Bonfire of the Trump-Diary


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's a capitalism-allegory perfect for modernism anxieties and inspired by the fortune-inquiry film The Bonfire of the Vanities.

I wonder if U.S. First Lady Melania Trump is self-conscious about 'consumerism shallowness' and 'media mentalism.'

There's no reason TrumpUSA can not inspire 'self-deprecating fun.'


Phantom and Mysterio were mirror-images but direct opposites of each other. Phantom was a primalist, while Mysterio was a mad scientist. Phantom defended the democratic praise of Earth's natural resources, while Mysterio sought to create dominions of Machiavellian fascism and even eco-terrorism.


The two were competing to see who could win the affections of the hypnotizing and mysterious 'Siren of Babylon,' a beautiful woman who lay sleeping in a garden of alluring botanical aromas and perfumes and signified a modern age obsession with anything resembling vanity and cosmetics. This woman could put any man into an irreversible trance, and her power lay in her ability to corrupt basic innocence and labor diligence, and Phantom wanted to approach her as a priest and naturalist, while Mysterio wanted to approach her as a warlord, chemical warfare specialist, and hellraiser.


The forces of competitive behavior created by this Phantom-Mysterio rivalry raised from the pits of darkness a terrible fire-creature named Dymaion who represented a complete loss of safety, sanity, and self-control. Dymaion was a perfect embodiment of everything that was cantankerous in the very heart of nature. What was worse was that Dymaion used the flames of hell to create intolerable heat, rendering it impossible for any warrior to withstand the pressures of discomfort.


Phantom and Mysterio had to work together to deal with Dymaion so they could get at what they really wanted --- the hand of the intriguing Siren of Babylon. Phantom and Mysterio decided to approach Dymaion with a special contract: Phantom would give the fire-creature advice on how to utilize democratic capitalist projects in the forests (e.g., hydroelectric dams), while Mysterio would give the fire-creature advice on how to analyze profiteerism instincts so as to better evaluate anti-war fears. The plan worked, and Dymaion decided the two characters helped him evaluate modernism loopholes and conceded to allow them to 'court' the Siren of Babylon, but she disappeared/escaped and left them a note: "Manly men always go the way of the pro-daredevil values of 'TrumpUSA'!"



I really like how that turned out, so I'm making a personal time-capsule of this.


ME: I like waxing lyrical about 'private politics.'
GOD: There's no such thing as 'private politics.'
ME: What about pornography?
GOD: Pornography is a statement about socialized sensuality...
ME: Yes, but it's a 'private experience.'
GOD: I suppose, but what are you 'waxing lyrical' about regarding consumerism?
ME: I like Starbucks buzz and Apple Computers fanfare.
GOD: Are you a fan of President Trump?
ME: I like to make merchant-jokes...
GOD: Why, because Trump was a casino-owner?
ME: Everyone makes fun of Trump Taj Mahal casino in Atlantic City!
GOD: Why don't you write a story about your 'adoration' of vendors?
ME: Vending is politics, isn't it?
GOD: Maybe, but people remain 'idealistic' about voter-bases.
ME: Can you censor the marketplace?
GOD: No, but you can reprimand greed (Wall Street)...
ME: In that case, sign me up for a 'Orwellian sermon.'
GOD: In 1000 years, people will remember 'TrumpUSA' as a 'diary phenomenon.'



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