanity, just a bunch of projections and quesswork that has almost exclusively been wrong over the past several decades.
The question is, how much does human activity cause or influence climate change. The answer is that we don't fucking know. People can point to various phenomena that coincides with the industrial age over the last couple hundred years, but we have to remember that in the last few million or billion years that time frame is quite insignificant. It's like taking the state of your health over the past 10 seconds and making assumptions over your health for the rest of your life. We don't fucking know.

Which doesn't mean we shouldn't take reasonable steps to improve the quality of the air we breath and our water. But let's not be dumbshit stupid about it. There's no rush. There's no proven time frame for when the climate changes enough to be catastrophic for humanity, just a bunch of projections and quesswork that has almost exclusively been wrong over the past several decades.
Let's start with the air and water and see what happens.
I've already started. I have reduced my energy use by 25 percent by insulating my attic to R-49, and I no longer rent out the upstairs apartment thus saving the energy used up there.
The question is, how much does human activity cause or influence climate change. The answer is that we don't fucking know.

That is incorrect. To a usable approximation, we do know how much of the observed warming is being caused by human GHG emissions. That information is contained in a graph you've very likely seen before: One this this:


People can point to various phenomena that coincides with the industrial age over the last couple hundred years, but we have to remember that in the last few million or billion years that time frame is quite insignificant. It's like taking the state of your health over the past 10 seconds and making assumptions over your health for the rest of your life. We don't fucking know.

I disagree. The correlations established between human activities and warming and the results of warming are far greater than mere coincidental relationships. Obviously the Earth's history - or even just the history of homo sapiens are far longer than the period over which we've been observing AGW. But I'm afraid THAT point is irrelevant. The changes that have and will continue to significantly harm human culture, with crop losses, flooding, droughts, weather extremes, sea level rise and so forth are taking place over that shorter scale and thus that IS the scale in which we should be interested.

Which doesn't mean we shouldn't take reasonable steps to improve the quality of the air we breath and our water. But let's not be dumbshit stupid about it. There's no rush. There's no proven time frame for when the climate changes enough to be catastrophic for humanity, just a bunch of projections and quesswork that has almost exclusively been wrong over the past several decades.

The projections are not guesswork and they have not been almost exclusively wrong. The products of the IPCC have been consistently conservative. There most certainly IS a rush as we are VERY close if not actually beyond the point at which catastrophic results can be avoided. I'm curious what measures to improve the quality of the air we breathe and the water we drink would you categorize as "dumbshit stupid"?
So you’re willing to sacrifice your lifestyle for nothing?
No sacrifice. I don't need the money, or the work and aggravation that comes with renting to students. My relatives will use the apartment when they visit. It's all good. :)
Really? Thanos was the ultimate villain in the Marvel movies culminating with "Avengers Endgame". He was convinced that the solution to the universe's problems was the elimination of half ot its population. He finally got the power to do so and did it. It did not make the world a better place and he was the only one happy about it. I thought you were making a reference to the story.
As much as I enjoyed the movie, that was a stupid solution. Kill off fifty percent of the population and in one generation you are back where you started. To make a serious change, you would have to kill off ninety-nine percent of the population. Even that would only be a short term solution unless you upped the mortality rate to pre-industrial revolution levels. Humans breed like rabbits.
It was a stupid strategy but after all, it came from a comic book. What's needed is ZPG at some sustainable point.

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