Brave IDF


Gold Member
Aug 10, 2009
After reading the story on Facebook of how a brave Israeli soldier, Lt. Eitan (23), went into a booby-trapped tunnel to search for a kidnapped soldier, I want to applaud you again on your bravery. He said to his comrades, "If I'm not back in 5 minutes, it means I'm dead." Thankfully he made it out alive. Thanks again Daniel for protecting Jews all over the world. :eusa_clap: Like Netanyahu said, "If Israel had been around at that time, there would have been no Holocaust." On another note, I went to the Jewish Museum in NY yesterday, and saw all the pottery, seals and some Dead Sea Scrolls from the ancient Kingdoms of Israel and Judea. :eusa_angel:
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Individuals can be brave, even when serving the most heinous of causes.

The guy should understand of course, that he brings Judaism into disrepute with his activities in the IDF. Jews generally don't want his shoah on Gaza.
He is a religious guy, and thank you for showing how stupid you are again beel, you got me laughing again how pathetic you are trying to dismantle Israel in any possible way - the army is a command from God according to Judaism, and so said every Rabbi in the world But of course you know all about Judaism!! Haha :rofl:
And he is not just brave, he is also noble willing to sacrifice himself for the sake of his friend, this heroes is something common in Israel, you just don't like the fact Jews are in position of power so you whine and bitch...
I'm proud to have such people in Israel, and if we were going by the Judaism and killing everyone who tries to kill us, there would've been no more Palestinians, or any other neighbors hostility, unlike the selfish thieves goes by the name Palestinians, but I'm pretty sure demons like you is something common among them as well.
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Individuals can be brave, even when serving the most heinous of causes.

The guy should understand of course, that he brings Judaism into disrepute with his activities in the IDF. Jews generally don't want his shoah on Gaza.

The IDF forces which treated the tunnle threat did nothing but great service to God. Those who enter the tunnles to harm Israelis are criminals, and good thing that the soldiers are killing them.

Blessed be the brave IDF soldiers wherever they are
Criminals should be arrested and face charges.

Israel is incapable of acting in a lawful manner, so it is ironic you describe its opposition in such a way.

Are you saying criminals SHOULDN'T be arrested?
You are actually against having a legal system with suspects, prosecutions, and defences?

Lipush. Was it you who said you wanted to train as a lawyer?
Criminals should be arrested and face charges.

Israel is incapable of acting in a lawful manner, so it is ironic you describe its opposition in such a way.

And hamas is the shining example of lawful are they, the only treatment any terrorist should get is a bullet in the guts and left to die in agony.
When you have immediate threat you take care of it. When someone points a gun at your head you first defend yourself, then ask questions.

That's what Hamas said.

Israel has every defence going. The major risk to Israel is when it goes on offence.

Are you rich Lipush? Loadsamoney? Well, if you are you may notice less.
If you are not, you will see you bills rising soon. And taxation too. And your earning potential will be dropping as your property (if you have any) becomes less valuable.

The reason is: Israel has been the mad dog one too many times.
Better get the muzzle on and stop biting people or you may find no one will feed you any longer.
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Are you saying criminals SHOULDN'T be arrested?
You are actually against having a legal system with suspects, prosecutions, and defences?

Lipush. Was it you who said you wanted to train as a lawyer?

Criminals should be hunted down and run to ground using what ever methods are available, and in the case of hamas this includes the same methods they use against those who oppose them. You have heard about then throwing very young children from the tops of building, or firing 1,000 rounds into a car were a child is sat waiting for its father. So that is what should be done to hamas members

Are you saying criminals SHOULDN'T be arrested?
You are actually against having a legal system with suspects, prosecutions, and defences?

When you have immediate threat you take care of it. When someone points a gun at your head you first defend yourself, then ask questions.

That is law in most civilised nations, even the UK were it used to be seen as murder not that long ago.
YOU are from a comic book aren't you Phoney?

Because no one is as mad as you in real life.
That's what Hamas said.

Israel has every defence going. The major risk to Israel is when it goes on offence.

Are you rich Lipush? Loadsamoney? Well, if you are you may notice less.
If you are not, you will see you bills rising soon. And taxation too. And your earning potential will be dropping as your property (if you have any) becomes less valuable.

The reason is: Israel has been the mad dog one too many times.
Better get the muzzle on and stop biting people or you may find no one will feed you any longer.

I'm not rich. My parents taught me how to have enough cash for food, education, and cultural needs, and baruch hashem, I have enough to live by. But no, I'm not rich; we know that war costs money, but since I'm a southerner, 30 kilometers from the Gaza strip, the influence will be less noted here. We're in the south the weakest community in the state, and since we were under massive rocket fire, the state declared we deserve compensation (the range of 0-40 kilometers) so don't you worry about that, and I'm sure it's not worry you speak from, anyways. Boycotts from outside? Yeah, that may be inconvenient, but defending our state is more important than convenience, anyway: the greatest risk Israel currently holds is the enemy from within, second risk is the arrogance. Israel is not a mad dog, Israel is a lion protecting a cub. And you don't know what a lion might do once its offspring is at risk. Money is not the motive, or influence here.
"the greatest risk Israel currently holds is the enemy from within"

Yep. Lukid and those to its right.

"Money is not the motive, or influence here."

Yes dear.
Enemy from within is many things. Likud? They may very well be, but for some reason the nation chose them (even though I personally didn't). The greatest risk are the fanatic activists of both right and left.

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