Booker Blasts 'Bigot' Biden But Open To Anti-Semite Farrakhan Meeting


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
'Sen. Cory Booker over the weekend expressed a willingness to meet with well-known anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan, raising eyebrows given his criticism just days earlier of 2020 presidential rival Joe Biden’s remarks about being able to work with segregationists.'
-- Booker opens door to meeting with Farrakhan after blasting Biden for ‘hurtful’ comments on bigots


So far Booker has admitted to sexually assaulting a woman in college, declared as President he will attempt to outlaw eating meat because HE CHOOSES not to, and now hypocritically bashes Biden for comments about being able to work with segregationists while openly stating he is willing to meet and work with infamous anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan...

I just figured out who Booker reminds me of.....

In ever popular action movie there is one character who is in the movie for comedy relief....

[URL='']Booker is Joe Pesci (thank you
WillHaftawaite) in 'Lethal Weapon'...Chris Tucker in 'Rush Hour'...he's the comedy relief in the 2020 DNC Primaries...-[/URL]



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He gets some things right....

Louis Farrakhan: Obama chose Israel, homosexuals over black community

" Louis Farrakhan harshly criticized US President Barack Obama this week, accusing him of supporting Israel and the gay community instead of the black community"

He has also openly called Obama "the first Gay President."

Spot on....

Farakkhan is a washed-up troll. It's a shame anyone, let alone a Democratic Presidential hopeful, gives him the ear-play he so desperately craves.
'Sen. Cory Booker over the weekend expressed a willingness to meet with well-known anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan, raising eyebrows given his criticism just days earlier of 2020 presidential rival Joe Biden’s remarks about being able to work with segregationists.'
-- Booker opens door to meeting with Farrakhan after blasting Biden for ‘hurtful’ comments on bigots


So far Booker has admitted to sexually assaulting a woman in college, declared as President he will attempt to outlaw eating meat because HE CHOOSES not to, and now hypocritically bashes Biden for comments about being able to work with segregationists while openly stating he is willing to meet and work with infamous anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan...

I just figured out who Booker reminds me of.....

In ever popular action movie there is one character who is in the movie for comedy relief....
Booker is Joe Pesci in 'Lethal Weapon'...Chris Tucker in 'Rush Hour'...he's the comedy relief in the 2020 DNC Primaries...

View attachment 266352


Lying about another candidate are you Sleazy?

Booker never called Biden a racist. In fact he said that Biden is NOT a racist. So the title of your thread is a lie.

Teenage groping is hardly sexual assault. The President YOU support admitts to sexually assaulting women at will, and has been credibly accused of rape by three different women. In defending himself against the latest allegation he claims that he didn't rape this woman because "she's not his type". The implication is that yes, he rapes women, but only those he finds attractive. That's not the first time Trump has defended himself against allegations of sexual assault by saying that the woman isn't attractive enough for him to attack.

I can't think of a single heterosexual high school boy that I know who isn't guilty of groping a girl in high school. Not one. Even the guys who would never do a thing like that today. High school boys are pigs. All of them. 17 adult women have confirmed what Trump said on the access Hollywood tape - that Trump assaults women he finds attractive. Trump keeps threatening to sue these women for slander but hasn't filed a single suit. One of the women has sued Trump and his case isn't going well.

Booker has no intention of banning meat eating, but lying is what you do. That bullshit line the right is using to defame the Green Plan, isn't flying with ANYONE, but your stupid, gullible, base, which is shrinking by the day.

If you didn't post lies, you'd have NOTHING to post.

Lying about another candidate are you Sleazy?

Booker never called Biden a racist. In fact he said that Biden is NOT a racist. So the title of your thread is a lie.

Teenage groping is hardly sexual assault. The President YOU support admitts to sexually assaulting women at will, and has been credibly accused of rape by three different women. In defending himself against the latest allegation he claims that he didn't rape this woman because "she's not his type". The implication is that yes, he rapes women, but only those he finds attractive. That's not the first time Trump has defended himself against allegations of sexual assault by saying that the woman isn't attractive enough for him to attack.

I can't think of a single heterosexual high school boy that I know who isn't guilty of groping a girl in high school. Not one. Even the guys who would never do a thing like that today. High school boys are pigs. All of them. 17 adult women have confirmed what Trump said on the access Hollywood tape - that Trump assaults women he finds attractive. Trump keeps threatening to sue these women for slander but hasn't filed a single suit. One of the women has sued Trump and his case isn't going well.

Booker has no intention of banning meat eating, but lying is what you do. That bullshit line the right is using to defame the Green Plan, isn't flying with ANYONE, but your stupid, gullible, base, which is shrinking by the day.

If you didn't post lies, you'd have NOTHING to post.


I claimed I risked going to jail for leaking info
that had already been cleared for release to the
public...but don't tell anyone.



Do you have any REAL criticisms of actual issues, or are you just going to continue to post lies, and stupid pictures?
'Sen. Cory Booker over the weekend expressed a willingness to meet with well-known anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan, raising eyebrows given his criticism just days earlier of 2020 presidential rival Joe Biden’s remarks about being able to work with segregationists.'
-- Booker opens door to meeting with Farrakhan after blasting Biden for ‘hurtful’ comments on bigots


So far Booker has admitted to sexually assaulting a woman in college, declared as President he will attempt to outlaw eating meat because HE CHOOSES not to, and now hypocritically bashes Biden for comments about being able to work with segregationists while openly stating he is willing to meet and work with infamous anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan...

I just figured out who Booker reminds me of.....

In ever popular action movie there is one character who is in the movie for comedy relief....

Booker is Joe Pesci (thank you WillHaftawaite) in 'Lethal Weapon'...Chris Tucker in 'Rush Hour'...he's the comedy relief in the 2020 DNC Primaries...-

Booker is a crying race-baiting loser. We all know that.

According to Newt Gingrich this morning on Fox & Friends, Pocahontas was the technical winner, and Beto was the loser.

Booker was a liar when he said small business were having a hard time. That was a particular bald faced lie Gingrich pointed out.

Their constant use of outright LIES to slam a great booming economy and jobs numbers is going to be their downfall, that and their insane extremist positions on certain issues.
Do you have any REAL criticisms of actual issues, or are you just going to continue to post lies, and stupid pictures?
So Booker's 'jab' at Biden for being a racist while pursuing a working relationship / counsel with world-renowned anti-Semite Farrakhan is ok with you?!

Is it a 'white versus black thing' - whites are 'automatic racists' while it is 'impossible' for blacks to ne racists, DL?

Is it that since the mainstream Socialist Democratic Party has 'come out of the closet' and embraced its anti-Semitism, embracing Farrakhan is unofficially making him the 2020 'Spiritual & Racial Leader' for them in 2020?

And, as usual, you continue to demonstrate you yelp like a bit dog, emotionally responding to a perceived 'attack' on Democrats without ever bothering to open a link or read the information from the article.... Doesn't constantly being so easily emotionally manipulated and feeling the need to engage in knee-jerk / Pavlov's-Dog type attacks against anyone / everyone who does not embrace the Socialist Democrat ideology get extremely tiring?
'Sen. Cory Booker over the weekend expressed a willingness to meet with well-known anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan, raising eyebrows given his criticism just days earlier of 2020 presidential rival Joe Biden’s remarks about being able to work with segregationists.'
-- Booker opens door to meeting with Farrakhan after blasting Biden for ‘hurtful’ comments on bigots


So far Booker has admitted to sexually assaulting a woman in college, declared as President he will attempt to outlaw eating meat because HE CHOOSES not to, and now hypocritically bashes Biden for comments about being able to work with segregationists while openly stating he is willing to meet and work with infamous anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan...

I just figured out who Booker reminds me of.....

In ever popular action movie there is one character who is in the movie for comedy relief....

Booker is Joe Pesci (thank you WillHaftawaite) in 'Lethal Weapon'...Chris Tucker in 'Rush Hour'...he's the comedy relief in the 2020 DNC Primaries...-

Booker is a crying race-baiting loser. We all know that.

According to Newt Gingrich this morning on Fox & Friends, Pocahontas was the technical winner, and Beto was the loser.

Booker was a liar when he said small business were having a hard time. That was a particular bald faced lie Gingrich pointed out.

Their constant use of outright LIES to slam a great booming economy and jobs numbers is going to be their downfall, that and their insane extremist positions on certain issues.

The problem with fools for Trump is that they THINK they know things that they don't have the first clue about.

Then you used Newt Gingerich as a source and I laughed and laughed. Republicans dumped Gingerich years ago as a hack and a fool. Now he's tied himself to Trump as a way to get back in the spotlight.

Small business ARE having a hard time:

Small businesses struggle to compete on wages as available worker pool shrinks

Tight U.S. Job Market Squeezes Smallest Businesses the Most

The economy is NOT doing all that well, and if you looked at ALL of the numbers, not just the jobs report and the stock market, you'd know that. But then you only believe what Trump tells you, so you're not likely to actually LOOK at anything. You'll just continue to take Dumb Donald's word for it.

The constant belief that everything out of Donald's mouth is the truth is your downfall.
The problem with fools for Trump is that they THINK they know things that they don't have the first clue about.

The problem with emotionally-manipulated, TDS-suffering, DNC Talking Point-regurgitating, Trump-hating snowflakes - as you helped me demonstrate, is that after NON-TDS-Suffering NON-extremists actually post evidence (testimony, govt agency reports / notes...), documented / substantiated / reported records, etc..., they force everyone who has NOT chosen to reject reality and live in their self-created alternate-reality bubble to endure their highly emotional, opinionated rants that are never supported by any actual facts, as well as their personal attacks and insults.

You have proven to be the 'poster child' for this point this morning. Without anything to back it up, you have ranted and attacked, provided nothing to counter anything presented in the article (which it is obvious you did not open up / read).....

Snowflakes such as yourself continue to demonstrate the Leftist Belief that everything they need to know about 'debating' can be found in Saul Alensky's book 'Rules For Radicals' and in the 'Libtard Book of Debate Rules':
1. Lie, deny, justiy...

2. NEVER admit / concede a point, no matter how much evidence is presented to prove it.

3. Never underestimate the usefulness of a good emotional rant or personal attack in defense of an indefensible issue / argument

4. Always accuse others of saying / doing what Democrats have already done / are doing...

5. If all else fails - and not necessarily as a 'last resort' - call them a 'RACIST'
'Sen. Cory Booker over the weekend expressed a willingness to meet with well-known anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan, raising eyebrows given his criticism just days earlier of 2020 presidential rival Joe Biden’s remarks about being able to work with segregationists.'
-- Booker opens door to meeting with Farrakhan after blasting Biden for ‘hurtful’ comments on bigots


So far Booker has admitted to sexually assaulting a woman in college, declared as President he will attempt to outlaw eating meat because HE CHOOSES not to, and now hypocritically bashes Biden for comments about being able to work with segregationists while openly stating he is willing to meet and work with infamous anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan...

I just figured out who Booker reminds me of.....

In ever popular action movie there is one character who is in the movie for comedy relief....

Booker is Joe Pesci in 'Lethal Weapon'...Chris Tucker in 'Rush Hour'...he's the comedy relief in the 2020 DNC Primaries...

View attachment 266352


Lying about another candidate are you Sleazy?

Booker never called Biden a racist. In fact he said that Biden is NOT a racist. So the title of your thread is a lie.

Teenage groping is hardly sexual assault. The President YOU support admitts to sexually assaulting women at will, and has been credibly accused of rape by three different women. In defending himself against the latest allegation he claims that he didn't rape this woman because "she's not his type". The implication is that yes, he rapes women, but only those he finds attractive. That's not the first time Trump has defended himself against allegations of sexual assault by saying that the woman isn't attractive enough for him to attack.

I can't think of a single heterosexual high school boy that I know who isn't guilty of groping a girl in high school. Not one. Even the guys who would never do a thing like that today. High school boys are pigs. All of them. 17 adult women have confirmed what Trump said on the access Hollywood tape - that Trump assaults women he finds attractive. Trump keeps threatening to sue these women for slander but hasn't filed a single suit. One of the women has sued Trump and his case isn't going well.

Booker has no intention of banning meat eating, but lying is what you do. That bullshit line the right is using to defame the Green Plan, isn't flying with ANYONE, but your stupid, gullible, base, which is shrinking by the day.

If you didn't post lies, you'd have NOTHING to post.

Booker is a reprobate retard and the green plan is astoundingly stupid. This is the lib party.

Teenage groping is hardly sexual assault.

I can't think of a single heterosexual high school boy that I know who isn't guilty of groping a girl in high school.

So you have now changed Hillary's / The Democratic party's 'mantra' - because so many Democrats have been busted engaging in illegal / inappropriate sexual behavior towards women - from 'Every Woman Must Be Believed' to 'What's a little UNWANTED GROPING? Democrat boys will be boys...'


"Booker has no intention of banning meat eating, but lying is what you do. "

OF COURSE the Dumbass doesn't want to outlaw eating meat, just because HE chooses not to eat meat. It was just some stupid comment he made in the heat of the moment when the 2020 Dem hopefuls were trying to 'out-extreme' each other.

It was a LIE...just like when he LIED during that committee hearing when he claimed he was risking breaking the law by 'leaking classified INFO' ... DESPITE THE FACT THAT THE INFORMATION HE WAS SHARING HAD ALREADY BEEN CLEARED FOR RELEASE!


Funny how 'times change' in the Democratic Party / Socialist Democratic Party....

At one point Democrats freaked / panicked when their personal e-mails were hacked / released, exposing racist, sexist, homophobic, and ANTI-SEMITIC content - they worked feverishly to distract from it and pretend that's not who they were / are....

At one point Obama and Democrats made every effort to stay away from Anti-Semite Farrakhan and, again, freaked and quickly went into 'damage control' mode when THIS picture surfaced:


NOW, in 2019, as the Socialist Extremists in the Democratic Party have officially hijacked the Party with the election of new out-spoken anti-Semite freshman such as D-Omar - leaving Pelosi as Speaker of the House in name only, the new Socialist Democrat Party has openly embraced its Anti-Semitic attitude / beliefs. On more than one occasion Party members have stepped up in defense of its new anti-Semite 'darlings' who have been changing the face - and name - of the old 'Democratic' Party.

And now instead of avoiding the US' leading anti-Semite, Democrats - like 2020 SDNC Presidential Nominee Booker embrace him and seek his counsel.

Let's face it, one of the biggest influences these newly elected Freshmen anti-Semite Democrats have had on the Party is to convince them to finally 'come out of the closet'!


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