Break California Into Three States - Great Idea

There were two cases where a state broke in two. Vermont broke from New York and West Virginia broke from Virginia.

Vermont and West Virginia.

Did New York State and the Commonwealth of Virginia make out better than Vermont and West Virginia?
There were two cases where a state broke in two. Vermont broke from New York and West Virginia broke from Virginia.

Vermont and West Virginia.

Did New York State and the Commonwealth of Virginia make out better than Vermont and West Virginia?

It won't happen because one side or the other has too much to lose from it, so they won't want to lose.
Bet ya this same guy in Russia is involved that ran the California exit campaign....

Marinelli then returned to Russia. He would marry a Russian citizen, and the couple moved to San Diego, where Marinelli launched a political career based on a platform of California secession.

“I immigrated to California, and I consider myself to be a Californian,” Marinelli says from his apartment in Yekaterinburg, a city of about 1.4 million just east of the Ural Mountains and about 1,000 miles from Moscow.

In an interview with The California Report, Marinelli confirms he’s living and working in Russia as a teacher.

“I wanted to handle some personal issues in my family, regarding immigration,” Marinelli explains of his long stay in Russia. “My wife is from Russia. I’m here handling various personal issues. But at the same time, we have some political goals we can achieve while I’m here.”

Those political goals include establishing a California embassy in Moscow, Marinelli says.

“We’re starting a dialogue about California becoming an independent country,” Marinelli says. “And I’m able to speak with the media here. I’ve been in the TV and the radio and the newspaper several times here in Russia.”

In fact, Marinelli’s movement was covered almost exclusively in outlets funded by the Russian government and Communist Party before picking up more mainstream attention in the past few months. The ascendancy of his secessionist organization says just as much about the state of media as it does about the Russian government’s ability to sway U.S. public opinion.

Russian Coverage Turns Into American News

The Yes California campaign aims to get a referendum question on the primary ballot in 2019. It would ask voters to strike language in the state Constitution that recognizes the supremacy of the U.S. government. It would also ask voters whether California should secede.

Similar proposals to split up the state or have it withdraw from the Union have failed to make the ballot on legal grounds. Prior to November, the Yes California campaign had not filed required paperwork with the state, let alone started the signature-gathering process.

Despite these significant obstacles for the group -- and with little, if any, grass-roots support for the campaign -- Russian media outlets covered Marinelli’s effort in earnest. Several times, the Communist Party's Pravda newspaper covered the Yes California campaign, including this September, when he met with other secessionists at a conference sponsored by the Russian government.

“[Marinelli] is sure that his organization will manage to carry out a referendum and attain California’s independence,” a Pravda story said.

The Yes California group has also been profiled several times on RT, Russia's government-funded, globally focused TV network.

“Is secession possible?” an RT host asked during a segment in July. “Could that ever occur under [U.S] laws?”

As for U.S. outlets, those that covered Marinelli and Yes California did so with a tone reserved for weird and outlandish....

From His Home in Russia, #Calexit Leader Plots California Secession
Leave California just as it is ... we have to have a place to send political dissidents.
San Francisco ain't Northern Califorina. It needs to be with Sacramento in central Ca. We got the water up here.
Sounds like the old pitch conservatives bring up from time to time wanting to separate NYC from NY state so they can expand Pennsyltucky.
Sounds like the old pitch conservatives bring up from time to time wanting to separate NYC from NY state so they can expand Pennsyltucky.

Ain't gonna work. The State Of Jefferson has been in the works for far....Nothing.

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