Bombshell: ‘Washington Post’ Confirms Hillary Clinton Started the Birther Movement!!!


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the SPIN CYCLE!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana:

Breitbart ^ | September 26, 2015 | By John Nolte
New analysis from the Washington Post removes any doubt that the anti-Obama Birther movement was started in 2007 and 2008 by Hillary Clinton, her campaign, and her Democrat supporters. As Breitbart News reported earlier this month, other left-wing media outlets, like Politico and the Guardian, had already traced the Birther movement back to Democrats and Ms. Clinton. Using his wayback machine on Wednesday, the Post’s David Weigel took an in-depth look at the origins of the false rumors that President Obama is a practicing Muslim who was not born in a America. Weigel’s reporting contains the final pieces of a...
Trust Breitbart to get it all wrong.

It was someone working for her campaign that came up with the idea. Hillary nixed it.

That was never kept secret, everyone had near-real time access to the information. Of course a certain demographic has always been incapable of researching on their own, they relied on their cult leaders to give them the "news."

And the cult leaders did, with the usual huge helping of dishonesty on top.

I think it's hilarious that you tards bought into it.

We knew all along.

We tried to tell you.

You refused to listen.

And now you want to act like you're all cutting edge and on top of a story that's EIGHT YEARS OLD!

Trust Breitbart to get it all wrong.

It was someone working for her campaign that came up with the idea. Hillary nixed it.

That was never kept secret, everyone had near-real time access to the information. Of course a certain demographic has always been incapable of researching on their own, they relied on their cult leaders to give them the "news."

And the cult leaders did, with the usual huge helping of dishonesty on top.

I think it's hilarious that you tards bought into it.

We knew all along.

We tried to tell you.

You refused to listen.

And now you want to act like you're all cutting edge and on top of a story that's EIGHT YEARS OLD!


Well, there is the FIRST subversive/commie/socialist with her spin, any other DemocRAT want to throw a little SPIN on this? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Trust Breitbart to get it all wrong.

It was someone working for her campaign that came up with the idea. Hillary nixed it.

That was never kept secret, everyone had near-real time access to the information. Of course a certain demographic has always been incapable of researching on their own, they relied on their cult leaders to give them the "news."

And the cult leaders did, with the usual huge helping of dishonesty on top.

I think it's hilarious that you tards bought into it.

We knew all along.

We tried to tell you.

You refused to listen.

And now you want to act like you're all cutting edge and on top of a story that's EIGHT YEARS OLD!


Well, there is the FIRST subversive/commie/socialist with her spin, any other DemocRAT want to throw a little SPIN on this? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Why does it matter where the idea came from? Who cares if it was Hillary that originally floated the idea?

What does matter is who bought it and how far they were willing to carry it.
Trust Breitbart to get it all wrong.

It was someone working for her campaign that came up with the idea. Hillary nixed it.

That was never kept secret, everyone had near-real time access to the information. Of course a certain demographic has always been incapable of researching on their own, they relied on their cult leaders to give them the "news."

And the cult leaders did, with the usual huge helping of dishonesty on top.

I think it's hilarious that you tards bought into it.

We knew all along.

We tried to tell you.

You refused to listen.

And now you want to act like you're all cutting edge and on top of a story that's EIGHT YEARS OLD!


Well, there is the FIRST subversive/commie/socialist with her spin, any other DemocRAT want to throw a little SPIN on this? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Why does it matter where the idea came from? Who cares if it was Hillary that originally floated the idea?

What does matter is who bought it and how far they were willing to carry it.

Probably because pond scum, like you, have always said Republicans started it, now pond scum, like you, will have this thrown in their face every time they bring it up...which will continue to be often if that CUN* escapes indictment and is YOUR candidate!
New analysis from the Washington Post removes any doubt that the anti-Obama Birther movement was started in 2007 and 2008 by Hillary Clinton, her campaign, and her Democrat supporters.......

So, what difference does it make?

I suggest a more accurate title for your OP would be:

Bombshell: ‘Washington Post’ Confirms Hillary Clinton's Over-Zealous Fans and Staffers Started the Birther Movement!!!"

In my reading of the article it absolves Hilary herself from encouraging the birther gambit in any way. In any case we both know it was right wing drones who've pursued the non-story long past it's shelf life. You know who I'm talking about, the Orly Taitz's and websites like WorldNetDaily and kooks like Donald Trump.
This thread almost suggests that you yourself are not and never were a birther, unless I've missed something in my quick scan. So out of curiosity I did a search and it appears you were a confirmed birther, at least you seemed to be stridently questioning Obama's eligibility to be President in a couple of posts I found from Oct. 2014. If so you're not showing much appreciation for those you claimed raised this (what must have been to you) overwhelmingly important issue.
This quote is from one of those Oct. 2014 posts: "As the world now knows, published a web page entitled, "Born in the U.S.A. -- The truth about Obama's birth certificate." The entire webpage is ONE BIG LIE!"

Just one more thing, I take it you're a a Breitbart fan and I was wondering if you happen to read the 2012 article in which they said;

"The “we’re just asking questions” rationale seems to be the explanation du jour for the tiresome and self-destructive continuing “Birther” fixation of some journalists who purport to be on the Right. As depicted in a fairly straightforward Washington Independent article, WorldNetDaily Editor-in-Chief Joseph Farah used his Friday night dinner speech at the Tea Party convention to “raise questions” about the President Obama’s citizenship, much to the disgust of other attendees, including Andrew Breitbart. “It’s self-indulgent, it’s narcissistic, it’s a losing issue,” Breitbart told one of Farah’s minions, his frustration evident."

If I've made any incorrect assumptions about you being in the nutwing birther camp I apologise.

Trust Breitbart to get it all wrong.

It was someone working for her campaign that came up with the idea. Hillary nixed it.

That was never kept secret, everyone had near-real time access to the information. Of course a certain demographic has always been incapable of researching on their own, they relied on their cult leaders to give them the "news."

And the cult leaders did, with the usual huge helping of dishonesty on top.

I think it's hilarious that you tards bought into it.

We knew all along.

We tried to tell you.

You refused to listen.

And now you want to act like you're all cutting edge and on top of a story that's EIGHT YEARS OLD!


Well, there is the FIRST subversive/commie/socialist with her spin, any other DemocRAT want to throw a little SPIN on this? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Why does it matter where the idea came from? Who cares if it was Hillary that originally floated the idea?

What does matter is who bought it and how far they were willing to carry it.

Probably because pond scum, like you, have always said Republicans started it, now pond scum, like you, will have this thrown in their face every time they bring it up...which will continue to be often if that CUN* escapes indictment and is YOUR candidate!
Perhaps, while you are making yourself look like a moron with blanket insults, you can point out where I have stated republicans started the birther movement. Then you might try and addressing the point I brought up rather than deflecting with insults.
I suggest a more accurate title for your OP would be:

Bombshell: ‘Washington Post’ Confirms Hillary Clinton's Over-Zealous Fans and Staffers Started the Birther Movement!!!"

In my reading of the article it absolves Hilary herself from encouraging the birther gambit in any way. In any case we both know it was right wing drones who've pursued the non-story long past it's shelf life. You know who I'm talking about, the Orly Taitz's and websites like WorldNetDaily and kooks like Donald Trump.
This thread almost suggests that you yourself are not and never were a birther, unless I've missed something in my quick scan. So out of curiosity I did a search and it appears you were a confirmed birther, at least you seemed to be stridently questioning Obama's eligibility to be President in a couple of posts I found from Oct. 2014. If so you're not showing much appreciation for those you claimed raised this (what must have been to you) overwhelmingly important issue.
This quote is from one of those Oct. 2014 posts: "As the world now knows, published a web page entitled, "Born in the U.S.A. -- The truth about Obama's birth certificate." The entire webpage is ONE BIG LIE!"

Just one more thing, I take it you're a a Breitbart fan and I was wondering if you happen to read the 2012 article in which they said;

"The “we’re just asking questions” rationale seems to be the explanation du jour for the tiresome and self-destructive continuing “Birther” fixation of some journalists who purport to be on the Right. As depicted in a fairly straightforward Washington Independent article, WorldNetDaily Editor-in-Chief Joseph Farah used his Friday night dinner speech at the Tea Party convention to “raise questions” about the President Obama’s citizenship, much to the disgust of other attendees, including Andrew Breitbart. “It’s self-indulgent, it’s narcissistic, it’s a losing issue,” Breitbart told one of Farah’s minions, his frustration evident."

If I've made any incorrect assumptions about you being in the nutwing birther camp I apologise.

Typical misleading and fraudulent thread title. When you start to read the link you quickly realize this is just another bullshit story from Breitbart made even less credible by the habitual liar who created the OP.
I know this is all news to the liberal kool-aid drinkers in this forum who get all their news from MSNBC, Media Matters, the Huffington Post, and other liberal propaganda outlets, but it's very well known in political circles that Hillary's campaign was behind the questions about Obama's birthplace and birth certificate. It's hard to say just how much Hillary knew about this, but you can bet she was at least "generally aware" that her campaign was digging into this and was behind the first leaks that raised questions about Obama's birthplace.

Again, the fact that Obama's short-form birth certificate is a forgery is not open to credible disputation. There are clear, indisputable indications of forgery that have been pointed out by forensic document experts, in addition to the fact that the certificate number on the short form is out of sequence with the certificates that were issued before and after it. Remember, too, that the first version of the short form that Obama released had the certificate number blacked out. Now, why would you black out such a key piece of information as the certificate number if the form was intended to provide confirmation and certainty and to end the questions about his birthplace?
I know this is all news to the liberal kool-aid drinkers in this forum who get all their news from MSNBC, Media Matters, the Huffington Post, and other liberal propaganda outlets, but it's very well known in political circles that Hillary's campaign was behind the questions about Obama's birthplace and birth certificate. It's hard to say just how much Hillary knew about this, but you can bet she was at least "generally aware" that her campaign was digging into this and was behind the first leaks that raised questions about Obama's birthplace.

Again, the fact that Obama's short-form birth certificate is a forgery is not open to credible disputation. There are clear, indisputable indications of forgery that have been pointed out by forensic document experts, in addition to the fact that the certificate number on the short form is out of sequence with the certificates that were issued before and after it. Remember, too, that the first version of the short form that Obama released had the certificate number blacked out. Now, why would you black out such a key piece of information as the certificate number if the form was intended to provide confirmation and certainty and to end the questions about his birthplace?
I am perfectly willing to believe he was born in Hawaii as stated. I suspect the birth certificate was forged to protect the story that his father was barack Obama Sr. In fact, I wouldnt be surprised, his father was Frank Marshall and the birth certificate stated this.
I suggest a more accurate title for your OP would be:

Bombshell: ‘Washington Post’ Confirms Hillary Clinton's Over-Zealous Fans and Staffers Started the Birther Movement!!!"

In my reading of the article it absolves Hilary herself from encouraging the birther gambit in any way. In any case we both know it was right wing drones who've pursued the non-story long past it's shelf life. You know who I'm talking about, the Orly Taitz's and websites like WorldNetDaily and kooks like Donald Trump.
This thread almost suggests that you yourself are not and never were a birther, unless I've missed something in my quick scan. So out of curiosity I did a search and it appears you were a confirmed birther, at least you seemed to be stridently questioning Obama's eligibility to be President in a couple of posts I found from Oct. 2014. If so you're not showing much appreciation for those you claimed raised this (what must have been to you) overwhelmingly important issue.
This quote is from one of those Oct. 2014 posts: "As the world now knows, published a web page entitled, "Born in the U.S.A. -- The truth about Obama's birth certificate." The entire webpage is ONE BIG LIE!"

Just one more thing, I take it you're a a Breitbart fan and I was wondering if you happen to read the 2012 article in which they said;

"The “we’re just asking questions” rationale seems to be the explanation du jour for the tiresome and self-destructive continuing “Birther” fixation of some journalists who purport to be on the Right. As depicted in a fairly straightforward Washington Independent article, WorldNetDaily Editor-in-Chief Joseph Farah used his Friday night dinner speech at the Tea Party convention to “raise questions” about the President Obama’s citizenship, much to the disgust of other attendees, including Andrew Breitbart. “It’s self-indulgent, it’s narcissistic, it’s a losing issue,” Breitbart told one of Farah’s minions, his frustration evident."

If I've made any incorrect assumptions about you being in the nutwing birther camp I apologise.

Hillary is a wingnut birther
The publisher, the company that makes their living accurately broadcasting biographies, decided to throw their reputation and future business at risk and just made up Obama's Kenyan birth. Even more incredible, even AFTER this fatal damage to their credibility Obama chooses to continue to employ the very woman who claims she made the error in the first place.

How fucking dumb do you have to be to believe the "oops I got the birthplace wrong" story?

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