Border children should be treated like refugee baby jesus


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009

Pelosi: Border Children Should Be Treated Like Refugee Baby Jesus

Nancy should be psychologically evaluated for fit to continue her job. These kids are not ours. They belong to families. Send them home with their parents if they have parents here or send them home to their parents. Remember what we did to Indian children when we took them away from their homes and killed their family units and their culture.

Native Foster Care: Lost Children, Shattered Families : NPR

American Indian Boarding Schools Haunt Many : NPR

Crazed Anglos like Pelosi need to be deported. And take Obama with them. WTF is our leaders drinking. What about the children in Chicago and homeless hungry American children. This will hurt Afro-American even more than the 12 million that are already here taking jobs from Afro-Americans. The country is already bankrupt. WTF do Pelosi know about baby Jesus. Don't she know that Jesus’ family had to take him to their hometown of Bethlehem to register and be born?

Did a Census Really Bring Joseph and Mary to Bethlehem? - Online Bible Study Tools

Why did Mary and Joseph travel to Bethlehm
More insanity from the idiots running the country. The more ignorant the statement, the more liberal is the speaker of the words.
Maybe Nancy should buy some and take them on her tax payer paid 747 along with her law breaking son! She could always you someone to carry a martini to her.
dear gawd stop insulting our intelligence

like anything else, they use Religion when it suits your purpose...

I think the majority of the people know by now, that it is mostly teenagers and adults coming over
All these THOUSANDS of children come to America alone...Yet when an American mother let's her daughter play in a playground unattended because she has to go to work, SHE'S ARRESTED!!!!! ALL these mother fucking Latino parents that sent their kids here should be hunted down, and locked up for CHILD NEGLECT, AND ABUSE, if that's what we do to a poor American mother of color!!!! Where is Eric "THE RED" Holder when it comes to RACIST arresting of this American mother?

Mother arrested for letting daughter play in park alone - Videos - CBS News
I can't stand the DISHONESTY wrapped up in the whole thing

but people don't seem to care open the doors let them flood in, suck up the money that was meant FOR OUR POOR citizens and then they can give us the finger when they assimilated under LaRaza
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and VIGILANTE , off topic [ALERT] but think how independent and dominant these experienced border crossing , jungle crossing , desert crossing , train top riding illegal immigrant kids are going to be . Compare these experienced illegal alien kids to Polite little wussy American kids that are afraid to get in a fist fight because teacher says that defending yourself isn't the way to do things in a polite civilized society . [that's quickly disappearing] Like I said , off topic ALERT !!
It is to the eternal shame of the US that we have treated these kids as though they are dangerous criminals instead of political refugees. While screeching and preaching about what good christians they are, and all about how there's a war against chrisitans, they take guns to the border to shoot at these kids.

If "the baby jesus" were to actually appear, the same bunch of haters would screech at him to take a bath, cut his hair and get a job.
and VIGILANTE , off topic [ALERT] but think how independent and dominant these experienced border crossing , jungle crossing , desert crossing , train top riding illegal immigrant kids are going to be . Compare these experienced illegal alien kids to Polite little wussy American kids that are afraid to get in a fist fight because teacher says that defending yourself isn't the way to do things in a polite civilized society . [that's quickly disappearing] Like I said , off topic ALERT !!

Ever heard of Chicago, East LA, Oakland, etc where we have Americans children homeless and hungry??:cuckoo:
It is to the eternal shame of the US that we have treated these kids as though they are dangerous criminals instead of political refugees. While screeching and preaching about what good christians they are, and all about how there's a war against chrisitans, they take guns to the border to shoot at these kids.

If "the baby jesus" were to actually appear, the same bunch of haters would screech at him to take a bath, cut his hair and get a job.

Damn,'s NOT an act, you actually are this fucked up in your thinking.... Take some BABY JESUS'S in Nuttly if you are so concerned, I hear you can make $70 a day by doing so, then you can get off of Food Stamps, and give back your obumaphone! :cuckoo::cuckoo:
I don't understand your point LILO L !! but yeah , Chicago and L.A. , there'll be a war as these experienced macho kids arrive in certain neighborhoods in Chicago . There is already violence in L.A. where Hispanic gangs go after blacks . My main concern is shipping these kids to suburbs where American kids have been raised to be wusses . As far as American kids being homeless , well yeah sure , fix up the American kids and deport these illegals .
many of these illegal kids are dangerous , tough , dominant while American kids have been trained to be wusses LUDDLY .
The LAST thing these adults who lie about their age are is political refugees. There are no pogroms going on in their home countries that make them political refugees. They say they are fleeing gang violence when they and their families ARE the gangs.
exactly correct in many cases . In some areas of L.A. Cali. all the family celebrates the O.G. / original gangster and I know that its the same in Chicago and other big USA cities . I'd think that there is similar gang culture to L.A. in Honduras , Mexico and the other countries that these border crashing children are coming from . I'm not really concerned with big cities as those places are hell holes anyway . My concern / interest is that these illegals are being dispersed to small towns all over the USA . My kids are grown but these illegals amongst young wussy American children is not going to be a good thing IMO .
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