Break the spend-and-borrow cycle


Type 40
Jul 1, 2011
Goop OP piece on the whole debt limit issue from two GOP governors...

Break the spend-and-borrow cycle - The Washington Post


We oppose an increase in the federal debt limit unless three common-sense conditions are met: substantial cuts in spending; enforceable spending caps to put the country on a path to a balanced budget; and congressional passage of a balanced-budget amendment to the U.S. Constitution. That amendment should include a requirement for a congressional supermajority to approve any increases in taxes.

In Texas, state leaders managed to balance the budget, hold the line on raising taxes, preserve billions in a rainy-day fund and prioritize funding for public schools. That sort of philosophy is a big reason Texas accounts for 45 percent of net U.S. job creation since June 2009, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.

In South Carolina, for the first time in history, legislators have to record their votes on every section of the budget, so that voters can see their spending habits. And a new marker has been laid down — every dollar that comes in after the budget is initially balanced should go to one of three things: tax relief, debt relief or rebates directly to taxpayers. No longer will South Carolina spend every single dollar every single year.

The only way to get the federal government to end this indefensible practice is to draw a line and finally hold Washington accountable. The pledge we’ve signed represents an important step in this process.

It calls for the kinds of budget cuts Washington needs now and for a hard cap on all future spending. And it finally moves us to a mandatory balanced budget that will end the era of national debt, raging deficits and failed “stimulus” programs that have negatively affected so many aspects of American life.
They should not raise the Debt Limit. Not raising it will force them to make big cuts immediately. It might be the only way to force them to make cuts. Despite all their "Sky is Falling' Fear Mongering,the Country will still be standing if they decide not to raise the Debt Limit. They're just trying to scare the People. This President threatening to withhold Social Security Checks is the lowest of lows as far as shallow Fear Mongering goes. They have plenty of Money to pay for these Social Security Checks. It's just Fear Mongering blackmail. Just don't raise the Debt Limit and people will immediately see that the World has not ended.
The time to have done that was about 40 or 50 years ago.

Had we done this DURING the Viet Nam conflict, we wouldn't have pissed away 10 years fighting a foolish and criminal war.

A DEM was in office, back then, but every Congress since that time (maybe with a minor exception for Clinton, although that is certainly debatable, too) has been GUN AND BUTTER Congress.

We don't have to have a national debt, ya know.

But if we didn't how would the INSIDER BANSTERS rip us off?
It reads like TPM rally talking points. No specifics or details, as usual. Otherwise subjective partisan reactionaryism.

Like most on the right they have no desire to balance the budget, they instead see the deficit as a political opportunity to attack and destroy hated New Deal programs.
Goop OP piece on the whole debt limit issue from two GOP governors...

Break the spend-and-borrow cycle - The Washington Post


We oppose an increase in the federal debt limit unless three common-sense conditions are met: substantial cuts in spending; enforceable spending caps to put the country on a path to a balanced budget; and congressional passage of a balanced-budget amendment to the U.S. Constitution. That amendment should include a requirement for a congressional supermajority to approve any increases in taxes.

In Texas, state leaders managed to balance the budget, hold the line on raising taxes, preserve billions in a rainy-day fund and prioritize funding for public schools. That sort of philosophy is a big reason Texas accounts for 45 percent of net U.S. job creation since June 2009, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.

In South Carolina, for the first time in history, legislators have to record their votes on every section of the budget, so that voters can see their spending habits. And a new marker has been laid down — every dollar that comes in after the budget is initially balanced should go to one of three things: tax relief, debt relief or rebates directly to taxpayers. No longer will South Carolina spend every single dollar every single year.

The only way to get the federal government to end this indefensible practice is to draw a line and finally hold Washington accountable. The pledge we’ve signed represents an important step in this process.

It calls for the kinds of budget cuts Washington needs now and for a hard cap on all future spending. And it finally moves us to a mandatory balanced budget that will end the era of national debt, raging deficits and failed “stimulus” programs that have negatively affected so many aspects of American life.

Worst. Ideas. Ever.
I was looking at the possible list of budget items to cut and Iraq, Afghanistan and foreign aid didn't make the cut. Also NASA, the war on drugs and oil subsidies were conspicuous by their absence.

But Medicaid, parks (parks for heaven's sake) were top on the list. Hope the Republicans and Tea Party candidates hold the line. Someone's going to cave but the force is strong in this President, so we'll see.

Oh by the way, keep my SS checks coming I've only been drawing this pittance for 10 years.
Obama has offered greater cuts to Social Security and Medicare than any president in the history of these programs. His cuts far exceed anything proposed by Reagan, who -- by the way -- raised taxes several times (where Obama has not raised taxes once. Yes, Reagan was sane - he refused to let transnational billionaires skate while the middle class and elderly shouldered all the cuts). For God's sake, Obama has offered to raise the age for medicare - something not even considered by Reagan or Bush. He has made concessions that far surpass ANY Republican presidential administration. His proposals are to the Right of 80% of the population.

The Bush administration turned a surplus into the greatest debt in history. The waiter finally showed up with the bill and the GOP is conveniently walking away, leaving poor workers to pay for it . . . again (and again). Subsidies for oil companies or GE won't get touched, but programs for the middle class will continue to be slashed.

Obama has made proposals to the Right of what ANY president has ever attempted . . . and the GOP rejected it. Obama is offering greater cuts than anything George W Bush proposed. Obama is offering greater cuts than anything Ronald Wilson Reagan proposed.

[I remember in the 70s when the Right decided to counter the Leftwing control of the universities. They created a machine which effectively channeled business profits into think tanks and popular media. Their approach was deeply Leninist - they lied systematically in order to create what they thought were noble outcomes. They created a talk radio machine which turned black into white and Hussein into Bin Laden. The party of small government bankrupted us with the insane dream of rebuilding the Arab World. They created Big Government conservatism and spent more than any administration in history. Bush 43 passed Medicare Part D, the greatest entitlement expansion in history. . . and we didn't hear a peep from the Tea Party. Now, a Democratic president has proposed the most radical cuts to entitlements in history . . . and the useful idiots are being told to reject it. If these people had any sense, they would force their leaders to take the largest cuts in history. But we know this won't happen . . . because useful idiots never question their leaders. That's why they're so useful. Wow.
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It reads like TPM rally talking points. No specifics or details, as usual. Otherwise subjective partisan reactionaryism.

Like most on the right they have no desire to balance the budget, they instead see the deficit as a political opportunity to attack and destroy hated New Deal programs.

then you obviously did not read the OP... or did not comprehend.

1...substantial cuts in spending
2...enforceable spending caps to put the country on a path to a balanced budget
3...congressional passage of a balanced-budget amendment to the U.S. Constitution

1...The Democrats do not listen when these words are spoken. Both sides have already detailed proposed spending cuts, but they cannot agree. So, there have certainly been details discussed.

2...Enforcing PAYGO (we don't), and sticking with caps we set is certainly doable, IF both sides actually discuss it. So far, they have not. That's on both Dems AND the GOP.

3...I think you know very well what is required for a Constitutional amendment, so you really can't whine that there are no details here.

I think the partisanship here is all yours.
Goop OP piece on the whole debt limit issue from two GOP governors...

Break the spend-and-borrow cycle - The Washington Post


We oppose an increase in the federal debt limit unless three common-sense conditions are met: substantial cuts in spending; enforceable spending caps to put the country on a path to a balanced budget; and congressional passage of a balanced-budget amendment to the U.S. Constitution. That amendment should include a requirement for a congressional supermajority to approve any increases in taxes.

The only way to get the federal government to end this indefensible practice is to draw a line and finally hold Washington accountable. The pledge we’ve signed represents an important step in this process.

It calls for the kinds of budget cuts Washington needs now and for a hard cap on all future spending. And it finally moves us to a mandatory balanced budget that will end the era of national debt, raging deficits and failed “stimulus” programs that have negatively affected so many aspects of American life.

Worst. Ideas. Ever.

Don't be stupid.

Unless of course you can't help it?
Obama has offered greater cuts to Social Security and Medicare than any president in the history of these programs. His cuts far exceed anything proposed by Reagan, who -- by the way -- raised taxes several times (where Obama has not raised taxes once. Yes, Reagan was sane - he refused to let transnational billionaires skate while the middle class and elderly shouldered all the cuts). For God's sake, Obama has offered to raise the age for medicare - something not even considered by Reagan or Bush. He has made concessions that far surpass ANY Republican presidential administration. His proposals are to the Right of 80% of the population.

The Bush administration turned a surplus into the greatest debt in history. The waiter finally showed up with the bill and the GOP is conveniently walking away, leaving poor workers to pay for it . . . again (and again). Subsidies for oil companies or GE won't get touched, but programs for the middle class will continue to be slashed.

Obama has made proposals to the Right of what ANY president has ever attempted . . . and the GOP rejected it. Obama is offering greater cuts than anything George W Bush proposed. Obama is offering greater cuts than anything Ronald Wilson Reagan proposed.

[I remember in the 70s when the Right decided to counter the Leftwing control of the universities. They created a machine which effectively channeled business profits into think tanks and popular media. Their approach was deeply Leninist - they lied systematically in order to create what they thought were noble outcomes. They created a talk radio machine which turned black into white and Hussein into Bin Laden. The party of small government bankrupted us with the insane dream of rebuilding the Arab World. They created Big Government conservatism and spent more than any administration in history. Bush 43 passed Medicare Part D, the greatest entitlement expansion in history. . . and we didn't hear a peep from the Tea Party. Now, a Democratic president has proposed the most radical cuts to entitlements in history . . . and the useful idiots are being told to reject it. If these people had any sense, they would force their leaders to take the largest cuts in history. But we know this won't happen . . . because useful idiots never question their leaders. That's why they're so useful. Wow.

Obama has never offered any of the stuff you say he did. Not one. He has never, ever put out his proposal for cutting the debt/deficit, nothing that can be scored by the CBO.
Obama has offered greater cuts to Social Security and Medicare than any president in the history of these programs. His cuts far exceed anything proposed by Reagan, who -- by the way -- raised taxes several times (where Obama has not raised taxes once. Yes, Reagan was sane - he refused to let transnational billionaires skate while the middle class and elderly shouldered all the cuts). For God's sake, Obama has offered to raise the age for medicare - something not even considered by Reagan or Bush. He has made concessions that far surpass ANY Republican presidential administration. His proposals are to the Right of 80% of the population.

The Bush administration turned a surplus into the greatest debt in history. The waiter finally showed up with the bill and the GOP is conveniently walking away, leaving poor workers to pay for it . . . again (and again). Subsidies for oil companies or GE won't get touched, but programs for the middle class will continue to be slashed.

Obama has made proposals to the Right of what ANY president has ever attempted . . . and the GOP rejected it. Obama is offering greater cuts than anything George W Bush proposed. Obama is offering greater cuts than anything Ronald Wilson Reagan proposed.

[I remember in the 70s when the Right decided to counter the Leftwing control of the universities. They created a machine which effectively channeled business profits into think tanks and popular media. Their approach was deeply Leninist - they lied systematically in order to create what they thought were noble outcomes. They created a talk radio machine which turned black into white and Hussein into Bin Laden. The party of small government bankrupted us with the insane dream of rebuilding the Arab World. They created Big Government conservatism and spent more than any administration in history. Bush 43 passed Medicare Part D, the greatest entitlement expansion in history. . . and we didn't hear a peep from the Tea Party. Now, a Democratic president has proposed the most radical cuts to entitlements in history . . . and the useful idiots are being told to reject it. If these people had any sense, they would force their leaders to take the largest cuts in history. But we know this won't happen . . . because useful idiots never question their leaders. That's why they're so useful. Wow.

Please link to your source for your first point.

As for your second, you DO realize the Tea Party did not exist at that time, right? it would be a neat trick for them to be around to complain about something Bush 43 did, you know, before they were actually around.
I'm all for fiscal responsibility and a balanced budget. But it has to be within reason.

First, for now, failing to raise th edebt limit is THE MOST FISCALLY IRRESPONSIBLE THING THAT COULD POSSIBLY BE DONE!!!!

I REALLY think that most conservatives don't have the slightest idea what the 'debt Ceiling' is. It is a nickname, and a highly inaccurate one. It should be called the 'Congressional Authorization for the U.S. Treasury to issue bonds in order to fulfill it's current debt Obligations".

It is borrowing from Peter to pay Paul. Not borrowing from Peter does not reduce your debt to Paul - and Paul wants his money RIGHT NOW. Peter will wait for his.

Not raising the debt ceiling does not prevent the government debt from increasing at all - the government will still owe the money.

Anyway, the basic idea of a balanced budget admendment is a good one....

Until you think back a little and realize - if a balanced budget amendment had been in place at the time, we almost certainly would not have won WWII - there's even a good probability that we would have lost.

There's also the fact that if there is a balanced budget amendment, then for every program that Congress wants, there's only one way to pay for it...immediate tax increases. At least now, Congressional spending can be paid for buy selling bonds. So in fact a balanced budget amendment may very well back fire on the 'Taxed Enough Already' crowd, resulting in more taxes than ever before.

Fiscal responsibilty and setting a balanced budget (as a goal) is a really good idea, but any amendment is going to have to be a lot more complex and allow some degree of government borrowing - especially in times of national crisis.
Goop OP piece on the whole debt limit issue from two GOP governors...

We oppose an increase in the federal debt limit unless three common-sense conditions are met: substantial cuts in spending; enforceable spending caps to put the country on a path to a balanced budget; and congressional passage of a balanced-budget amendment to the U.S. Constitution. That amendment should include a requirement for a congressional supermajority to approve any increases in taxes.

Hmm, So they oppose raising spending unless we cut spending. That don't make sense. The debt limit is a cap. A blanaced budget ain't going to happen.

Bottom line, the retards are hating helping other Americans, and need to serve their corporation lords.

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