Breaking: $14 Billion Of El Chapo's Drug Profits Will Be Used Towards Paying For The Wall

It'll be done through the 'El Chapo Act' by Ted Cruz. It won't be all through El Chapo's seized profit and assets but through other drug kingpins seized money and assets as well. This is brilliant and who would object?

The acronym for the act stands for: Ensuring Lawful Collection of Hidden Assets to Provide Order.


Too bad it can't be retroactive, Which would violate the ex-post facto clause of the constitution.
So the government has 14 billion dollars of seized drug money- and instead of Mexico paying for the wall- the government will take that 14 billion dollars out of the general fund to pay for the wall?

Meaning Americans will pay an additional 14 billion dollars in taxes- to replace the 14 billion dollars out of the general fund.

Great bait and switch- its like Trump's University con!
Was el cheapo Mexican? Yes.
A Mexican paid for it. Who cares which one or ones?

Do we know where these $14B are stashed?
Looking for your share?

Seriously we keep talking like we are keeping those cash somewhere in Fort Knox.
My post from Sept.2/16:
"Mexican drug cartel money will pay for the WALL until they are unable to continue to destroy tens of thousands of lives in the US."
Every ounce of illegals drugs seized by the US Border Patrol or other LE agency coming from Mexico should be weighed and the 'street value' determined.
That amount should be billed directly to the 100% corrupt Mexican government.
The bill is to be paid within 30 days.
Any amount not paid will be deducted for any monies that were to be sent to Mexico for (cough) 'aid' etc.
If your neighbor had a yard covered in dog shit and he kept letting his dogs track their shit onto your property and the dog shit ruined your lawn wouldn't you tell him to stop the fucking dogs from coming onto your property and also give him a bill for fixing your lawn? If he refused to pay there are 'other ways' to get back at him.
Of course if you're a LIB coward pussy-boy like Obama you wouldn't have the 'stones' to stand up for yourself.

I kind of like Limbaugh's idea. He said it would be great if Trump started a Go Fund Me account to pay for the wall.

Conservatives don't protest, don't start riots, don't stop cars in the street. We take out our anger other ways such as at the voting booth and boycott businesses and entertainment which we believe promote the liberal agenda (See ESPN's ratings).

A billion dollars? I don'l know, but it would be interesting to see how much America is willing to cough up for something we really want and leave Schumer out of it.
You guys will believe any new bullshit "breaking news" these guys put out there. First you believed Mexico would pay, then you believed you would pay, now you believe El Chapo will pay....

We don't know Mexico won't pay; maybe not up front, but perhaps in different ways. After all, we spend 325 million a year in Mexican foreign aid.

Here is the problem: every time Trump tries to do something in line with the agenda he ran on, some commie leftist activist judge stops him. Yeah, the Supreme Court can overturn judicial activism, but that takes time.

The left is hell bent to make whites a minority in this country as soon as possible, and they will use any means possible to accomplish that.
So the government has 14 billion dollars of seized drug money- and instead of Mexico paying for the wall- the government will take that 14 billion dollars out of the general fund to pay for the wall?

Meaning Americans will pay an additional 14 billion dollars in taxes- to replace the 14 billion dollars out of the general fund.

Great bait and switch- its like Trump's University con!
Was el cheapo Mexican? Yes.
A Mexican paid for it. Who cares which one or ones?

Do we know where these $14B are stashed?
Looking for your share?

Seriously we keep talking like we are keeping those cash somewhere in Fort Knox.
I hardly believe any of us know where the money is.
You guys will believe any new bullshit "breaking news" these guys put out there. First you believed Mexico would pay, then you believed you would pay, now you believe El Chapo will pay....

We don't know Mexico won't pay; maybe not up front, but perhaps in different ways. After all, we spend 325 million a year in Mexican foreign aid.

Here is the problem: every time Trump tries to do something in line with the agenda he ran on, some commie leftist activist judge stops him. Yeah, the Supreme Court can overturn judicial activism, but that takes time.

The left is hell bent to make whites a minority in this country as soon as possible, and they will use any means possible to accomplish that.

Maybe it's because executive orders are illegal. If he wants to do something that will stick he'll have to go through congress and the Senate. Unless you want to crown him now and declare all those that don't give him a reach around are disloyal.
You guys will believe any new bullshit "breaking news" these guys put out there. First you believed Mexico would pay, then you believed you would pay, now you believe El Chapo will pay....

We don't know Mexico won't pay; maybe not up front, but perhaps in different ways. After all, we spend 325 million a year in Mexican foreign aid.

Here is the problem: every time Trump tries to do something in line with the agenda he ran on, some commie leftist activist judge stops him. Yeah, the Supreme Court can overturn judicial activism, but that takes time.

The left is hell bent to make whites a minority in this country as soon as possible, and they will use any means possible to accomplish that.

Maybe it's because executive orders are illegal. If he wants to do something that will stick he'll have to go through congress and the Senate. Unless you want to crown him now and declare all those that don't give him a reach around are disloyal.
I think shooting the disloyal is better.
You guys will believe any new bullshit "breaking news" these guys put out there. First you believed Mexico would pay, then you believed you would pay, now you believe El Chapo will pay....

We don't know Mexico won't pay; maybe not up front, but perhaps in different ways. After all, we spend 325 million a year in Mexican foreign aid.

Here is the problem: every time Trump tries to do something in line with the agenda he ran on, some commie leftist activist judge stops him. Yeah, the Supreme Court can overturn judicial activism, but that takes time.

The left is hell bent to make whites a minority in this country as soon as possible, and they will use any means possible to accomplish that.

Maybe it's because executive orders are illegal. If he wants to do something that will stick he'll have to go through congress and the Senate. Unless you want to crown him now and declare all those that don't give him a reach around are disloyal.

You mean like the law that states a President can ban people from any country for any reason he feels necessary? That was passed by Congress and Senate years ago and an activist judge still ruled it unconstitutional.

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You guys will believe any new bullshit "breaking news" these guys put out there. First you believed Mexico would pay, then you believed you would pay, now you believe El Chapo will pay....

We don't know Mexico won't pay; maybe not up front, but perhaps in different ways. After all, we spend 325 million a year in Mexican foreign aid.

Here is the problem: every time Trump tries to do something in line with the agenda he ran on, some commie leftist activist judge stops him. Yeah, the Supreme Court can overturn judicial activism, but that takes time.

The left is hell bent to make whites a minority in this country as soon as possible, and they will use any means possible to accomplish that.

Maybe it's because executive orders are illegal. If he wants to do something that will stick he'll have to go through congress and the Senate. Unless you want to crown him now and declare all those that don't give him a reach around are disloyal.

You mean like the law that states a President can ban people from any country for any reason he feels necessary? That was passed by Congress and Senate years ago and an activist judge still ruled it unconstitutional.

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What's your point? That it's unconstitutional? Ok?
You guys will believe any new bullshit "breaking news" these guys put out there. First you believed Mexico would pay, then you believed you would pay, now you believe El Chapo will pay....

We don't know Mexico won't pay; maybe not up front, but perhaps in different ways. After all, we spend 325 million a year in Mexican foreign aid.

Here is the problem: every time Trump tries to do something in line with the agenda he ran on, some commie leftist activist judge stops him. Yeah, the Supreme Court can overturn judicial activism, but that takes time.

The left is hell bent to make whites a minority in this country as soon as possible, and they will use any means possible to accomplish that.

Maybe it's because executive orders are illegal. If he wants to do something that will stick he'll have to go through congress and the Senate. Unless you want to crown him now and declare all those that don't give him a reach around are disloyal.

You mean like the law that states a President can ban people from any country for any reason he feels necessary? That was passed by Congress and Senate years ago and an activist judge still ruled it unconstitutional.

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What's your point? That it's unconstitutional? Ok?

How is a law that's been on the books for decades--passed by Congress and Senate all of a sudden unconstitutional now?

Just because some leftist comme judge says it's unconstitutional doesn't mean it is. It means leftists judges practice judicial activism. If anything, he violated our separation of powers clause.

When a judge starts legislating, it's a very dangerous road to go down yet alone support.
You guys will believe any new bullshit "breaking news" these guys put out there. First you believed Mexico would pay, then you believed you would pay, now you believe El Chapo will pay....

We don't know Mexico won't pay; maybe not up front, but perhaps in different ways. After all, we spend 325 million a year in Mexican foreign aid.

Here is the problem: every time Trump tries to do something in line with the agenda he ran on, some commie leftist activist judge stops him. Yeah, the Supreme Court can overturn judicial activism, but that takes time.

The left is hell bent to make whites a minority in this country as soon as possible, and they will use any means possible to accomplish that.

Maybe it's because executive orders are illegal. If he wants to do something that will stick he'll have to go through congress and the Senate. Unless you want to crown him now and declare all those that don't give him a reach around are disloyal.

You mean like the law that states a President can ban people from any country for any reason he feels necessary? That was passed by Congress and Senate years ago and an activist judge still ruled it unconstitutional.

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What's your point? That it's unconstitutional? Ok?

How is a law that's been on the books for decades--passed by Congress and Senate all of a sudden unconstitutional now?

Just because some leftist comme judge says it's unconstitutional doesn't mean it is. It means leftists judges practice judicial activism. If anything, he violated our separation of powers clause.

When a judge starts legislating, it's a very dangerous road to go down yet alone support.

What you seem to forget is that according to the Constitution you cannot descriminate against people based on religion.

Sorry that you don't understand but just because you don't understand why the sun comes up doesn't mean it'll stop from your ignorance.
We don't know Mexico won't pay; maybe not up front, but perhaps in different ways. After all, we spend 325 million a year in Mexican foreign aid.

Here is the problem: every time Trump tries to do something in line with the agenda he ran on, some commie leftist activist judge stops him. Yeah, the Supreme Court can overturn judicial activism, but that takes time.

The left is hell bent to make whites a minority in this country as soon as possible, and they will use any means possible to accomplish that.

Maybe it's because executive orders are illegal. If he wants to do something that will stick he'll have to go through congress and the Senate. Unless you want to crown him now and declare all those that don't give him a reach around are disloyal.

You mean like the law that states a President can ban people from any country for any reason he feels necessary? That was passed by Congress and Senate years ago and an activist judge still ruled it unconstitutional.

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What's your point? That it's unconstitutional? Ok?

How is a law that's been on the books for decades--passed by Congress and Senate all of a sudden unconstitutional now?

Just because some leftist comme judge says it's unconstitutional doesn't mean it is. It means leftists judges practice judicial activism. If anything, he violated our separation of powers clause.

When a judge starts legislating, it's a very dangerous road to go down yet alone support.

What you seem to forget is that according to the Constitution you cannot descriminate against people based on religion.

Sorry that you don't understand but just because you don't understand why the sun comes up doesn't mean it'll stop from your ignorance.

My ignorance? Where in the EO does it mention anything about religion? In fact, most of the areas where that religion is practiced was not included in the order. An activist judge just decided to use that as a poor excuse while desecrating our US Constitution.
Maybe it's because executive orders are illegal. If he wants to do something that will stick he'll have to go through congress and the Senate. Unless you want to crown him now and declare all those that don't give him a reach around are disloyal.

You mean like the law that states a President can ban people from any country for any reason he feels necessary? That was passed by Congress and Senate years ago and an activist judge still ruled it unconstitutional.

Sent from my iPhone using

What's your point? That it's unconstitutional? Ok?

How is a law that's been on the books for decades--passed by Congress and Senate all of a sudden unconstitutional now?

Just because some leftist comme judge says it's unconstitutional doesn't mean it is. It means leftists judges practice judicial activism. If anything, he violated our separation of powers clause.

When a judge starts legislating, it's a very dangerous road to go down yet alone support.

What you seem to forget is that according to the Constitution you cannot descriminate against people based on religion.

Sorry that you don't understand but just because you don't understand why the sun comes up doesn't mean it'll stop from your ignorance.

My ignorance? Where in the EO does it mention anything about religion? In fact, most of the areas where that religion is practiced was not included in the order. An activist judge just decided to use that as a poor excuse while desecrating our US Constitution.

Ahh, you think that someting has to be explicitly said or else it doesn't count. Nice game of semantics but as I said, the constitution doesn't allow discrimination based on religion. Trump tried the same cute spin and look what it got him. Overturned.
Ahh, you think that someting has to be explicitly said or else it doesn't count.

YES...........YES! It has to be explicitly said. Judges can't rule (or honest ones can't) based on what they think any underlying factors are. A judge can only rule on the EO and what it says and what it does.

You on the left just can't admit that your judges are legal criminals using their powers to usurp the legislative branch of our government violating our Constitutional Separation of Powers clause.

What if the Supreme Court ruled that Commie Care was in violation of the Constitution because it was designed to create more new government dependents? You on the left would have a heart attack even though that's what Commie Care was all about. But judges cannot rule that way. All they can rule on is the law or order itself.
My post from Sept.2/16:
"Mexican drug cartel money will pay for the WALL until they are unable to continue to destroy tens of thousands of lives in the US."
Every ounce of illegals drugs seized by the US Border Patrol or other LE agency coming from Mexico should be weighed and the 'street value' determined.
That amount should be billed directly to the 100% corrupt Mexican government.
The bill is to be paid within 30 days.
Any amount not paid will be deducted for any monies that were to be sent to Mexico for (cough) 'aid' etc.
If your neighbor had a yard covered in dog shit and he kept letting his dogs track their shit onto your property and the dog shit ruined your lawn wouldn't you tell him to stop the fucking dogs from coming onto your property and also give him a bill for fixing your lawn? If he refused to pay there are 'other ways' to get back at him.
Of course if you're a LIB coward pussy-boy like Obama you wouldn't have the 'stones' to stand up for yourself.

I kind of like Limbaugh's idea. He said it would be great if Trump started a Go Fund Me account to pay for the wall.

Conservatives don't protest, don't start riots, don't stop cars in the street. We take out our anger other ways such as at the voting booth and boycott businesses and entertainment which we believe promote the liberal agenda (See ESPN's ratings).

A billion dollars? I don'l know, but it would be interesting to see how much America is willing to cough up for something we really want and leave Schumer out of it.

Go ahead and start a gofundme then and tell us how it goes :badgrin:

Why haven't you already donated since you want it so bad? I have a clue.

Cause you don't want it. Your actions prove it.

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