Bravo Israel- Fuck the PCness

Move Israelis in and push Palestinians out of Eastern Jerusalem. Israel should do everything it can to get the Palestinians out of East Jerusalem and as many Israelis in.

It's the Jew's capital and reduce the Muslims arrogant argument to split the capital, by increasing the percent of Jews and reducing the percent of Muslims!

Do the same thing on West Bank!

Israel advances Jerusalem housing before talks -

Indeed. There is nothing to state the Israelis cannot build there. Nobody has the right to tell Israel where and when it can or cannot build. Israel is desperate for new dwellings to house the many families who live in overcrowded accommodation and of course all the new immigrants.

Israel has the nukes.the money and the paid off american congressmen to be Israels Israel can do what ever the fuck it wants ! ..steal what ever land it wants !...fuck that PC Shit ! ..tell it like it is ..Israel is stone cold crazy like a mothetfuckin give us your shit or we will fuck you up..

Project much, o conspiranutter?
Wow your either hopelessly naive, retarded or a hypocritical Jew hater that hides behind the antizionism cloak! Probably all three!

Palestinians don't desire peace nor do they desire just land. If they desire just land, then peace would have taken place a while ago.

Peace will only come about when the Muslims start to love their children more than they hate Jews!

Land for Peace.

Take more land, lose some peace.

Israel can stop all this by stopping building their illegitimate settlements.

Palestinians should walk away from peace talks as long as Israel builds in the West Bank, and should resume firing rockets.

Peace through STRENGTH!!! That is the only way. You give the Arab an inch they will take it shortly after demand a mile!
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Move Israelis in and push Palestinians out of Eastern Jerusalem. Israel should do everything it can to get the Palestinians out of East Jerusalem and as many Israelis in.

It's the Jew's capital and reduce the Muslims arrogant argument to split the capital, by increasing the percent of Jews and reducing the percent of Muslims!

Do the same thing on West Bank!

Israel advances Jerusalem housing before talks -

Indeed. There is nothing to state the Israelis cannot build there. Nobody has the right to tell Israel where and when it can or cannot build. Israel is desperate for new dwellings to house the many families who live in overcrowded accommodation and of course all the new immigrants.

Israel has the nukes.the money and the paid off american congressmen to be Israels Israel can do what ever the fuck it wants ! ..steal what ever land it wants !...fuck that PC Shit ! ..tell it like it is ..Israel is stone cold crazy like a mothetfuckin give us your shit or we will fuck you up..

LOL if only that was true, then Israel would be able to expelled all the muslims yesterday.

See mental midgets like you state propaganda but not facts. I shown you numerous times that AIPAC and the pro-Israel lobby are SMALL patatoes compared to the other lobbyists in Washington. They aren't even on the radar. Yet you can preach your propaganda.

I would beg to differ on who is more influencial on Washington. We are constantly helping ungrateful Muslim countries with military assistance is the form of boots and tanks on the ground and planes and drones in the air: Kosovo, Kuwait (saved the country from Sadam), Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sauda Arabia (we saved them from Sadam's missile attacks in the first Iraq war), Afghanistan (remember we are the SOLE reason they were able to defeat the Soviets), Pakistan (they can't control their lawless regions, where we are taking them on) etc.

We constantly fight for the lives of the billigerent and ungrateful Muslims, when we should either let them fry or let them kill themselves. We have NEVER sent one armed troop to fight in any of Israel's wars (in fact other than '53, no foreign army has helped her), not one troop, tank, drone, or pilot!

Oil (blood) money goes a LONG way!
Indeed. There is nothing to state the Israelis cannot build there. Nobody has the right to tell Israel where and when it can or cannot build. Israel is desperate for new dwellings to house the many families who live in overcrowded accommodation and of course all the new immigrants.

Israel has the nukes.the money and the paid off american congressmen to be Israels Israel can do what ever the fuck it wants ! ..steal what ever land it wants !...fuck that PC Shit ! ..tell it like it is ..Israel is stone cold crazy like a mothetfuckin give us your shit or we will fuck you up..

LOL if only that was true, then Israel would be able to expelled all the muslims yesterday.

See mental midgets like you state propaganda but not facts. I shown you numerous times that AIPAC and the pro-Israel lobby are SMALL patatoes compared to the other lobbyists in Washington. They aren't even on the radar. Yet you can preach your propaganda.

I would beg to differ on who is more influencial on Washington. We are constantly helping ungrateful Muslim countries with military assistance is the form of boots and tanks on the ground and planes and drones in the air: Kosovo, Kuwait (saved the country from Sadam), Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sauda Arabia (we saved them from Sadam's missile attacks in the first Iraq war), Afghanistan (remember we are the SOLE reason they were able to defeat the Soviets), Pakistan (they can't control their lawless regions, where we are taking them on) etc.

We constantly fight for the lives of the billigerent and ungrateful Muslims, when we should either let them fry or let them kill themselves. We have NEVER sent one armed troop to fight in any of Israel's wars (in fact other than '53, no foreign army has helped her), not one troop, tank, drone, or pilot!

Oil (blood) money goes a LONG way!
Move Israelis in and push Palestinians out of Eastern Jerusalem. Israel should do everything it can to get the Palestinians out of East Jerusalem and as many Israelis in.

It's the Jew's capital and reduce the Muslims arrogant argument to split the capital, by increasing the percent of Jews and reducing the percent of Muslims!

Do the same thing on West Bank!

I agree. And it's fun to know that no one can do anything about it but threaten with "it only takes one win" and "wait until we get nukes" and "there are 1.5 billion Muslims". All the messages on all the message boards in the world is not going to gain them one inch of Israel.:lol:

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