Pope Francis denounces attempts to close southern border as ‘madness’

That sounds like something Republican Jesus would say

View attachment 949403
Those things are about what Jesus might say, yeah.

Also, under Trump >>
  • blacks and Hispanics had their lowest unemployment in US history.
  • tax cuts were greater for low income brackets than for the rich
  • Healthcare is easily obtainable. Join the military.
  • Deport those who seek to pilfer from us, yup.
  • Punish those from other nations that seek asylum. Take away their children and put them in cages (like Obama did)
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Immigrants, both legal and illegal help our economy and provide valuable, low cost labor.
FALSE! and stupid as well.

The first 5 items alone, on the list of HARMS of illegal immigration refuted that. They HARM our economy, and low cost labor has harmful effects on the economy and American workers.

Low cost labor reduces the amount of disposable income in society, thereby reducing sales to US stores (aka "our economy")
What would Jesus do?
What would Jesus do?

Would he continue to keep the border open while ignoring the pedophilia epidemic with Priests in his own church and also ignore the worldwide epidemic of infanticide of abortion on demand?

Just a guess.
If he's that handicapped by his language barrier maybe he should not be doing interviews with the MSM.

Given his track record I've no doubt he meant exactly what he said.
I wouldn't rule out that he thinks it's fine to wave illegals in. I'm just saying that it is not the position of the Catholic Church and that I wouldn't trust 60 Minutes to be truthful.
What would Jesus do?

Would he continue to keep the border open while ignoring the pedophilia epidemic with Priests in his own church and also ignore the worldwide epidemic of infanticide of abortion on demand?

Just a guess.
There is not a pedophilia epidemic in the RCC, and has never been worse than in any other organization. Please stop peddling that leftwing lie. They are just disproportionately trumpeted by the Marxist media. New cases in the US since 2005 are near nil.

I don't care when confused people like rightwinger or fortfun or joe b or crepitus spout their garbage, but I do get upset when conservatives carry water for the Marxist agenda when we all should be allied against it,
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This Pope is and has been a Globalist for his entire ministry. I doubt that 60 Minutes misrepresented his thoughts on the issue.

The real moral question here is, do Americans have the RIGHT to decide whom to allow to come here? And one must differentiate between the moral obligations of individuals and the moral obligations of the collective or Sovereign.

Manifestly, Americans DO have that right. And our elected representatives have written and passed laws that facilitate the orderly passage of applicants into our country. Like it or not, we have laws, regulations, and general operating principles.

The Biden decision to open the border and Trump's decision to attempt to close it reflect the two main approaches to immigration. Democrats want as many Third World wretches in the country as they can possibly manage, so that they can presently implement what they deviously refer to as "immigration reform," making them all citizens and Democrat voters. Republicans merely want to enforce the laws that are currently on the books. One side is the MORAL side and the other side is anti-moral.

But contrariwise, charitable institutions, whether Catholic or not, have a moral obligation to try to alleviate human suffering, and in this context that might include providing shelter, food, transportation, and other forms of support to people who are breaking U.S. laws by their very presence in our country.

It is a situation where individual morality and Sovereign morality can come into conflict.
Globalists are offended that Americans are not yet as poor as people in the 3rd World
Globalists owe no allegiance to any particular country (other than those providing cash payoffs to them)

It's just like when Obama made a speech in Germany, and said "I am a citizen of the world" To which he was schooled by his fellow 2012 presidential, conservative candidate Virgil Goode (whom I voted for), who said >> "You're not supposed to be a citizen of the world. You're supposed to be an AMERICAN citizen, and President of the United States, representing the AMERICAN people, not the world."
I doubt if Jesus would concern himself with immigration law.
He was not concerned with arbitrary borders, only human suffering
Considering he and his apostles were persecuted, condemned, thrown out and even jailed for "migrating" into certain areas, towns, etc -I agree with your statement.

"Give onto Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's"

How can that apply to the border issue? It's the government's (Caesar's) duty to determine a solution to the issue.

What the government does may or may not align with "God's ways" but as Christians, especially on a personal/social level, we would want to find ways to minimize human suffering and treat others as we wish to be treated.
Doesn’t matter if he was the Son of God or not, Jesus still had strong views on helping those who are suffering
And once again you as an unsaved Reprobate sinner, don't understand Christ's mission. And that is to bring Salvation to mankind via His death on the Cross.
This Pope is and has been a Globalist for his entire ministry. I doubt that 60 Minutes misrepresented his thoughts on the issue.

The real moral question here is, do Americans have the RIGHT to decide whom to allow to come here? And one must differentiate between the moral obligations of individuals and the moral obligations of the collective or Sovereign.

Manifestly, Americans DO have that right. And our elected representatives have written and passed laws that facilitate the orderly passage of applicants into our country. Like it or not, we have laws, regulations, and general operating principles.

The Biden decision to open the border and Trump's decision to attempt to close it reflect the two main approaches to immigration. Democrats want as many Third World wretches in the country as they can possibly manage, so that they can presently implement what they deviously refer to as "immigration reform," making them all citizens and Democrat voters. Republicans merely want to enforce the laws that are currently on the books. One side is the MORAL side and the other side is anti-moral.

But contrariwise, charitable institutions, whether Catholic or not, have a moral obligation to try to alleviate human suffering, and in this context that might include providing shelter, food, transportation, and other forms of support to people who are breaking U.S. laws by their very presence in our country.

It is a situation where individual morality and Sovereign morality can come into conflict.

I agree with most of your post. My issue is with Pope Francis and the Church in general, ignoring the suffering caused by illegal immigrant. The Pope should address outside organizations funding illegal immigration not out of concern for helping the individual but for political reasons. Also needs to address the payments going to cartels and human trafficking along with women and girls being raped.
And don't know how the Church determines the suffering of illegals as opposed to those wanting work or better opportunities.

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