Boy Drugged By Lesbian "Parents" To Be A Girl

Should the APA's CQR "Audited-Group-Think" Methods Be Subject to Public Review?

  • Yes, hold a full public inquiry as to why the APA discards facts in deference to group-ideology.

    Votes: 17 81.0%
  • Maybe, I'd have to study more on CQR vs data and facts to have a better opinion here.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No way. The public has no business in oversight over what the APA approves or disapproves of.

    Votes: 4 19.0%

  • Total voters
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Syriusly is really good at straw men, playing victim, hyperbole & spamming.

Toobfreak is spot on
DITCH THE DYKES. QUEERS, GAYS, LESBIANS and the like all have a sexual perversion disorder and have no place in raising little children, especially when they must go out and "buy" the kid from someone else in the first place to raise. END the child abuse of forcing little kids into an unhealthy and abnormal "family" situation they neither understand nor agreed to. LGBTs may have at heart the best intentions, but their very nature as being a pervert excludes them from child-rearing.

There's a thread addressing that problem which I consider to be a form of child trafficking: CA's "Babies For Sale!" Are Private Surrogacy Contracts The Same As Child-Trafficking?
No- you- and your fellow travellor [sic] Tipsy just want to murder homosexuals- if you happen to murder a few child abusers along the way....well that would just be a coincidence.

Murder only applies to human beings, not to degenerate homosexual perverts who seek to impose their perverted filth on children.
Those types of comments, Bob, makes fuel for the LGBT fire to continue to ram through this type of perversion into law.
No- you- and your fellow travellor [sic] Tipsy just want to murder homosexuals- if you happen to murder a few child abusers along the way....well that would just be a coincidence.

Murder only applies to human beings, not to degenerate homosexual perverts who seek to impose their perverted filth on children.
I sense Obergefell v. Hodges was especially painful for you.
No- you- and your fellow travellor [sic] Tipsy just want to murder homosexuals- if you happen to murder a few child abusers along the way....well that would just be a coincidence.

Murder only applies to human beings, not to degenerate homosexual perverts who seek to impose their perverted filth on children.
Those types of comments, Bob, makes fuel for the LGBT fire to continue to ram through this type of perversion into law.

They are hardly unique in this thread, Sil. Your 'allies' want gays murdered en masse. That kind of hatred and madness permeates this thread.
No- you- and your fellow travellor [sic] Tipsy just want to murder homosexuals- if you happen to murder a few child abusers along the way....well that would just be a coincidence.

Murder only applies to human beings, not to degenerate homosexual perverts who seek to impose their perverted filth on children.
I sense Obergefell v. Hodges was especially painful for you.

Oh, it was fun to watch the cognitive dissonance just make her head spin. As she'd been giving us elaborate pseudo-legal rants for months on how Obergefell was going to overturn same sex marriage.

She was spectacularly wrong on literally every point. I think it took 3 days before she'd degenerated into raving fantasies about how Kennedy was gay and was being blackmailed by the 'LGBT cult'.

You're generally not dealing with the intellectual giants in the anti-same sex marriage crowd.
I sense Obergefell v. Hodges was especially painful for you.
It also appears to have been especially painful for the boy in the OP....

I don't recall any portion of the article you cited mentioning the child being reduced to conspiracy batshit about Kennedy being gay and being 'blackmailed' by the 'LGBT cult'.

That would be you. You ignore the law. You replace it with your imagination. And then you make up elaborate conspiracy fantasies when the courts follow the actual law and not your imagination.

Get used to that pattern.
^^ Online recording his promotion of child abuse. I'd advise against that.

Your legal advice is based on your imagination. And is thus legally meaningless.

Sorry Sil....but failing to report non-existent child abuse isn't a crime. Its merely a fantasy of your creation.
They are hardly unique in this thread, Sil. Your 'allies' want gays murdered en masse. That kind of hatred and madness permeates this thread.

Someone who defends the imposition of homosexual perversion on innocent children is in no position to accuse anyone else of hatred or madness.

Someone like you who advocates the murder of Americans is in no position to do anything but run and hide in shame.
No- you- and your fellow travellor [sic] Tipsy just want to murder homosexuals- if you happen to murder a few child abusers along the way....well that would just be a coincidence.

Murder only applies to human beings, not to degenerate homosexual perverts who seek to impose their perverted filth on children.
I sense Obergefell v. Hodges was especially painful for you.

Oh, it was fun to watch the cognitive dissonance just make her head spin. As she'd been giving us elaborate pseudo-legal rants for months on how Obergefell was going to overturn same sex marriage.

She was spectacularly wrong on literally every point. I think it took 3 days before she'd degenerated into raving fantasies about how Kennedy was gay and was being blackmailed by the 'LGBT cult'.

You're generally not dealing with the intellectual giants in the anti-same sex marriage crowd.

Remember also how she decided that the Pope was being blackmailed by the "Gays' and that is why he resigned.

The delusion is strong with that one.
They are hardly unique in this thread, Sil. Your 'allies' want gays murdered en masse. That kind of hatred and madness permeates this thread.

Someone who defends the imposition of homosexual perversion on innocent children is in no position to accuse anyone else of hatred or madness.

The only one demanding mass murder of innocent you. Your madness is a wasteland. And its dying with you.

The younger generation doesn't share your irrational hatred or your murder fantasies. Remember that as age takes you: your hatred dies with you.
No- you- and your fellow travellor [sic] Tipsy just want to murder homosexuals- if you happen to murder a few child abusers along the way....well that would just be a coincidence.

Murder only applies to human beings, not to degenerate homosexual perverts who seek to impose their perverted filth on children.
I sense Obergefell v. Hodges was especially painful for you.

Oh, it was fun to watch the cognitive dissonance just make her head spin. As she'd been giving us elaborate pseudo-legal rants for months on how Obergefell was going to overturn same sex marriage.

She was spectacularly wrong on literally every point. I think it took 3 days before she'd degenerated into raving fantasies about how Kennedy was gay and was being blackmailed by the 'LGBT cult'.

You're generally not dealing with the intellectual giants in the anti-same sex marriage crowd.

Remember also how she decided that the Pope was being blackmailed by the "Gays' and that is why he resigned.

The delusion is strong with that one.

Or that 'Gallup had been infiltrated by the gays'.

Batshit is as batshit does.
^^ Online recording his promotion of child abuse. I'd advise against that.
Are you talking to moi?

If you think I promoted child abuse,!it’s your duty to report me to the DoJ, otherwise you’re a child abuser according to your own definition.

While I wait for that, why not answer the question...?

How does Obergefell affect Tammy?
Faun, Syriusly & Skylar all on record for promoting child abuse. Again, I'd advise against that.
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