Bongino vs Mandates

Bongino is definitely hit and miss with me. Like Tucker, he's intelligent enough that I can at last give him my attention even when I don't always agree with him.

This issue is far too complicated to address in one video, it's clear though that some in the U.S are following the Canadian model, it won't end well for your innovation and success. It will benefit your enemies though.

I've come to the conclusion that the social contract between citizens and state has been undermined in most of the West due to Covid. Can it recover in our lifetimes? Regardless of ones opinion of necessity, once a government takes the unprecedented step of denying full grown adults rights and life pursuits due to their health choices, then recovering and reinstating the passively accepted contract will be extremely difficult.

This is even more compelling with the double standard of the treatment of some businesses, at least in Canada, where Walmart and Amazon reaped the rewards; and others who were forced to dissolve due to being shut down.
Bongino is definitely hit and miss with me. Like Tucker, he's intelligent enough that I can at last give him my attention even when I don't always agree with him.

This issue is far too complicated to address in one video, it's clear though that some in the U.S are following the Canadian model, it won't end well for your innovation and success. It will benefit your enemies though.

I've come to the conclusion that the social contract between citizens and state has been undermined in most of the West due to Covid. Can it recover in our lifetimes? Regardless of ones opinion of necessity, once a government takes the unprecedented step of denying full grown adults rights and life pursuits due to their health choices, then recovering and reinstating the passively accepted contract will be extremely difficult.

This is even more compelling with the double standard of the treatment of some businesses, at least in Canada, where Walmart and Amazon reaped the rewards; and others who were forced to dissolve due to being shut down.
Communist Chinese learned how viruses worked between people even before considering the State. Examples include the 1918 pandemic, Hong Kong flu of 1968, SARS-CoV of 2003.
Bongino is definitely hit and miss with me. Like Tucker, he's intelligent enough that I can at last give him my attention even when I don't always agree with him.

This issue is far too complicated to address in one video, it's clear though that some in the U.S are following the Canadian model, it won't end well for your innovation and success. It will benefit your enemies though.

I've come to the conclusion that the social contract between citizens and state has been undermined in most of the West due to Covid. Can it recover in our lifetimes? Regardless of ones opinion of necessity, once a government takes the unprecedented step of denying full grown adults rights and life pursuits due to their health choices, then recovering and reinstating the passively accepted contract will be extremely difficult.

This is even more compelling with the double standard of the treatment of some businesses, at least in Canada, where Walmart and Amazon reaped the rewards; and others who were forced to dissolve due to being shut down.
This not a complicated issue. The data is clear and incontrovertible that vaccines do NOT prevent transmission. Therefore, mandates are completely illogical.
This not a complicated issue. The data is clear and incontrovertible that vaccines do NOT prevent transmission. Therefore, mandates are completely illogical.
This not a complicated issue. The data is clear and incontrovertible that wearing a seat belt does NOT prevent death in a car wreck. Therefore, wearing a seatbelt is completely illogical.
This not a complicated issue. The data is clear and incontrovertible that vaccines do NOT prevent transmission. Therefore, mandates are completely illogical.
well perhaps since the vaccine isn't a cure, what exactly is it would be a good question.
This not a complicated issue. The data is clear and incontrovertible that vaccines do NOT prevent transmission. Therefore, mandates are completely illogical.
they can't even explain what the vaccine does. but you better take it. Cause that's fking logical to a demofk. The man says take it, a demofk says yes sir may I have another. LOL
they can't even explain what the vaccine does. but you better take it. Cause that's fking logical to a demofk. The man says take it, a demofk says yes sir may I have another. LOL
You haven't been paying attention. The vaccine greatly reduces the chance of infection, but if infected, it greatly reduces the symptoms and likelihood of death. I know this isn't the first time you have heard this.
they can't even explain what the vaccine does. but you better take it. Cause that's fking logical to a demofk. The man says take it, a demofk says yes sir may I have another. LOL
None of them can tell you what's in it, but they are the type to read all the ingredients on food packaging. Go figure.
OhPleaseJustQuit Billyboom just sent me a reply that the vaccine is for protection, but you still can catch the virus, So in the event you can't catch any other way, the vaccine guarantees you get it. Wow, need more of a laugh? Made my day I'll say.

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