Breaking: $14 Billion Of El Chapo's Drug Profits Will Be Used Towards Paying For The Wall

So the government has 14 billion dollars of seized drug money- and instead of Mexico paying for the wall- the government will take that 14 billion dollars out of the general fund to pay for the wall?

Meaning Americans will pay an additional 14 billion dollars in taxes- to replace the 14 billion dollars out of the general fund.

Great bait and switch- its like Trump's University con!
I highly doubt that el Chico had 14 billion in our general fund.

Make up your "mind".

First you say you believe this but now you don't.

That IQ of 214 doesn't really help you much.


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It'll be done through the 'El Chapo Act' by Ted Cruz. It won't be all through El Chapo's seized profit and assets but through other drug kingpins seized money and assets as well. This is brilliant and who would object?

The acronym for the act stands for: Ensuring Lawful Collection of Hidden Assets to Provide Order.



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So the government has 14 billion dollars of seized drug money- and instead of Mexico paying for the wall- the government will take that 14 billion dollars out of the general fund to pay for the wall?

Meaning Americans will pay an additional 14 billion dollars in taxes- to replace the 14 billion dollars out of the general fund.

Great bait and switch- its like Trump's University con!
I highly doubt that el Chico had 14 billion in our general fund.

Make up your "mind".

First you say you believe this but now you don't.

That IQ of 214 doesn't really help you much.


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See Post #1
It'll be done through the 'El Chapo Act' by Ted Cruz. It won't be all through El Chapo's seized profit and assets but through other drug kingpins seized money and assets as well. This is brilliant and who would object?


Ted Cruz Calls for $14 Billion Seized from 'El Chapo' to Fund Border Wall
The link says Cruz wants it done. The thread title says it will be done. In other words, this thread is fake news.
It'll be done through the 'El Chapo Act' by Ted Cruz. It won't be all through El Chapo's seized profit and assets but through other drug kingpins seized money and assets as well. This is brilliant and who would object?


Ted Cruz Calls for $14 Billion Seized from 'El Chapo' to Fund Border Wall
The link says Cruz wants it done. The thread title says it will be done. In other words, this thread is fake news.
Are you so stupid as to think the government will not use any means or other reason to take that money?
Count that money gone son!
It'll be done through the 'El Chapo Act' by Ted Cruz. It won't be all through El Chapo's seized profit and assets but through other drug kingpins seized money and assets as well. This is brilliant and who would object?

The acronym for the act stands for: Ensuring Lawful Collection of Hidden Assets to Provide Order.

If the Gateway Pundit fake news says El Chapo has $14 billion, then you know it is only $1.4 billion and the government has yet to seize it.
It'll be done through the 'El Chapo Act' by Ted Cruz. It won't be all through El Chapo's seized profit and assets but through other drug kingpins seized money and assets as well. This is brilliant and who would object?


Ted Cruz Calls for $14 Billion Seized from 'El Chapo' to Fund Border Wall
The link says Cruz wants it done. The thread title says it will be done. In other words, this thread is fake news.
Are you so stupid as to think the government will not use any means or other reason to take that money?
Count that money gone son!
Were the 14 million from El Chapo approved by Congress for the Wall yes or no? Don't change the subject. The thread title says it is a done deal. Don't tell me you're prediction about what will happen. Tell me if the thread title is correct.
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You guys will believe any new bullshit "breaking news" these guys put out there. First you believed Mexico would pay, then you believed you would pay, now you believe El Chapo will pay....
My post from Sept.2/16:
"Mexican drug cartel money will pay for the WALL until they are unable to continue to destroy tens of thousands of lives in the US."
Every ounce of illegals drugs seized by the US Border Patrol or other LE agency coming from Mexico should be weighed and the 'street value' determined.
That amount should be billed directly to the 100% corrupt Mexican government.
The bill is to be paid within 30 days.
Any amount not paid will be deducted for any monies that were to be sent to Mexico for (cough) 'aid' etc.
If your neighbor had a yard covered in dog shit and he kept letting his dogs track their shit onto your property and the dog shit ruined your lawn wouldn't you tell him to stop the fucking dogs from coming onto your property and also give him a bill for fixing your lawn? If he refused to pay there are 'other ways' to get back at him.
Of course if you're a LIB coward pussy-boy like Obama you wouldn't have the 'stones' to stand up for yourself.
It's a good idea, which means D.C. will never approve it. Far too simple.
It'll be done through the 'El Chapo Act' by Ted Cruz. It won't be all through El Chapo's seized profit and assets but through other drug kingpins seized money and assets as well. This is brilliant and who would object?

The acronym for the act stands for: Ensuring Lawful Collection of Hidden Assets to Provide Order.


Get it through your head------>Trump can NEVER win unless congress stands behind him. Any time he does anything, the left is going to go to court and at the very least, temporarily block him.

Also---------->mark my words...........if you believe Trump is going to get a big tax change, you are dreaming. The left is going to scream, "revenue neutral," and every tax he lowers will have to be met with one rising. When that doesn't work for the left, they will throw it into court and try and tie it up as long as possible.


Because the left is not stupid..........Marxist, Socialist, radicals yes; stupid, no. They are well aware of how long it took Reagans tax cuts to regenerate the economy, and probably know as we do, with the advent of computers and other devices to help, the economy would probably ignite in 2/3rds of the same time. They have to do a delaying tactic, they must, then blame it on Trump. Now that sound ludicrous that they do the delay, then blame Trump, but just look at how they spin on these boards, then tell me it won't work!

Point is, the Republican congress HAS to step up, period. Without congress, Trump will not get his agenda in time to save himself, or many people in congress, and the left knows this, and they like it!

We the people, the middle class, the working class, will vote rabidly for our ideas; we will. But, if we win an election, control everything, and NOTHING changes, we are going to be saying, "what is the point!" The left also knows that. It is why everything Trump is fought tooth and nail, round and round, up and down, then into the courts. Even this Cruz idea will be. To let Trump voters see progress is the death knell for the Democrats. It is the same reason why, all over this board, you see lefty after lefty telling everyone how Trump has not followed through, even though they are 3/4s of the reason he can't!

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