BONER demanded the 75% Congressmen & staffer subsidy!


Censored for Cynicism
Oct 20, 2008
What a worthless scum bag!

Guess Who Pushed Hard For Obamacare Subsidies For Congress Before Using Those Subsidies To Shutter Government? - Forbes

Last night, Speaker John Boehner took to the floor of the House of Representatives to insist that the subsidies being provided to Members of Congress and their staffs—money from their employer that will assist them in paying for the health insurance they will now be purchasing on the new healthcare exchanges—be revoked as part of a deal to keep government functioning.
“Why don’t we make sure that every American is treated just like we are?” bellowed the Speaker of the House in an effort to convince Americans that the House Republicans are sticking up for the interests of the Regular Jane and Joe.
Of course, helping every American to be treated just as Congress has been treated for all these years is precisely what the Affordable Care Act is all about, despite Boehner’s protestations to the contrary.


In fact, Boehner’s behavior turns out to be a great morality lesson for our time when it comes to understanding the sort of people who can rise to the top position in the House of Representatives—affectionately known as”the people’s house.”
While Speaker Boehner apparently has no problem making the eradication of healthcare subsidies for Members of Congress and their staffs the straw that broke the government’s back, it turns out that it was Speaker John Boehner who was personally responsible for getting the government to agree to give Congress back the contributions to their healthcare in the first place!


It turns out that from February through July of this year, Boehner joined with Reid in drafting a legislative fix that would return subsidized healthcare to Congress. During that same period, the two leaders also followed a different tactic involving leaning on the Office of Personal Management to fix the problem—an effort that eventually succeeded.
So dire was the Speaker’s concern, he requested a meeting with the President to personally lobby for Obama’s support for the return of government contributions to assist those employed by Congress in purchasing their health insurance. When that meeting failed to materialize, one of Boehner’s senior aides spoke directly with White House Chief of Staff, Dennis McDonough, about the Speaker’s desire to get the government to subsidize healthcare benefits in the Congress as they previously had done.

Remarkably, Boehner’s stating last night that Congressional employees should not be entitled to these subsidies because they should be treated like every American (a statement that, on its face, makes no sense whatsoever), is the precise opposite of what Boehner, and other Members of Congress, were arguing when the Office of Personal Management initially rejected their request for subsidies.
When OPM first said that, under the law, the subsidies could not be made available to Congress, many on the Hill reacted angrily, arguing that they were being denied a level playing field with their fellow Americans who do receive these contributions from their employers.


And yet, despite Boehner’s lead role in accomplishing the return of the subsidies for his Members and their staffs, this did not, for one moment, prevent him from introducing a rule to take them away or leave the nation to do without their government if he did not get his way. He did this with a a straight face and an expression of completely disingenuous angerthat we have come to expect from the Speaker and his party in Congress.

No politics here, right?

So, after working hard to create this benefit for his fellow government employees in the House and Senate, we are left to experience a government shutdown—which will negatively impact on millions of Americans—because John Boehner did not get his way on a demand to kill a benefit that would not even exist were it not for John Boehner.

What a country.
Here, let me help you, Main Street Repubs can't stand Boehner, McCain, or Graham.

That should help you.
lol ... Dems gotta switch gears now. They gotta change from denying that Congress is getting special O-care perks so that they can start blaming it on Boehner.

lol ... Dems gotta switch gears now. They gotta change from denying that Congress is getting special O-care perks so that they can start blaming it on Boehner.


No. That is not the case.

Congress is not getting any special perks related to the ACA.

This denial is intact as it is based in fact.

Do you need it explained to you? What harm will one more time do me?
lol ... Dems gotta switch gears now. They gotta change from denying that Congress is getting special O-care perks so that they can start blaming it on Boehner.


No. That is not the case.

Congress is not getting any special perks related to the ACA.

This denial is intact as it is based in fact.

Do you need it explained to you? What harm will one more time do me?

LOL ... maybe I overestimated you guys. You're just going to claim both are true? Alrighty then. :lmao:
lol ... Dems gotta switch gears now. They gotta change from denying that Congress is getting special O-care perks so that they can start blaming it on Boehner.


No. That is not the case.

Congress is not getting any special perks related to the ACA.

This denial is intact as it is based in fact.

Do you need it explained to you? What harm will one more time do me?

LOL ... maybe I overestimated you guys. You're just going to claim both are true? Alrighty then. :lmao:

No, no....LL is an expert on EVERYTHING, just ask him.
lol ... Dems gotta switch gears now. They gotta change from denying that Congress is getting special O-care perks so that they can start blaming it on Boehner.


No. That is not the case.

Congress is not getting any special perks related to the ACA.

This denial is intact as it is based in fact.

Do you need it explained to you? What harm will one more time do me?

LOL ... maybe I overestimated you guys. You're just going to claim both are true? Alrighty then. :lmao:
What is so hard to understand?

Boner was right to push for the subsidy. But he has been very wrong and hypocritical in allowing his right wing to characterize it as some sort of special deal.
Get it?
No. That is not the case.

Congress is not getting any special perks related to the ACA.

This denial is intact as it is based in fact.

Do you need it explained to you? What harm will one more time do me?

LOL ... maybe I overestimated you guys. You're just going to claim both are true? Alrighty then. :lmao:

No, no....LL is an expert on EVERYTHING, just ask him.

Nope.....just a few things. But I do possess common sense and the ability to tell when someone is full of shit. I guess that makes me seem like an expert. I get it.
LOL ... maybe I overestimated you guys. You're just going to claim both are true? Alrighty then. :lmao:

No, no....LL is an expert on EVERYTHING, just ask him.

Nope.....just a few things. But I do possess common sense and the ability to tell when someone is full of shit. I guess that makes me seem like an expert. I get it.

Sure thing kid.

The truth is you really don't know much about anything that I have seen so far.

Being partisan and posting silly left leaning articles in no way shows a depth of knowledge about anything.
No, no....LL is an expert on EVERYTHING, just ask him.

Nope.....just a few things. But I do possess common sense and the ability to tell when someone is full of shit. I guess that makes me seem like an expert. I get it.

Sure thing kid.

The truth is you really don't know much about anything that I have seen so far.

Being partisan and posting silly left leaning articles in no way shows a depth of knowledge about anything.

Is that right? I don't know much about anything?

You came to that conclusion all by yourself?

I know that big laws ( and little ones too ) go through many revisions and delays. I know that it does not require an act of Congress to implement these minor adjustments. It is really just common sense. Don't have to be an expert.
I don't doubt it, but Boehner is an idiot.

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