Boston Ponders War on Soda


Silver Member
Jun 8, 2009
First, it was smoking in restaurants and bars. Then, artery-clogging trans fat in fast food joints and bakeries. Now, Boston health regulators have their crosshairs fixed on soft drinks and other sugar-sweetened beverages sold in city buildings.

Concerned about the girth of employees and visitors to government agencies, Boston officials are weighing — gingerly — whether to restrict or even prohibit the sale of calorie-laden refreshments on city-owned property.

The city has convened influential health, education, and housing leaders to develop a policy that aims to reduce consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages. While discussions are ongoing, Bill Walczak, head of a community health center and a member of the city’s panel, said, “Somebody has to take a stand, and if it isn’t the government and health care institutions leading the way to a healthier lifestyle, who’s going to do it?’’

City may curb sales of sugary beverages - The Boston Globe

Scary quote ain't it?
This is what happens when you teach kids that government is there to 'take care' of people. Is there nowhere left on the planet where people can make choices for themselves?
First, it was smoking in restaurants and bars. Then, artery-clogging trans fat in fast food joints and bakeries. Now, Boston health regulators have their crosshairs fixed on soft drinks and other sugar-sweetened beverages sold in city buildings.

Concerned about the girth of employees and visitors to government agencies, Boston officials are weighing — gingerly — whether to restrict or even prohibit the sale of calorie-laden refreshments on city-owned property.

The city has convened influential health, education, and housing leaders to develop a policy that aims to reduce consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages. While discussions are ongoing, Bill Walczak, head of a community health center and a member of the city’s panel, said, “Somebody has to take a stand, and if it isn’t the government and health care institutions leading the way to a healthier lifestyle, who’s going to do it?’’

City may curb sales of sugary beverages - The Boston Globe

Scary quote ain't it?
How do you feel about marijuana legalization?
Boston is full of fucking idiots these days.

Check this out:

Cambridge art project turns your parking tickets into poetry - Cambridge, Massachusetts - Cambridge Chronicle

Starting this week, the city of Cambridge has been handing out redesigned parking ticket envelopes that feature a revamped method of receiving a parking citation. Part of a public works project called “Crossing Non-Signalized Locations,” the envelopes adorned with yoga poses are an attempt to bring out the poetry in parking enforcement.

The poetry in parking enforcement? I don't know what this guy is smoking.

But wait there more

“The aim of our ongoing interaction is to shift our relationship to parking enforcement from one fraught with anxiety, confusion and resentment to one that includes gentleness, wonder, curiosity and joy,” Peltz said in a public letter to city residents.

And then there's this

Peltz also wrote a “soft-booting” regulation that is “subjective, idiosyncratic and playful.” The boots, made of soft fabric and stuffed, will be placed on select cars throughout the city.

“I got a boot once, and I didn’t feel bad for me. I felt bad for the car. It looked so humiliated,” Peltz said. “With the soft boot, the car can’t be humiliated; it’s been cared for.”

And people say the Tea Party folks are wackos.
First, it was smoking in restaurants and bars. Then, artery-clogging trans fat in fast food joints and bakeries. Now, Boston health regulators have their crosshairs fixed on soft drinks and other sugar-sweetened beverages sold in city buildings.

Concerned about the girth of employees and visitors to government agencies, Boston officials are weighing — gingerly — whether to restrict or even prohibit the sale of calorie-laden refreshments on city-owned property.

The city has convened influential health, education, and housing leaders to develop a policy that aims to reduce consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages. While discussions are ongoing, Bill Walczak, head of a community health center and a member of the city’s panel, said, “Somebody has to take a stand, and if it isn’t the government and health care institutions leading the way to a healthier lifestyle, who’s going to do it?’’

City may curb sales of sugary beverages - The Boston Globe

Scary quote ain't it?

"whether to restrict or even prohibit the sale of calorie-laden refreshments on city-owned property"

though I am opposed to nanny states in their various forms I accept the action of the government, in their(our?) buildings, to restrict the sale of questionable/unhealthy foods and to encourage/promote healthier foods ONLY AS LONG as each individual is NOT denied the right to bring their OWN unhealthy foods to work.

though I will "accept this action"
I do not approve of it.
and if they had asked us to vote on this issue I would have voted NAY.

but as long as people can bring their own cancer-causing foods to work in their attempts to shorten their lives I feel this issue is not very important
Boston is full of fucking idiots these days.

Check this out:

Cambridge art project turns your parking tickets into poetry - Cambridge, Massachusetts - Cambridge Chronicle

Starting this week, the city of Cambridge has been handing out redesigned parking ticket envelopes that feature a revamped method of receiving a parking citation. Part of a public works project called “Crossing Non-Signalized Locations,” the envelopes adorned with yoga poses are an attempt to bring out the poetry in parking enforcement.

The poetry in parking enforcement? I don't know what this guy is smoking.

But wait there more

“The aim of our ongoing interaction is to shift our relationship to parking enforcement from one fraught with anxiety, confusion and resentment to one that includes gentleness, wonder, curiosity and joy,” Peltz said in a public letter to city residents.

And then there's this

Peltz also wrote a “soft-booting” regulation that is “subjective, idiosyncratic and playful.” The boots, made of soft fabric and stuffed, will be placed on select cars throughout the city.

“I got a boot once, and I didn’t feel bad for me. I felt bad for the car. It looked so humiliated,” Peltz said. “With the soft boot, the car can’t be humiliated; it’s been cared for.”

And people say the Tea Party folks are wackos.

I can not stop :lol: LMAO!!!!!!

Born and raised and currently in the city of Cambridge and I can tell you first hand, this city is infested with 'touchy feely' social work type people. THIS does not surprise me in the least! I expect it from the artsy granola types.

Seriously, I'm frigin' hysterical over here! I just shared this story with a few of my co-workers.




Listen, not all of us are as fucked as these people are.

One last thing ...

Boston is full of fucking idiots these days.

Check this out:

Cambridge art project turns your parking tickets into poetry - Cambridge, Massachusetts - Cambridge Chronicle

Starting this week, the city of Cambridge has been handing out redesigned parking ticket envelopes that feature a revamped method of receiving a parking citation. Part of a public works project called “Crossing Non-Signalized Locations,” the envelopes adorned with yoga poses are an attempt to bring out the poetry in parking enforcement.

The poetry in parking enforcement? I don't know what this guy is smoking.

But wait there more

And then there's this

Peltz also wrote a “soft-booting” regulation that is “subjective, idiosyncratic and playful.” The boots, made of soft fabric and stuffed, will be placed on select cars throughout the city.

“I got a boot once, and I didn’t feel bad for me. I felt bad for the car. It looked so humiliated,” Peltz said. “With the soft boot, the car can’t be humiliated; it’s been cared for.”

And people say the Tea Party folks are wackos.

I can not stop :lol: LMAO!!!!!!

Born and raised and currently in the city of Cambridge and I can tell you first hand, this city is infested with 'touchy feely' social work type people. THIS does not surprise me in the least! I expect it from the artsy granola types.

Seriously, I'm frigin' hysterical over here! I just shared this story with a few of my co-workers.




Listen, not all of us are as fucked as these people are.

One last thing ...

Damn, that is GREAT stuff!

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