Nope, the single family detached home WILL continue for generations to come. My neighborhood, nor most of them will not be a "slum" any time soon.
Now we very well will see a rebirth of rails, very likely. While Americans are consuming less, using more fuel efficient cars, which will become electric or fuel cell and will NOT cost enough to force Americans to give up their suburban lifestyle. We may see older neighborhoods nearer to city centers revive and we also will see a decentralization of business centers and an explosion of telecommunting allowing vast sums of work to take place at home, negating the need to commute at all.
But know, some sort of transformation to a Western European lifestyle is simply not going to happen even though it is clearly the wet dream of every secular-progressive elite urban liberal in the country. It simply is NOT going to happen.
And yes, Europe has absolutlely NOTHING of value to offer America.
No, my friend, just about every country in the world has something to teach us. The Europeans have better healthcare, better gun control laws, and better public transportation than we do. They also have a rich cultural heritage to share with us. They are our best friends, and a country without friends cannot accomplish much.