Breaking: AG Jeff Sessions Asks All Remaining 46 U.S. Attorney's From Last Adminstration To Resign

what lie?

Where have you been? No worries it is all coming down soon.. Just a matter of time..

This little guy lies better than Sessions

so none, figured as such.

Oh brother ... here ya go

ACLU Files Complaint Against Sessions, Claims He Violated Code of Conduct

ACLU Files Complaint Against Sessions, Claims He Violated Code of Conduct

Poll: Majority say Sessions lied under oath and should resign
You don't need polls if you have the law. This isn't rocket science.

Oh but Trump loves the polls when they are in his do his groupies..

so, we know they don't mean jack shit. Unreliable.
I'd make them fire me... and then collect unemployment because they don't have a valid reason for termination.

You don't need a valid reason, or any reason, to fire them.

It matters when it comes to collecting unemployment.
. Unemployment ???? LOL..

Damn straight. If the government is going to fire me just because I was hired by a different administration, I'm going to collect unemployment until I find another job. And it is easy to explain on your resume...
. Typical lib response (i.e. government dependent). Who do you think these people are, uh carpet baggers ?? I'm sure they will find employment quickly.
I'd make them fire me... and then collect unemployment because they don't have a valid reason for termination.

You don't need a valid reason, or any reason, to fire them.

It matters when it comes to collecting unemployment.
. Unemployment ???? LOL..

Damn straight. If the government is going to fire me just because I was hired by a different administration, I'm going to collect unemployment until I find another job. And it is easy to explain on your resume...
. Typical lib response (i.e. government dependent). Who do you think these people are, uh carpet baggers ?? I'm sure they will find employment quickly.
I know I don't give a shit.
Mac will always believe what he wants and not be disturbed by the facts.

The firings will guarantee that there will not secrets from the public in the AG's office.
what facts you got fakey!! how's pretendland going.
I know people you don't in the field, I know human nature, and I know there is a rampant and abhorrent disdain for Trump as President in the DOJ.

Look at all the unhappy Alt and Far Right. This always happens as they are reminded their Trump guy is considered as a true danger to America.
Mac will always believe what he wants and not be disturbed by the facts.

The firings will guarantee that there will not secrets from the public in the AG's office.
what facts you got fakey!! how's pretendland going.
I know people you don't in the field, I know human nature, and I know there is a rampant and abhorrent disdain for Trump as President in the DOJ.

Look at all the unhappy Alt and Far Right. This always happens as they are reminded their Trump guy is considered as a true danger to America.
what's that got to do with anything. I know people who fking couldn't stand obummer. so fking what?
You don't need a valid reason, or any reason, to fire them.

It matters when it comes to collecting unemployment.
. Unemployment ???? LOL..

Damn straight. If the government is going to fire me just because I was hired by a different administration, I'm going to collect unemployment until I find another job. And it is easy to explain on your resume...
. Typical lib response (i.e. government dependent). Who do you think these people are, uh carpet baggers ?? I'm sure they will find employment quickly.
I know I don't give a shit.
Yet you answer.
He said in exact words I did't , I did not have communications with the Russian's

It was a statement made in response to a question about the Russian's and the Trump campaign. Session answered correctly that didn't have communications with them. Now, after-the-fact, Dems insist he lied after known facts that he met with a Russian in his office with staffers present, and a chance meeting with another one at a D.C. party were released.

You are taking the answer out of context with the question, and totally ignoring the question.

Sessions said he was surprised by the allegations in the question from Franken. The Minnesota senator, after some introduction, asked Sessions what he would do if he were faced with “evidence that anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of this campaign.”

Sessions responded at the time, in part: “I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I did not have communications with the Russians.”

Sessions Clarifies Russia Testimony to Senate Committee

I don't know why I bother. You won't investigate this yourself because by getting the facts from the biased Left Wing media would contradict with your narrative.

Talking to a Democrat is like sitting on a fence post sucking on a straw. It doesn't feel good and you get nothing of substance out of it.
He said in exact words I did't , I did not have communications with the Russian's

It was a statement made in response to a question about the Russian's and the Trump campaign. Session answered correctly that didn't have communications with them. Now, after-the-fact, Dems insist he lied after known facts that he met with a Russian in his office with staffers present, and a chance meeting with another one at a D.C. party were released.

You are taking the answer out of context with the question, and totally ignoring the question.

Sessions said he was surprised by the allegations in the question from Franken. The Minnesota senator, after some introduction, asked Sessions what he would do if he were faced with “evidence that anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of this campaign.”

Sessions responded at the time, in part: “I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I did not have communications with the Russians.”

Sessions Clarifies Russia Testimony to Senate Committee

And this:

A questionnaire from Vermont Senator Patrick Leahy, a Democratic member of the Judiciary Committee, asked Sessions whether he had “been in contact with anyone connected to any part of the Russian government about the 2016 election, either before or after election day.” Sessions answered “no.”

Then, at Sessions’s January 10 hearing before the entire committee, Minnesota Senator Al Franken asked him about his views on Russia’s alleged meddling in the American presidential election, as well as reports that some Trump campaign associates had been in contact with top Russian officials during the campaign. Sessions replied that he was “not aware of any of those activities,” and added, “I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I did not have communications with the Russians.”

The Questions About Jeff Sessions's Contacts With Russia

I don't know why I bother. You won't investigate this yourself because by getting the facts from the biased Left Wing media would contradict with your narrative.

Talking to a Democrat is like sitting on a fence post sucking on a straw. It doesn't feel good and you get nothing of substance out of it.

He didn't disclose this in his paperwork sent into the congress either..

Sen. Sessions' Senate Judiciary Questionnaire Is Shockingly Incomplete A Full and Fair Process Requires a Far More Thorough Submission When Senator Sessions submitted his Senate Judiciary Questionnaire (SJQ) late Friday night, it was immediately obvious that it was not thoroughly completed. In response to Question 13, which instructs nominees to “State chronologically any unsuccessful candidacies you have had for elective office or unsuccessful nominations for appointed office,” Senator Sessions did not mention his failed nomination to the U.S. District Court 30 years ago.

He clearly said " I didn't did not have communications with the Russians

Here's all I care to read or want to know about Alliance for Justice:

Whenever threats emerge to the principle of “liberty and justice for all,” Alliance for Justice is prepared to act. When radical right-wing judicial nominations have posed a threat to core constitutional values, AFJ has fought to preserve the integrity of the courts. When conservatives threatened to undermine the advocacy rights of nonprofit organizations,

» About AFJ

Naw, they're not biased!

Well you can see the application questions can't you?
It matters when it comes to collecting unemployment.
. Unemployment ???? LOL..

Damn straight. If the government is going to fire me just because I was hired by a different administration, I'm going to collect unemployment until I find another job. And it is easy to explain on your resume...
. Typical lib response (i.e. government dependent). Who do you think these people are, uh carpet baggers ?? I'm sure they will find employment quickly.
I know I don't give a shit.
Yet you answer.
to say I don't give a shit. It's what is done to show what is shit.
Anything to distract away from Sessions busting himself in a lie...
You don't think this move is needed?

Blackmailing right in from of us..

What did they do wrong Steve?..nothing
Didn't Clinton fire like 93 attoneys, for no reason? Did he blackmail also?

Well if Clinton threaten to fire them while under investigation or resent problems like Session has, I would say yes..
dude, clinton was president, I don't think sessions is. I'm just saying, you lying? I'm still waiting.

Well I showed you the lies that will bring him down .... if you refuse to see it well then ..too bad
Mac will always believe what he wants and not be disturbed by the facts.

The firings will guarantee that there will not secrets from the public in the AG's office.
what facts you got fakey!! how's pretendland going.

So do you have any substance or are you just in this thread to deny, not listen, or contribute?
yes, YEAH Jeff Sessions. Now do you?
Where do you think the links about the intel community came from? Guess who leaked about Flynn? Tough, sunshine.

You know nothing, JC456 Snow, to quote a line. But you will be schooled.
Freaking A right.
Now that is a way to start an administration with a clean slate.
Yet another thread at USMB wherein the abysmal lack of civics knowledge of posters is on display.

Every new administration receives resignations from ALL the US Attorneys - and when there is a change of party, those resignations are typically accepted. US Attorneys are political appointees who serve at the pleasure of the President - and not generally entitled to unemployment benefits, etc.

In most normal transitions, the USAs stay in place until the new administration has named their replacements - to ensure continuity of service to The People.

In this fucked up administration, they were asked to resign and vacate their offices on the same day. It was entirely unnecessary and incredibly unprofessional - nothing for you all to be crowing about, it's actually another sign of the disarray and incompetence of Trump and his crew. But he does this stuff because he's playing his fools - like those of you in this thread all gleeful as though this means anything. It doesn't.
Yet another thread at USMB wherein the abysmal lack of civics knowledge of posters is on display.

Every new administration receives resignations from ALL the US Attorneys - and when there is a change of party, those resignations are typically accepted. US Attorneys are political appointees who serve at the pleasure of the President - and not generally entitled to unemployment benefits, etc.

In most normal transitions, the USAs stay in place until the new administration has named their replacements - to ensure continuity of service to The People.

In this fucked up administration, they were asked to resign and vacate their offices on the same day. It was entirely unnecessary and incredibly unprofessional - nothing for you all to be crowing about, it's actually another sign of the disarray and incompetence of Trump and his crew. But he does this stuff because he's playing his fools - like those of you in this thread all gleeful as though this means anything. It doesn't.

In most normal transitions, the USAs stay in place until the new administration has named their replacements - to ensure continuity of service to The People.

In this fucked up administration, they were asked to resign and vacate their offices on the same day. It was entirely unnecessary and incredibly unprofessional - nothing for you all to be crowing about, it's actually another sign of the disarray and incompetence of Trump and his crew.

Published: March 24, 1993

WASHINGTON, March 23— Attorney General Janet Reno today demanded the prompt resignation of all United States Attorneys, leading the Federal prosecutor in the District of Columbia to suggest that the order could be tied to his long-running investigation of Representative Dan Rostenkowski, a crucial ally of President Clinton.

Jay B. Stephens, the United States Attorney for the District of Columbia, who is a Bush Administration holdover, said he had advised the Justice Department that he was within 30 days of making a "critical decision" in the Rostenkowski case when Ms. Reno directed him and other United States Attorneys to submit their resignations, effective in a matter of days.

While prosecutors are routinely replaced after a change in Administration, Ms. Reno's order accelerated what had been expected to be a leisurely changeover. Says He Won't Resist



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