Boycott Israel

Has nothing to do with Jews. If Palestine was occupied by Hindus, they would "hate" Hindus. The Religion is irrelevant. Israel wants to make this a religious conflict so they can play the anti Semite card on everyone.

Did someone tell you to say that?

What kind of card do you play?
BDS is against the actions of a state not the religion of a people. There is no discrimination hare.

Sure. Nothing at all to do with Jew hatreds.

BDS Is Continuing To Spread Hate And Anti-Semitism Across The US | HuffPost
Another Israeli shill playing anti Semite cards.

Surprise, surprise, surprise.

I can appreciate you are incensed that anyone would utter a disparaging remark aimed at your islamic terrorist heroes but BDS ties to islamic terrorist franchises are well documented.

You really shouldn't expect others to ignore islamic fascism and its 1,400 year old agenda of Jew hatreds simply to appease your tender Islamo-sensibities.

Israel Exposes Ties Between BDS Activists and Palestinian Terror Groups

Israel Exposes Ties Between BDS Activists and Palestinian Terror Groups

Israel’s Strategic Affairs Ministry named 42 anti-Israel groups that are affiliated with ‎Palestinian terror groups and ‎receive their orders from the Palestinian Authority.
What is Israel's favorite card? Anti Semite? Terrorist? Who knows?
Did someone tell you to say that?

What kind of card do you play?
BDS is against the actions of a state not the religion of a people. There is no discrimination hare.

Sure. Nothing at all to do with Jew hatreds.

BDS Is Continuing To Spread Hate And Anti-Semitism Across The US | HuffPost
Another Israeli shill playing anti Semite cards.

Surprise, surprise, surprise.

I can appreciate you are incensed that anyone would utter a disparaging remark aimed at your islamic terrorist heroes but BDS ties to islamic terrorist franchises are well documented.

You really shouldn't expect others to ignore islamic fascism and its 1,400 year old agenda of Jew hatreds simply to appease your tender Islamo-sensibities.

Israel Exposes Ties Between BDS Activists and Palestinian Terror Groups

Israel Exposes Ties Between BDS Activists and Palestinian Terror Groups

Israel’s Strategic Affairs Ministry named 42 anti-Israel groups that are affiliated with ‎Palestinian terror groups and ‎receive their orders from the Palestinian Authority.
What is Israel's favorite card? Anti Semite? Terrorist? Who knows?

Your song and dance routines are a hoot. I couldn't help but notice that absent any ability to address the posted links, you put on your Islamo-tap dance shoes and danced around the issue.

Tinmore will be appearing here his every waking moment, folks. Be sure to tip your waitresses.

Ba dum bump, *cymbals*
BDS is against the actions of a state not the religion of a people. There is no discrimination hare.

Sure. Nothing at all to do with Jew hatreds.

BDS Is Continuing To Spread Hate And Anti-Semitism Across The US | HuffPost
Another Israeli shill playing anti Semite cards.

Surprise, surprise, surprise.

I can appreciate you are incensed that anyone would utter a disparaging remark aimed at your islamic terrorist heroes but BDS ties to islamic terrorist franchises are well documented.

You really shouldn't expect others to ignore islamic fascism and its 1,400 year old agenda of Jew hatreds simply to appease your tender Islamo-sensibities.

Israel Exposes Ties Between BDS Activists and Palestinian Terror Groups

Israel Exposes Ties Between BDS Activists and Palestinian Terror Groups

Israel’s Strategic Affairs Ministry named 42 anti-Israel groups that are affiliated with ‎Palestinian terror groups and ‎receive their orders from the Palestinian Authority.
What is Israel's favorite card? Anti Semite? Terrorist? Who knows?

Your song and dance routines are a hoot. I couldn't help but notice that absent any ability to address the posted links, you put on your Islamo-tap dance shoes and danced around the issue.

Tinmore will be appearing here his every waking moment, folks. Be sure to tip your waitresses.

Ba dum bump, *cymbals*

Did you see his You Tube Link where interviewed Palestinians say the entire area should be considered “ Palestine “ , they do not believe in the “ Two State Solution “ and he actually defends that stance? :gives:
She went on to say that there is a "difference" between criticizing a military action by a government that has "exercised really oppressive policies" and attacking "particular people of faith."

Omar, who was sworn into Congress earlier this month, has a history of making controversial comments about Israel. She recently appeared toinsinuate that Israel is guilty of oppression.

Ilhan Omar, who actively backs the BDS movement, will now serve on the House Foreign Affairs committee. She doubled down on this tweet just yesterday.

(full article online)

Ilhan Omar on Calling Israel 'Evil': Those Were 'The Only Words I Could Think About Expressing at That Moment'
Academic boycotts, rightly understood and employed, are an effective means of isolating and stigmatizing universities and other institutions that support authoritarian regimes (like Erdogan’s Turkey) or provide a platform for spreading pro-terrorist propaganda (as at An-Najah or Birzeit universities in the West Bank). By refusing to acknowledge the legitimacy of universities controlled by regimes that deny basic academic (and human) freedoms, boycotters undermine corrupt systems and lend moral support to academics fighting for their rights and even their lives.

But not all boycotts are defensible. The academic Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel provides the most obvious example of an unjust act masquerading as high-minded activism.

Contrary to the claims of BDS advocates, Israel is a free, democratic state with equal representation for all citizens, regardless of their religious or ethnic background. Israeli universities, far from suffering under state or party control, are home to some of Israel’s harshest critics, who are free to condemn or praise governments and religious leaders or even question the legitimacy of Israel’s existence. They are anything but tools of the state whose livelihood and freedom depend on praising the government or censoring their opinions.

In light of these widely known facts, BDS proponents reveal their antisemitic motivations in a myriad of ways, most obviously in singling out Israel — the world’s only Jewish state — for condemnation, while turning a blind eye to genuine human rights abusers such as Iran, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, Cuba, and China. The BDSers’ false assertions regarding Israeli history — from denying the long and vibrant history of the ancient Hebrews, to claiming that Israelis are European “settler colonialists” comparable to Nazis — also expose their antisemitism.

(full article online)

BDS Is Contemptible, But Academic Boycotts Have Their Place
Academic boycotts, rightly understood and employed, are an effective means of isolating and stigmatizing universities and other institutions that support authoritarian regimes (like Erdogan’s Turkey) or provide a platform for spreading pro-terrorist propaganda (as at An-Najah or Birzeit universities in the West Bank). By refusing to acknowledge the legitimacy of universities controlled by regimes that deny basic academic (and human) freedoms, boycotters undermine corrupt systems and lend moral support to academics fighting for their rights and even their lives.

But not all boycotts are defensible. The academic Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel provides the most obvious example of an unjust act masquerading as high-minded activism.

Contrary to the claims of BDS advocates, Israel is a free, democratic state with equal representation for all citizens, regardless of their religious or ethnic background. Israeli universities, far from suffering under state or party control, are home to some of Israel’s harshest critics, who are free to condemn or praise governments and religious leaders or even question the legitimacy of Israel’s existence. They are anything but tools of the state whose livelihood and freedom depend on praising the government or censoring their opinions.

In light of these widely known facts, BDS proponents reveal their antisemitic motivations in a myriad of ways, most obviously in singling out Israel — the world’s only Jewish state — for condemnation, while turning a blind eye to genuine human rights abusers such as Iran, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, Cuba, and China. The BDSers’ false assertions regarding Israeli history — from denying the long and vibrant history of the ancient Hebrews, to claiming that Israelis are European “settler colonialists” comparable to Nazis — also expose their antisemitism.

(full article online)

BDS Is Contemptible, But Academic Boycotts Have Their Place
Israeli universities, far from suffering under state or party control, are home to some of Israel’s harshest critics, who are free to condemn or praise governments and religious leaders or even question the legitimacy of Israel’s existence.
Yeah, like Ilan Pappe who had to move to the UK to find work.
Academic boycotts, rightly understood and employed, are an effective means of isolating and stigmatizing universities and other institutions that support authoritarian regimes (like Erdogan’s Turkey) or provide a platform for spreading pro-terrorist propaganda (as at An-Najah or Birzeit universities in the West Bank). By refusing to acknowledge the legitimacy of universities controlled by regimes that deny basic academic (and human) freedoms, boycotters undermine corrupt systems and lend moral support to academics fighting for their rights and even their lives.

But not all boycotts are defensible. The academic Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel provides the most obvious example of an unjust act masquerading as high-minded activism.

Contrary to the claims of BDS advocates, Israel is a free, democratic state with equal representation for all citizens, regardless of their religious or ethnic background. Israeli universities, far from suffering under state or party control, are home to some of Israel’s harshest critics, who are free to condemn or praise governments and religious leaders or even question the legitimacy of Israel’s existence. They are anything but tools of the state whose livelihood and freedom depend on praising the government or censoring their opinions.

In light of these widely known facts, BDS proponents reveal their antisemitic motivations in a myriad of ways, most obviously in singling out Israel — the world’s only Jewish state — for condemnation, while turning a blind eye to genuine human rights abusers such as Iran, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, Cuba, and China. The BDSers’ false assertions regarding Israeli history — from denying the long and vibrant history of the ancient Hebrews, to claiming that Israelis are European “settler colonialists” comparable to Nazis — also expose their antisemitism.

(full article online)

BDS Is Contemptible, But Academic Boycotts Have Their Place
In light of these widely known facts, BDS proponents reveal their antisemitic motivations in a myriad of ways, most obviously in singling out Israel
Not true. They boycott all countries that occupy Palestine.
Academic boycotts, rightly understood and employed, are an effective means of isolating and stigmatizing universities and other institutions that support authoritarian regimes (like Erdogan’s Turkey) or provide a platform for spreading pro-terrorist propaganda (as at An-Najah or Birzeit universities in the West Bank). By refusing to acknowledge the legitimacy of universities controlled by regimes that deny basic academic (and human) freedoms, boycotters undermine corrupt systems and lend moral support to academics fighting for their rights and even their lives.

But not all boycotts are defensible. The academic Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel provides the most obvious example of an unjust act masquerading as high-minded activism.

Contrary to the claims of BDS advocates, Israel is a free, democratic state with equal representation for all citizens, regardless of their religious or ethnic background. Israeli universities, far from suffering under state or party control, are home to some of Israel’s harshest critics, who are free to condemn or praise governments and religious leaders or even question the legitimacy of Israel’s existence. They are anything but tools of the state whose livelihood and freedom depend on praising the government or censoring their opinions.

In light of these widely known facts, BDS proponents reveal their antisemitic motivations in a myriad of ways, most obviously in singling out Israel — the world’s only Jewish state — for condemnation, while turning a blind eye to genuine human rights abusers such as Iran, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, Cuba, and China. The BDSers’ false assertions regarding Israeli history — from denying the long and vibrant history of the ancient Hebrews, to claiming that Israelis are European “settler colonialists” comparable to Nazis — also expose their antisemitism.

(full article online)

BDS Is Contemptible, But Academic Boycotts Have Their Place
In light of these widely known facts, BDS proponents reveal their antisemitic motivations in a myriad of ways, most obviously in singling out Israel
Not true. They boycott all countries that occupy Palestine.

How do you occupy a country that never existed?

Palestine as an Arab State is a figment of the imagination.
Academic boycotts, rightly understood and employed, are an effective means of isolating and stigmatizing universities and other institutions that support authoritarian regimes (like Erdogan’s Turkey) or provide a platform for spreading pro-terrorist propaganda (as at An-Najah or Birzeit universities in the West Bank). By refusing to acknowledge the legitimacy of universities controlled by regimes that deny basic academic (and human) freedoms, boycotters undermine corrupt systems and lend moral support to academics fighting for their rights and even their lives.

But not all boycotts are defensible. The academic Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel provides the most obvious example of an unjust act masquerading as high-minded activism.

Contrary to the claims of BDS advocates, Israel is a free, democratic state with equal representation for all citizens, regardless of their religious or ethnic background. Israeli universities, far from suffering under state or party control, are home to some of Israel’s harshest critics, who are free to condemn or praise governments and religious leaders or even question the legitimacy of Israel’s existence. They are anything but tools of the state whose livelihood and freedom depend on praising the government or censoring their opinions.

In light of these widely known facts, BDS proponents reveal their antisemitic motivations in a myriad of ways, most obviously in singling out Israel — the world’s only Jewish state — for condemnation, while turning a blind eye to genuine human rights abusers such as Iran, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, Cuba, and China. The BDSers’ false assertions regarding Israeli history — from denying the long and vibrant history of the ancient Hebrews, to claiming that Israelis are European “settler colonialists” comparable to Nazis — also expose their antisemitism.

(full article online)

BDS Is Contemptible, But Academic Boycotts Have Their Place
In light of these widely known facts, BDS proponents reveal their antisemitic motivations in a myriad of ways, most obviously in singling out Israel
Not true. They boycott all countries that occupy Palestine.

Your usual sidestep is to ignore the obvious politico-religious element involved. The mere presence of Jews in a geographic area claimed by the Islamic settler colonial project as an Islamist waqf is all that is needed to trigger the Arab-Moslem psyche.
Academic boycotts, rightly understood and employed, are an effective means of isolating and stigmatizing universities and other institutions that support authoritarian regimes (like Erdogan’s Turkey) or provide a platform for spreading pro-terrorist propaganda (as at An-Najah or Birzeit universities in the West Bank). By refusing to acknowledge the legitimacy of universities controlled by regimes that deny basic academic (and human) freedoms, boycotters undermine corrupt systems and lend moral support to academics fighting for their rights and even their lives.

But not all boycotts are defensible. The academic Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel provides the most obvious example of an unjust act masquerading as high-minded activism.

Contrary to the claims of BDS advocates, Israel is a free, democratic state with equal representation for all citizens, regardless of their religious or ethnic background. Israeli universities, far from suffering under state or party control, are home to some of Israel’s harshest critics, who are free to condemn or praise governments and religious leaders or even question the legitimacy of Israel’s existence. They are anything but tools of the state whose livelihood and freedom depend on praising the government or censoring their opinions.

In light of these widely known facts, BDS proponents reveal their antisemitic motivations in a myriad of ways, most obviously in singling out Israel — the world’s only Jewish state — for condemnation, while turning a blind eye to genuine human rights abusers such as Iran, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, Cuba, and China. The BDSers’ false assertions regarding Israeli history — from denying the long and vibrant history of the ancient Hebrews, to claiming that Israelis are European “settler colonialists” comparable to Nazis — also expose their antisemitism.

(full article online)

BDS Is Contemptible, But Academic Boycotts Have Their Place
Israeli universities, far from suffering under state or party control, are home to some of Israel’s harshest critics, who are free to condemn or praise governments and religious leaders or even question the legitimacy of Israel’s existence.
Yeah, like Ilan Pappe who had to move to the UK to find work.

With Europe being a haven for Jew-hating Islamics, Pappe will find a wider audience for his Jew-hating antics.

I’ll bet you’re waiting patiently for some new YouTube videos, right?
Khatib said that "the barrier of fear and concealment (for visits by Arab delegations to Israel) has been broken, and it has become open."

That is indeed what is bothering Palestinians so much. It used to be that their threats of publicizing "normalization" and the implicit threat that the Arab street would never allow public visits between Israeli and Arab officials was enough to keep the Arab world publicly aligned with them. They comforted themselves with lots of public statements of support from Arab leaders at the UN and elsewhere.

Now, the break is so complete that they are starting to openly describe the rest of the Arab world as effectively becoming Zionist, and they are impotent to do anything about it except whine to the media.

(full article online)

Palestinian Arabs add Gulf states to bizarre conspiracy theories about Israel ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

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