Bowling Coach


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
An Americana nod to the great bowling film, maybe the best one ever made or will be ever made, Kingpin (Woody Harrelson).


Amlan Satan, the world's best bowler, Algerian-American, was only 40 years-old and living in Gary (Indiana), where he met the Turkish bowling-coach Terryac. This gristly man insisted to take Satan on the road and away from Gary (Indiana) to compete in a famous bowling-tourney in Michigan. Satan shed a tear for his beloved Gary (Indiana).


COACH TERRYAC: The first thing to do is give you a new 'look' and costume and disguise to make you a bowling-deity!


SATAN (Amlan): Coach has transformed me into the Daredevil, and I wield my special solid-blue bowling-ball and head to Michigan!


COACH TERRYAC: I promise you this, Satan; we can't lose; not with your skills; not in Michigan.


Amlan Satan registered for the Michigan bowling-tourney, to be broadcast on ESPN. He was excited and enthusiastic. He promised his coach that he'd perform well. This tourney would see the great champions from all around the USA compete. Satan was the most gifted, however.


There were competitors in great colors and team uniforms, and Amlan Satan was in his Daredevil gear-up. He started out great and then trailed the top contenders in the final rounds before catching up to the the leaders and watched them cheer going into the quarterfinals!


COACH TERRYAC: If you win this tourney, Satan, I'll get you something that reflects the national glory of this tourney.


Satan made it to the Semifinals to face the champion Ronald Shuster. He defeated Shuster in a tight bowling race, earning a 121-118 win at the last pin-holdings, and it was all smiles for Satan and secret relief for outlasting the great Shuster.


In the other Semifinal the wild and crazy Beard took down the only African-American contender, Chris Paul. He defeated and stunned Chris Paul with a last-peg strike that sent the crowd into an uproar.


BEARD: I can't believe you won, man.
SATAN: You know how I did it, Beard?
SATAN: Something my coach told me!
BEARD: What's that, friend?
SATAN: Never lose focus...on your dude.


I can't believe I won. This was the greatest experience of my life. I took home the trophy for my coach Terryac. I'll never lose it.


The moral of this Americana tale of great bowling is...never under-value what your bowling-coach dictates.


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)


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