BREAKING : at lease 3 dead and 12 injured after shooting at New Mexico school

I didn't spank my kids and they turned out alright..Fuck you and your corporal punishment fetish pervo..
Some kids you do not have to go there. You ground them and they take the grounding. I am n9ot saying it is the first place to go, but when all else fails a swat on the ass never hurt any body for long. Thanks for calling me a perv it is interesting how quick your mind went into the gutter!
It's the perp that's the perv not the voyeur..
My girlfreind says I am not pervy enough. I say Iam just old and tired!
DEVELOPING: At least 3 Dead and 12 injured after shooting at New Mexico school…

DEVELOPING: At least 3 Dead and 12 injured after shooting at New Mexico school…

Oh here we go again another area they' will use to try and take the guns........told you sheep more incidents will happen so they can take the guns. this is how leftist rejects work.
Ya, the leftists planned the shooting! You must be deranged! Bring back corporal punishment. WE had no school shootings when I was a kid. We also had a paddle. Bring back the paddle and watch grades rise and the teachers will take back control of the school. kids today know parents have no power. We ground them and they just leave. We kick their ass for leaving when grounded and the parent goes to jail. Whaqt do we expect under this situation?

Your brain levels can't comprehend how INCIDENTS are takne and USED to get certain things accomplished ......

the more shooting that keep happening the more fuel it gives the SHEEP to use in order to make more gun laws THAT ARE ONLY USED AGAINST THOSE WHO OWN GUNS LEGALLY OR WANT TO OWN THEM LEGALLY.
here's a fkn NEWS FLASH criminals don't follow laws and get guns no matter how many laws are in place.

Another news flash :

I didn't spank my kids and they turned out alright..Fuck you and your corporal punishment fetish pervo..
Some kids you do not have to go there. You ground them and they take the grounding. I am n9ot saying it is the first place to go, but when all else fails a swat on the ass never hurt any body for long. Thanks for calling me a perv it is interesting how quick your mind went into the gutter!
It's the perp that's the perv not the voyeur..
My girlfreind says I am not pervy enough. I say Iam just old and tired!
Try mountain oysters...or calf fries....
I didn't spank my kids and they turned out alright..Fuck you and your corporal punishment fetish pervo..
Some kids you do not have to go there. You ground them and they take the grounding. I am n9ot saying it is the first place to go, but when all else fails a swat on the ass never hurt any body for long. Thanks for calling me a perv it is interesting how quick your mind went into the gutter!
It's the perp that's the perv not the voyeur..
My girlfreind says I am not pervy enough. I say Iam just old and tired!
Try mountain oysters...or calf fries....
I was thinking I would try a psychiatrist, my right hand realy should not be talking to me!
DEVELOPING: At least 3 Dead and 12 injured after shooting at New Mexico school…

DEVELOPING: At least 3 Dead and 12 injured after shooting at New Mexico school…

Oh here we go again another area they' will use to try and take the guns........told you sheep more incidents will happen so they can take the guns. this is how leftist rejects work.

View attachment 164788

2 students killed, gunman dead after shooting at New Mexico high school
Paranoid pantywaist
Obama extended places where you can carry.
I guess it was another mexican Muslim
Crouching in your double wide waiting for the drones???

Obama is a Muslim pos traitor losers follow losers though.
DEVELOPING: At least 3 Dead and 12 injured after shooting at New Mexico school…

DEVELOPING: At least 3 Dead and 12 injured after shooting at New Mexico school…

Oh here we go again another area they' will use to try and take the guns........told you sheep more incidents will happen so they can take the guns. this is how leftist rejects work.

View attachment 164788

2 students killed, gunman dead after shooting at New Mexico high school

I'm sure it's one of those nice DACA kids.
Terrible isn't it, these kids who are earning 10x what you ever did.
I think it was the muslims

What in God's name are you nattering about?

Don't do meth. It eats holes in your brain...and this is the result.

Apparently there's already been to much meth in the douche bags head. lol
DEVELOPING: At least 3 Dead and 12 injured after shooting at New Mexico school…

DEVELOPING: At least 3 Dead and 12 injured after shooting at New Mexico school…

Oh here we go again another area they' will use to try and take the guns........told you sheep more incidents will happen so they can take the guns. this is how leftist rejects work.

Today when kids are bullied they fight back....look at Harris and Klebold. As Red said on Shawshank "everyman has his breaking point"

Harris and Klebold were mentally ill and should never have been allowed in a public school. They should have been locked up permanently the minute they turned 12.
DEVELOPING: At least 3 Dead and 12 injured after shooting at New Mexico school…

DEVELOPING: At least 3 Dead and 12 injured after shooting at New Mexico school…

Oh here we go again another area they' will use to try and take the guns........told you sheep more incidents will happen so they can take the guns. this is how leftist rejects work.

View attachment 164788

2 students killed, gunman dead after shooting at New Mexico high school

or maybe they should stop letting people who shouldn't have guns, get them

your response is butt backwards.l
DEVELOPING: At least 3 Dead and 12 injured after shooting at New Mexico school…

DEVELOPING: At least 3 Dead and 12 injured after shooting at New Mexico school…

Oh here we go again another area they' will use to try and take the guns........told you sheep more incidents will happen so they can take the guns. this is how leftist rejects work.

View attachment 164788

2 students killed, gunman dead after shooting at New Mexico high school

I'm sure it's one of those nice DACA kids.
Terrible isn't it, these kids who are earning 10x what you ever did.
I think it was the muslims

What in God's name are you nattering about?

Don't do meth. It eats holes in your brain...and this is the result.

Apparently there's already been to much meth in the douche bags head. lol

glass houses, tinfoil hat....
DEVELOPING: At least 3 Dead and 12 injured after shooting at New Mexico school…

DEVELOPING: At least 3 Dead and 12 injured after shooting at New Mexico school…

Oh here we go again another area they' will use to try and take the guns........told you sheep more incidents will happen so they can take the guns. this is how leftist rejects work.

View attachment 164788

2 students killed, gunman dead after shooting at New Mexico high school

or maybe they should stop letting people who shouldn't have guns, get them

your response is butt backwards.l

So all illegals will be prevented from having guns. Awesome!'s already illegal.

So all mentally ill people shouldn't get's already illegal.

So all felons shouldn't get guns...Psst..guess what.

Drink less gin.
DEVELOPING: At least 3 Dead and 12 injured after shooting at New Mexico school…

DEVELOPING: At least 3 Dead and 12 injured after shooting at New Mexico school…

Oh here we go again another area they' will use to try and take the guns........told you sheep more incidents will happen so they can take the guns. this is how leftist rejects work.

View attachment 164788

2 students killed, gunman dead after shooting at New Mexico high school

or maybe they should stop letting people who shouldn't have guns, get them

your response is butt backwards.l

So all illegals will be prevented from having guns. Awesome!'s already illegal.

So all mentally ill people shouldn't get's already illegal.

So all felons shouldn't get guns...Psst..guess what.

Drink less gin.

illegals can't buy guns legally

and don't attribute your vices to me
Harris and Klebold were mentally ill and should never have been allowed in a public school. They should have been locked up permanently the minute they turned 12.

Not at all. I have followed that case closely and read several books on it. There did not seem anything wrong with them until close to the event. There was a little unimportant crime, but there is a lot of that in high schools.

As time progressed closer to the shooting, Harris probably did develop schizophrenia and Klebold became seriously depressed. Klebold did NOT show it, however --- he got into college, got ready for college, went to the prom ---- it was impossible to tell the shooting might happen.

Young males can develop schizophrenia very fast around late teens. A lot of shootings are a result of schizophrenia that no one identified. I don't know what we can do about that, frankly.
Harris and Klebold were mentally ill and should never have been allowed in a public school. They should have been locked up permanently the minute they turned 12.

Not at all. I have followed that case closely and read several books on it. There did not seem anything wrong with them until close to the event. There was a little unimportant crime, but there is a lot of that in high schools.

As time progressed closer to the shooting, Harris probably did develop schizophrenia and Klebold became seriously depressed. Klebold did NOT show it, however --- he got into college, got ready for college, went to the prom ---- it was impossible to tell the shooting might happen.

Young males can develop schizophrenia very fast around late teens. A lot of shootings are a result of schizophrenia that no one identified. I don't know what we can do about that, frankly.

They were both batshit crazy. Harris was known to be batshit crazy, and Klebold's journal showed him to be extremely batshit crazy.

And they should have been locked up the minute they hit adolescence.
DEVELOPING: At least 3 Dead and 12 injured after shooting at New Mexico school…

DEVELOPING: At least 3 Dead and 12 injured after shooting at New Mexico school…

Oh here we go again another area they' will use to try and take the guns........told you sheep more incidents will happen so they can take the guns. this is how leftist rejects work.

View attachment 164788

2 students killed, gunman dead after shooting at New Mexico high school

or maybe they should stop letting people who shouldn't have guns, get them

your response is butt backwards.l

So all illegals will be prevented from having guns. Awesome!'s already illegal.

So all mentally ill people shouldn't get's already illegal.

So all felons shouldn't get guns...Psst..guess what.

Drink less gin.

illegals can't buy guns legally

and don't attribute your vices to me
No shit!
Then explain how it is that they keep killing people with guns again? If gun laws keep them from killing people?

Tiny gin pickled sad. You need to breathe country air at some point in your life. Maybe your brain will heal.
Ok, news conference said 2 students killed, and male shooter dead. Said Sheriff forced his way in and kept more from being killed. Will not release info on any victim or the shooter until a later time, maybe tomorrow.

Somethings up., IMO.
DEVELOPING: At least 3 Dead and 12 injured after shooting at New Mexico school…

DEVELOPING: At least 3 Dead and 12 injured after shooting at New Mexico school…

Oh here we go again another area they' will use to try and take the guns........told you sheep more incidents will happen so they can take the guns. this is how leftist rejects work.

View attachment 164788

2 students killed, gunman dead after shooting at New Mexico high school

or maybe they should stop letting people who shouldn't have guns, get them

your response is butt backwards.l

There are already laws in place which make it a crime for ineligible people and criminals to posses firearms. If those laws don't work or are not being enforced, what good is passing more laws on top of laws? Have you ever known criminals to obey laws?

BTW: The lack of information being released indicates to me that it's probably Hispanic gang violence or over a girlfriend. Otherwise the headlines "Right-Wing Conservative Lunatic With NRA Ties Goes On Shooting Spree" would have been plastered all over the news.
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DEVELOPING: At least 3 Dead and 12 injured after shooting at New Mexico school…

DEVELOPING: At least 3 Dead and 12 injured after shooting at New Mexico school…

Oh here we go again another area they' will use to try and take the guns........told you sheep more incidents will happen so they can take the guns. this is how leftist rejects work.

View attachment 164788

2 students killed, gunman dead after shooting at New Mexico high school

or maybe they should stop letting people who shouldn't have guns, get them

your response is butt backwards.l

There are already laws in place which make it a crime for ineligible people and criminals to posses firearms. If those laws don't work or are not being enforced, what good is passing more laws on top of laws?

Have you ever known criminals to obey laws?
They don't listen. They are fools who don't recognize human rights, period. They think criminals and the mentally ill should be free to do as they we should foot the bill...and not be allowed to defend ourselves when we are attacked.

The people who believe in abortion and who want to take our guns WANT FEWER PEOPLE. They want to take our guns and kill babies because they want us, and our entire culture, to die.
DEVELOPING: At least 3 Dead and 12 injured after shooting at New Mexico school…

DEVELOPING: At least 3 Dead and 12 injured after shooting at New Mexico school…

Oh here we go again another area they' will use to try and take the guns........told you sheep more incidents will happen so they can take the guns. this is how leftist rejects work.

View attachment 164788

2 students killed, gunman dead after shooting at New Mexico high school

or maybe they should stop letting people who shouldn't have guns, get them

your response is butt backwards.l

There are already laws in place which make it a crime for ineligible people and criminals to posses firearms. If those laws don't work or are not being enforced, what good is passing more laws on top of laws?

Have you ever known criminals to obey laws?
They don't listen. They are fools who don't recognize human rights, period. They think criminals and the mentally ill should be free to do as they we should foot the bill...and not be allowed to defend ourselves when we are attacked.

The people who believe in abortion and who want to take our guns WANT FEWER PEOPLE. They want to take our guns and kill babies because they want us, and our entire culture, to die.

I'd like to subscribe to your newsletter. :biggrin:
DEVELOPING: At least 3 Dead and 12 injured after shooting at New Mexico school…

DEVELOPING: At least 3 Dead and 12 injured after shooting at New Mexico school…

Oh here we go again another area they' will use to try and take the guns........told you sheep more incidents will happen so they can take the guns. this is how leftist rejects work.

Today when kids are bullied they fight back....look at Harris and Klebold. As Red said on Shawshank "everyman has his breaking point"

The two shooters in Columbine were not bullied....that is not the truth about what fact, the leader of the two, was a very popular guy......

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