Border residents express 'hopelessness'. "I can't believe the American people are just sitting by watching this unfold"

This may be an ‘issue’ for the hateful, bigoted, racist right – but the truth is this is just more fearmongering from conservatives.

“The border between the U.S. and Mexico was relatively calm Friday, offering few signs of the chaos that was feared following a rush by worried migrants to enter the U.S. before the end of pandemic-related immigration restrictions.”

Did you notice the authors names?
For every article you post like this, I can post ten that shows the chaos.
It’s hard to believe how weak your kind is. My ancestors fought and died for this land. We died for our people. Why don’t you? Why do you rely on other people to do what needs to be done?

My ancestors fought and died for this land too. In addition, mine won.
I'm only 47 so I'm not old. But I've sat with my grandfather who is 93 and neither of us can believe this is America now and that we actually let this happen. In neither of our lifetimes had we ever dreamed America would just roll over like we are now on a lot of things, not just the border.

He was a marine and I was in the army. And we get together with 2 of his marine buddies were all saddened that this is the America we fought for.

The current president and his ENTIRE administration is a fucking disgrace to America on so many levels. It upsets me, saddens me and angers me to see this. They do not deserve to even live in America. If you can even call us America anymore beyond just in a formal sense.
Our chief resident America hater, c Jones likes it.
It is hard to believe that we just sit back and allow our country to be invaded.

Border residents express 'hopelessness' as migrants pour into Texas: 'Things are really going to go bad'​

Generally you get the government you deserve. The Romans saw their empire fall due to greed and nonsense, the same is happening in the US. A country that can't get rid of the dollar bill.... showing everyone how paralyzed the country actually is.
Didn’t say they did the right thing. They did what they thought was the right thing. I’m pretty sure when they look back they will see there were other ways they could have done things. That aside not doing anything is not the way to go. I’m due to retire in a few months. When I do I’m headed out west to join the MMIW movement. It’s the right thing to do for my people. I most definitely have an axe to grind with the (sorry) white people who keep murdering our women. If I’m killed at least I’ll be killed fighting for my people.

These women mostly live on tribal land, which is why they're supposedly not "tracked" by US police. So, they are mostly murdered by fellow Indigenous people. Right?

And the goal is to use the US police force to track them? (white people?)

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