Boxers in uniform - how Berlin police beat peaceful demonstrators


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Among another western states that mad one created by crazy Merkel is unique. It gradually became a huge prison where anything is prohibited and corrupted sadistic 'politicians' torture and murder citizens as they please.The question is where these animals in cop uniforms are coming from? Even Stalin's Cheka and Hitler's Gestapo was more human. Watch the banned by Youtube video on the webpage below, you don't need Netflix horror - movies anymore.
Do you still believe western governments want something good for you by imposing insane Corona rules?
Nope, they wanna kill you, they force you to embrace the 'jab' which will kill you within 1 or 2 year.
The animal brutality of ....... I can't call these criminals cops.... shows clearly, y'all are done, y'all sentenced to death because Gates, Merkel, Biden, Macron, Kurz, Schwab & Co believe, the Earth shall be depopulate by 98%.
Watch these besties, who terrible torture a family just for refusing to wear insane masks.
By the way, since one month Texas lifted all Corona prohibitions, there aren't not only more deaths, nope, the amount of deaths is going hugely down.
Did presstitutes report it to you?


Watch here the video:

Germany is tame compared to Belarus and Russia.

Even in Russia and Belarus peoples are free to decide by themselves, no one demands from them PCR tests by visiting of groceries, no one close their restaurants, gyms, theaters, discos, shops etc. etc. etc. No one demands from them to be vaccinated, no one beats or kills them for refusing to wear a schizophrenic mask.
Since November, 2021 is Germany in hard lockdown, German insane 'politicians' are more worst as Hitler because they want to murder the entirely population by enforcing of mandatory 'vaccination' and daily testing.
Among another western states that mad one created by crazy Merkel is unique. It gradually became a huge prison where anything is prohibited and corrupted sadistic 'politicians' torture and murder citizens as they please.The question is where these animals in cop uniforms are coming from? Even Stalin's Cheka and Hitler's Gestapo was more human. Watch the banned by Youtube video on the webpage below, you don't need Netflix horror - movies anymore.
Do you still believe western governments want something good for you by imposing insane Corona rules?
Nope, they wanna kill you, they force you to embrace the 'jab' which will kill you within 1 or 2 year.
The animal brutality of ....... I can't call these criminals cops.... shows clearly, y'all are done, y'all sentenced to death because Gates, Merkel, Biden, Macron, Kurz, Schwab & Co believe, the Earth shall be depopulate by 98%.
Watch these besties, who terrible torture a family just for refusing to wear insane masks.
By the way, since one month Texas lifted all Corona prohibitions, there aren't not only more deaths, nope, the amount of deaths is going hugely down.
Did presstitutes report it to you?


Watch here the video:

Ich kann nicht atmen !
Among another western states that mad one created by crazy Merkel is unique. It gradually became a huge prison where anything is prohibited and corrupted sadistic 'politicians' torture and murder citizens as they please.The question is where these animals in cop uniforms are coming from? Even Stalin's Cheka and Hitler's Gestapo was more human. Watch the banned by Youtube video on the webpage below, you don't need Netflix horror - movies anymore.
Do you still believe western governments want something good for you by imposing insane Corona rules?
Nope, they wanna kill you, they force you to embrace the 'jab' which will kill you within 1 or 2 year.
The animal brutality of ....... I can't call these criminals cops.... shows clearly, y'all are done, y'all sentenced to death because Gates, Merkel, Biden, Macron, Kurz, Schwab & Co believe, the Earth shall be depopulate by 98%.
Watch these besties, who terrible torture a family just for refusing to wear insane masks.
By the way, since one month Texas lifted all Corona prohibitions, there aren't not only more deaths, nope, the amount of deaths is going hugely down.
Did presstitutes report it to you?


Watch here the video:

Ich kann nicht atmen !

Don't joke, think about the day when inoculated peoples understand the're gonna die within few months.
Where will hide members of the Merkel united communist party CSUCDUFDPSPDGREENSLEFTS when those sad dumbed creatures will cry for revenge?
Do you believe Merkel & her gang can have asylum somewhere else?
Who will grant it to them?
Already in few months the worldwide unrest comes because 10 - 15 % innocualted people and their relatives understand they had been fooled and they are going to die.
All Corona lying governments will be swept away by huge surge of despairing 'walking deads'
Also, only on the Moon Merkel & Co probably have a den to hide

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